Meet Uncle Milton Walit from St Saviour’s, Laidley and find out about his Anglican Church roles, his faith journey, why he joined the Army, his bishop uncle mentor and his thoughts on Reconciliation, the Bible and Anzac Day
“As a community, after the Easter Day service we celebrated the resurrection of the Lord Jesus with a big kai kai (feast). People from all over the Torres Strait Islands and Papua New Guinea (which was then still administered by Australia) came via sailing canoes rather than by motor boats, bringing seafood, taro, sweet potato, casava, sago and other traditional foods. We then had traditional dancing with men wearing headdresses made of emu feathers and women wearing grass skirts,” says Uncle Milton Walit from NATSIAC and The Parish of Laidley
“Instead of going straight out to the beach to spear fish when our spears were ready one day, our father’s, father’s brother explained to us young ones about the movement of the tides — when to go out and when not to go out, when it was dangerous and when it was safe. Since then the sea has become much more dangerous because of the changing climate,” says Uncle Milton Walit from The Parish of Laidley
Hear clergy and lay leaders share about their Synod 2023 highlights: “Paul tells us that we are many parts, but one body” and “We say that God works mysteriously”
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