Please submit your best image for consideration in our monthly albums to, along with a one sentence image caption stating who is in the image, when and where the image was taken, and what is happening in the image. Please ensure you have ‘permission to publish’ from those pictured in the image.

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall was joined by Archdeacon Michael Faragher at the Chrism Eucharist and Collation Service of Laurel Raymond as Archdeacon of Cunningham and Kevin Bourke as Archdeacon of Lilley at St John’s Cathedral on 16 April 2019.

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall consecrating Bishop Keith Joseph in Townsville at St James’ Cathedral.

Highfields Anglicans in the Western Region proceeding to St Anne's on Palm Sunday.

(L-R) Vikilina, Rico, Victoria, Bosco and Roman Lo’amanu during their song and dance in the Tongan tradition of welcoming of the Word during Bishop Jeremy Greave's visit to the combined service of the Tongan Anglican Church and St Michael and All Angels Parish on Sunday 7 April at New Farm.

Fit for a queen: it was the birthday celebration of the century at St Martin’s Residential Home, Taigum on 8 April, when Lillian turned 100 years old. She was presented with a letter and card from the Queen herself. Anglicare staff and volunteers shared this moment with Lillian singing her 'Happy Birthday' and had a delicious cake to mark this significant milestone. Congrats, Lillian.

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall thanking The Rev'd Ken Spreadborough at The Rev'd Ken's farewell from the Anglican Board of Mission Committee on 10 April. The Rev'd Ken Spreadborough joined the ABM Committee at the end of 2007 and was appointed as Chairperson for a three-year term in 2011. Ken was a brilliant chairperson and not only organised things but also led by example, getting involved in all aspects of the committee's work from speaking at parishes, organising the Synod presentation and display, to supporting mission partners visiting the Diocese. Eight years later, Ken is retiring. Ken says a highlight of serving ABM and the Diocese in this way has been working with wonderful people; those on the committee and those he has met at wonderful events such as the ABM annual National Diocesan Representatives Conferences.

Keeping in mind the Archbishop’s call for generous hospitality this year, AMUA members from Hendra Clayfield provided the Sisters from the Society of the Sacred Advent with some homemade goodies following a happy time of shared worship and fellowship. Pictured: Marilyn Dunning, Sister Gillian and Mary Edwards. (Photo by AMUA)

Members of AMUA in Childers welcomed members from surrounding branches to a celebration of Lady Day. Banner bearers pictured: Maryborough – Sharon Stacey; Gayndah – Edna Hunter; Burnett Deanery – Coral Mungomery; Biggenden – Julia Young; Bundaberg – Mrs Bev Perry; Hervey Bay – Mrs Rosanne Stothardt.

(L-R) The Anglican Dean of Brisbane The Very Rev'd Dr Peter Catt, statue artist Dr Rhyl Hinwood AM and Archbishop Phillip Aspinall at the raising of the final statues outside the front of the Cathedral on Friday 12 April. The statues include 24 biblical characters who played significant roles in the story of Jesus.

St Margaret's Pre-Prep students hosted an Easter themed garden party for their parents and friends at the end of term. Fashioning their own hats from colourful Easter decorations, the students also enjoyed a range of sweet Easter treats, cupcakes and juice boxes. Kano Furuya is pictured with her unique hat creation.

Bishop John Roundhill and Holland Park Mosque Imam Uzair Akbar outside Holland Park Mosque in the lead up to Bishop John's Holy Week 'walk and talk' pilgrimage from Brisbane to the Gold Coast.

St John's Anglican College Leos Club members had a busy two weeks in early April spending time helping the environment by picking up litter on College Avenue, and packing over 200 Easter egg bags for the Inala Salvation Army Easter Appeal.

Policy and Advocacy Advisor Ian Eckersley, Project Editor Claudine Capel and Administrative Assistant Jolanda Vorster munching on crisp apples kindly given to St Martin's House staff and clergy by the Parish of Stanthorpe in April 2019.

Bishop John Roundhill with parishioners from the Inala Anglican Parish in a 'Sunday Selfie'.

(L-R) Fraser Coast Anglican College Captain Carla Bull, Principal Mr Joe Wright, past student and guest speaker Miss Jenna Fuller, College Captain Tommy Lau and College Chaplain Father Jeff Jarvis at their Foundation Day event on 1 April.

The Rev’d Nicholas Whereat from Aspley Albany Creek Parish standing in solidarity with people seeking asylum at the 'Palm Sunday Rally for Peace and Refugees' at Speaker’s Corner, Brisbane.

The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt, Dean of St John’s Cathedral, calling for compassion for people seeking asylum at the 'Palm Sunday Rally for Peace and Refugees' at Speaker’s Corner, Brisbane.

Frances Thomson and husband Bishop John Roundhill after completing their 100th Parkrun. Frances and John are community volunteers for Parkrun. Parkrun is an initiative which aims to get people out exercising (run/walk or shuffle) by providing a free 5km event every Saturday, run by volunteers. There are hundreds of Parkrun events in parks all over Australia on Saturday mornings. Parkrun is also in many other countries, worldwide.

Coomera Anglican College 'old boy' Jack Tolley (2014 graduate) with his parents Trudy and ACSQ Manager Risk, Compliance & Insurance Philip Tolley at Everest Base Camp on 15 April. Philip's Ann St colleagues think that his bare legs (he wore shorts throughout his trip to Nepal) are more of a give away than the flag re what country the family hails from. Jack trekked to a height of over 5,300 metres with his parents to Base Camp in April.

