Please submit your best image for consideration in our monthly albums to, along with a one sentence image caption stating who is in the image, when and where the image was taken, and what is happening in the image. Please ensure you have ‘permission to publish’ from those pictured in the image.

Ranjani, St Francis College student Loretta Tyler-Moss, The Rev’d Victor Joseph (Principal, Wontulp-Bi-Buya College), The Rev’d Andrew Schmidt (with baby John), The Rev’d Samuel Dow (with Ellie), The Rev’d Jasmine Dow (with Amelie), St Francis College student Glynn Holland-Leam, Peter Branjerdporn and Louise Schmidt on the ABM pilgrimage to Wontulp-Bi-Buya College in Cairns in mid-June

As part of #ClimateWeekQld our Justice Unit welcomed community members to a breakfast conversation at South Bank on Friday 7 June. Scott Stephens, David Clough, Ruth Narawa from Fiji and Casper Sikou from the Solomon Islands spoke on the challenge of the climate crisis for people of faith both here and for our neighbours in the Pacific. (L-R) Terry Russell. Justice Enabler Peter Branjerdporn, Ruth Narawa, Casper Sikou and Chair of Angligreen Fr Peter Moore

Bribie Anglicans enjoyed a combined service and lunch as they celebrated their Patronal Festival on 23 June. They expressed a big thanks to organisers and the singing group for the entertainment.

Thanks to the Anglicare Southern Queensland ICT Team, especially Brad and Emma, for warming up Cathedral Precinct clergy and staff with a hot sausage sizzle at lunch on 5 June to mark the first State of Origin game for the season. Cathedral Precinct staff and clergy enjoyed the BBQ and a friendly chat, with others from across our Diocese also dropping by to join in the fun. Brad summed up the BBQ's intention and spirit clearly in his official invitation: "This is an awesome opportunity to socialise with other departments and support both teams, even NSW for those of you who realised QLD was a better place to live."

(L-R) Bishop John Roundhill, Greg, The Rev'd Ray Clifton, Peter Branjerdporn and The Rev'd Linda McWilliam enjoying a chat at the 5 June State of Origin BBQ in the Cathedral Precinct.

The crowd starting to gather for the Fraser Coast Anglican College Open Day.

Bishop Jeremy Greaves taking (author) Annie Dillard's advice and wearing a hard hat at All Saints' Anglican Parish, Chermside on Pentecost Sunday in 2019

Education and Mission Advisor for the Anglican Schools Commission Vaness Gamack and The Rev'd Canon Bruce Boase at a lunch to celebrate 2019's National Reconciliation Week, hosted by Anglicare and the Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group.

Susan and Randal Dennings from the Anglican Labyrinth Resource Group conducted a Labyrinth Prayer Walk on Friday 7 June at Churchie. Their generosity and wealth of knowledge provided an opportunity for each student to appreciate and explore this ancient tool for prayer. The Year 4 students were invited to pray and reflect on being a good neighbour and how we can use our gifts to show kindness and include others, as they passed over the threshold and walked the labyrinth path.

On 7 June, St Margaret’s students hosted 'Diversity Day', a celebration of the multiculturalism of the St Margaret’s community, where students were treated to a feast of food, music and games from different cultures and shared symbols and messages of inter-cultural friendship. Pictured are: (L to R) Tannisha Tran, Mary Isinii (Haddassah’s grandmother), Tehani Agonia, Haddassah Todd, Allysah Toua, Sarah Haoda (Hadassah’s mother), Brynella Yokope and Naomi Pang.

The Rev'd David Browne was Commissioned as Priest-In-Charge of the Dalby Parish on 20 June. The Rev'd David is pictured with parishioners and his wife The Rev'd Zoe Browne and their two sons Micah and Jude. Three Bishops also attended – Bishop Cam Venables, Bishop Clyde Wood retired Bishop of the Western Region and Bishop Daniel Abot.

Bella Lilford, talented student at The Glennie School, practising the trombone. In 2018 Bella auditioned and gained selection into the Young Conservatorium Wind Orchestra at the Griffith University Young Conservatorium. This year, Bella has taken her trombone talent to a new level and successfully auditioned for the Pacific Honours Ensemble Program (PHEP). Bella is one of 20 students accepted into this prestigious program and will travel to Seattle, for a nine-day adventure of a lifetime later this year. “I love travelling and performing, so I was happy to follow in the footsteps of Jess Page (Glennie Old Girl 2018) who attended the same program last year,” Bella said.

Cathy Delaney, Rob Gilland, Judith Harvison and Mark Delaney and other participants at St Andrews Anglican church, South Brisbane on Saturday 15 June in discussion on creative ways of reducing our carbon footprint.

