anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Executive Director, Anglicare Southern Queensland

Sue Cooke

About Sue -

Sue Cooke R.N. is the Executive Director of Anglicare Southern Queensland. She has a Bachelor of Nursing, a Master of Education (Hons), a Master of Business Administration and a GAICD.

Sue writes on -

Articles by Sue

Justice & Advocacy Aunty Dr Rose Elu Justice & Advocacy

ACSQ Parliamentary submission: 'Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God'

“As Christians, we place a high value on peace. The Bible records Jesus of Nazareth saying: ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God’…We believe that the implementation of the Voice through the proposed constitutional amendment wording will advance peace and the ongoing Reconciliation process, thus helping to foster healing and unify our country,” say Aunty Dr Rose Elu, Canon Bruce Boase, The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt, Anglicare’s Sue Cooke and the Anglican Schools Commission’s Sherril Butterworth in their recent Parliamentary submission

"...studies show that the life expectancy gap between non-Indigenous and Indigenous populations is widening...To effectively close the health and life expectancy gap, Aboriginal peoples in rural and remote contexts require a culturally safe and reliable grassroots channel to communicate their unique needs," (Sue Cooke, Anglicare Southern Queensland CEO and registered nurse)
Justice & Advocacy

Why I am voting “yes” in the referendum: Sue Cooke

“In order to effectively close the health and life expectancy gap, Aboriginal peoples in rural and remote contexts need a culturally safe and reliable grassroots channel to communicate their unique needs. This is one of the reasons I will be voting ‘yes’ for the Voice to Parliament,” says Anglicare Southern Queensland CEO and registered nurse Sue Cooke


Change the date: being allies with our First Nations peoples

“As part of Anglicare Southern Queensland’s Reconciliation journey this year, for the first time Anglicare provided all staff with the choice to either take the Australia Day public holiday on 26 January or work that day and take another day off in lieu…The anniversary of this day for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples represents a time to mourn, as their cultures, lives and families were devastated by colonisation”