Canterbury College Year 9 students have been learning about the various mechanisms our body uses to maintain homeostasis. One of these systems is the nervous system. Their assessment task this term had them investigating how various distractions impact the response time of drivers. This month, students presented their findings from this research. The students also unveiled a giant model of the human brain built as a 3-dimensional information poster, which lights up to show the various regions of the brain and explains what they do. Their special guest for the event was Associate Professor Bruno van Swinderen from the Queensland Brain Institute, who spoke to the students about some of the latest research into brain function. The model brain will be on display in the Research and Next Centre for all staff and students to admire and interact with.

Canterbury College hosted a very colourful and moving farewell event for their Head of College Mrs Donna Anderson this month. Starting from her office, she was escorted to the Canterbury Events Centre with performances, balloons and flowers along the way. Guest speakers, more performances and a special video montage followed, all celebrating her achievements and successes. Thank you for fifteen wonderful years of leadership, Mrs Anderson.

Finance and Diocesan Services Commission (FDSC) team members Ainslie, Michelle, Susan and Michael getting into the #AprilAngel spirit, putting bags of toiletries, underwear and food outside St Martin's House, where The Rev'd Dr Ann Solari from St John's Cathedral, Brisbane has set up a collection point for rough sleepers. The bags also contain a friendly note from each of these FDSC team members.

Congratulations to Matthew Flinders Anglican College students Callum Simpson (Year 6) and Georgia Edwards (Year 5) who won medals at the recent State Swimming Championships. Both Callum and Georgia will go on to swim for Queensland at the National Swimming Championships in Melbourne in Term 2. Georgia won a silver medal in the 100m breaststroke, while Callum won seven golds, one silver and one bronze and received the Sue Fleming Queensland Multi-class swimmer of the meet. An admirable effort by two passionate swimmers! Pictured: Callum Simpson.

Andrew Dowling (Diocesan Financial Controller) and Kelly Houston (Parish Liaison Officer) travelled to Gympie for three days of training for Parish Administrators, Treasurers and Parish Councillors at St John's Place, Gympie. Andrew and Kelly enjoyed five minutes of downtime and Gympie hospitality before the Treasurer's Day began.

St Aidan's Duke of Ed girls on their qualifying journey this month, developing an appreciation for Indigenous culture in SEQ. Thanks to Nyanda Cultural Tours for sharing your culture with the girls.

On Friday 5 April, Treasurers came together at St John’s Place, Gympie for the first Treasurers' Training Day of 2019. (L-R) Glenys Willocks (Kilcoy), Charmaine Smith (Maryborough), Norma Doyle (Hervey Bay), Bronwyn Saunders (Gympie), Shirley Hayes (Maroochydore), Kelinda Black (Nambour), Marie Flegler (Maroochydore), Kelly Houston (Parish Liaison Officer), Mary Lupton (Coolum Beach), Caroline Brady (Nambour).

The Glennie School held their Junior Years Grandparents' day on 12 April, where grandparents and students came together to enjoy each other's company and participate in art and craft and other fun activities.

Toowoomba Anglican School Year 2 students visited Royal Bull's Head Inn Toowoomba and St Matthew's Anglican Church. They enjoyed a great day out exploring and getting in touch with the past!

Bishop John Roundhill with The Rev'd Penny Jones and Milton Anglicans on Palm Sunday at St Francis College.

The Rev'd Christopher Bate and young parishioners at All Saints, Booval on Palm Sunday.

The Southport School students lining up for a sausage sandwich during their BBQ and free-dress day fundraiser. All proceeds went toward Musgrave Hill State School’s Learn to Swim program.

Archdeacon Laurel Raymond was joined by family and parishioners from Allora-Clifton for her Collation Service at St John's Anglican Cathedral on 16 April.

Nambour Respite Centre friends creating (and decorating) pot plants out of recycled materials.

Roscoe Library Manager Eve James welcoming new Spiritual Direction Formation students to St Francis College, as they tour the Roscoe Library and borrow from the wonderful selection of books and magazines in the subject area of Spiritual Direction.

'Remembering the Frontier Wars Service' at St Mark’s, Buderim, on Anzac Day, 2019 with Bishop Jeremy Greaves officiating.

Anglican Church Southern Queensland clergy and parishioners joined forces, raising money to support Anglicare’s work with victims of domestic violence, at the UQ Twilight Run on Sunday 28 April: (L-R) Matt, Will, Nathan, Fr Nicholas Whereat and Peter. Fr Nicholas said that: "The UQ Twilight Run will likely be on again in late April next year, so if people want to join us they will be very welcome. They can dust off their running shoes and set a goal for 5 km, 10 km or the 21 km half-marathon. It is a great way to loose a few kilos, get fit and fund raise for a very worthy cause." Congrats to all the participants and to Anglicare for the great work they do.

Over 200 SEQ community members of diverse faith backgrounds joined together on 26 April at a multi-faith service at St. Philip's Anglican Church in Annerley to pray for the victims of the Easter Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka. The St. Philips Church Tamil Congregation hosted the multi-faith prayer service, where faith leaders from the Sri Lanka Buddhist Monastery, Holland Park Mosque, Chung Tian Temple, GNST - Guru Nanak Sikh Temple Brisbane and Islamic Council of Queensland, as well as Hindu priest Sai Saileshwara and The Rev'd Daniel Jayaraj from All Saints' Anglican Church, Chermside, spoke from the heart about our common humanity and prayed for the people of Sri Lanka. After the service, we gathered together for supper to connect over coffee in the church hall.

(L-R) Catholic Mercy Sister Dolores Creevey, The Rev'd Daniel Jayaraj from All Saints Anglican Parish, Chermside and Bronwynne Jettoo from the Sai Saileshwara Temple at supper after the St Philip's, Annerley multi-faith prayer service for victims of the Sri Lanka Easter Sunday attacks on Friday 26 April.