“In the face of racialised Nazi ideology, particularly anti-semitism, Church leadership remained conspicuously silent. Not to mention the widespread complicity of many ‘ordinary’ Christians,” says The Rev’d Charlie Lacey from St Andrew’s, Springfield
“A tall intimidating-looking man was walking towards me. His head was shaved and tattooed. I remained motionless, rooted to the spot. As he passed me, he whispered, ‘God bless’,” says Cheryl Courtice on her early prison chaplaincy experience
“Rut and routine can easily infiltrate one’s ministry, and Bishop Ian Lambert’s message was a timely reminder that God is indeed supernatural, and we can put our faith in Him to save, heal and restore. Bishop Ian encouraged us to hand over the control of our churches to God. I was greatly blessed by this reminder that God is a supernatural God and that we can put our trust in Him with confidence,” says The Rev’d Steve Wockner on the recently held Anglicans Ablaze Australia Conference
“My suggestion for anyone who thinks they may have a call to ordained ministry is to be brave…Be brave to get outside your comfort zone, to take the first step towards Seekers Day,” says The Rev’d Lyn Kareta as Seekers Day approaches on Saturday 31 August