A record 45 teams and 174 students students from St Andrew's Anglican College, Peregian Springs participated in the Kokoda Challenge on Saturday 1 June, Australia's 'toughest endurance event' which raises funds for life changing programs targeting Australian Youth.

St Andrew's Anglican College teacher Alex Austin and his team of four students, Harry, Luca, Will and Max, took out the overall win for the 48km Kokoda Challenge event on Saturday 1 June, which they completed in under 7 hours. It is the third Kokoda Challenge win for Mr Austin.

On Friday 7 June, St John’s Anglican College students together with The Rev'd Susan Crothers-Robertson participated in the annual Baptism and Holy Communion service in the St John’s Anglican College, Living Faith Chapel. (L-R): The Rev'd Susan Crothers-Robertson, Nathaniel Foelz, Max Rutherford-Currie, Caiden Harris, Mrs Maria McIvor (Principal), Mrs Jodie Coates, Zoe Atley, Levi McKinnon, Reuben Thomas, Ben Waalder, Mayanna Foelz, Mia Rutherford-Currie, Taylor Coates, Kyra Turner and Mrs Sandra Hawken (Head of Primary).

On 24 June Anglicare celebrated some of their extraordinary staff. Congratulations to Wati, Diane, Sylvia and Joshua who between the four of them have been providing caring service with Anglicare at Symes Grove Residential Home for over 75 years!

Around 155 people from St Bart’s, Toowoomba gathered for their FOCUS Weekend Away at Coolum Beach (Luther Heights Youth Camp) on the first weekend of June. With lots of kids and a mix of generations, it was a great opportunity to grow as disciples, share time together, and have fun at the beach. Our guest speaker was The Rev’d Dr Graham Stanton.

Fraser Coast Anglican College students participating in team building exercises as part of their Year 8 & 9 Challenge Day in mid-June.

'Happy Days' were had by Anglicare Sunshine Coast Respite clients who enjoyed a cuppa for morning tea at a local retro diner in late June. The group also participated in seated yoga to get energised and get moving.

Liturgical Assistants gathered for a training day at St James' Anglican Church, Toowoomba on 8 June.

Mothers Union members of the Bundaberg Branch celebrating the 80th anniversary of their branch at Christ Church, Bundaberg on 12 June.

On Friday 28 June 2019 at St John's Cathedral, a special Eucharistic service was held to mark the commencement of our 79th Synod, together with the ordination of Kate Ross to the Diaconate and of The Rev'd Beryl Neilsen to the Priesthood, and (pictured) the collation of The Rev'd Geoff Hoyte as Archdeacon of the Gold Coast. A huge congratulations to these clergy persons!

Assembling outside the Cathedral before the processional at the Friday 28 June Synod Eucharistic service: Bishop Cam Venables, The Rev'd Danni Clark, Bishop Daniel Deng Abot who is the Bishop of Duk Diocese (Episcopal Church of South Sudan), and Bishop Peter Mayom who is the Bishop of Malek Diocese (Episcopal Church of South Sudan).

Thank you to the St John's Cathedral volunteers and staff who made and served the hearty pumpkin soup for Synod members at Friday night's Synod Eucharistic service. (L-R): Cathedral Steward and Council Member Norma Kleinschmidt, Community Development Coordinator Judy Fay and Cathedral Parishioner Lee Beanland.

Synod Open Space facilitator Brendan McKeague introducing Open Space to Synod members in Morris Hall, Churchie.

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall joining other 2019 Synod members as they consider which Open Space self-organising dialogue session to participate in.

Reconciliation Action Plan Coordinator Chrissy Ellis and National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council (NATSIAC) Executive Member Aunty Rose Elu discussing Reconciliation and The Uluru Statement From the Heart in a packed-out Synod Open Space session.

Neville Eckersley and The Rev'd Danni Clark chatting about which Synod Open Space session they will join in next.

Anglican Parish of St George with Dirranbandi Church Warden Diane Massurit, who helped organise the Action Plan following the climate change Open Space conversation at Synod.

The Rev'd Zoë Browne (with baby Jude) and Helen Briffa at the Bush Ministry Fund (BMF) Synod stall. The aim of the BMF is to maintain a caring ministry to families who live in towns and on properties in rural and remote areas. If you are able to, please help resource ministry in our Western communities by making a donation to the BMF. Your prayers for people in the bush and the BMF's ministry to them are especially welcomed.

Mothers Union Diocesan President Bev Perry cutting the 10-year anniversary celebration cake at Gold Coast North Parish on 27 June (Photo by Colleen Gibson).