St John’s Cathedral celebrates 10th Anniversary of Consecration with a festival
St John’s Anglican Cathedral will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Consecration with a festival and book launch this weekend

St John’s Anglican Cathedral will celebrate its 10th Anniversary of Consecration with a festival and book launch this weekend.
A full program of community events, including concerts, Eucharistic services, a BBQ and dinner, over the weekend of Friday 25 to Sunday 27 October will be capped off with the official launch of the Cathedral’s latest book by His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC, Governor of Queensland on the Sunday evening.
The book St John’s Cathedral: THE WINDOWS is a fully-illustrated guide to the Cathedral’s collection of more than 60 magnificent stained-glass windows, and has been fully revised and updated in a special second commemorative edition.

St John’s Cathedral: THE WINDOWS
Dean of St John’s Cathedral The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt said that the anniversary event will celebrate how the Cathedral’s vision has been realised since the consecration.
“On Sunday afternoon, as well as celebrating the consecration, we will remember that on that day ten years a long-held dream came true,” Dr Catt said.
“Our task over the past ten years has been to put the building phase behind us, and to discern what the dream looks like now.
“On Sunday we will celebrate the way the dream has been unfolding during this past decade.”
Among the festival weekend’s special guests is The Right Rev’d John Parkes AM, presently Bishop of Wangaratta – and Dr Catt’s predecessor as Dean when the Cathedral was completed – who will preach at the Sunday morning Eucharists.

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall inscribes with oil the Chi-Rho and Alpha and Omega on the consecration stone, with The Rev’d Cameron Freese and The Rev’d Canon Richard Tutin (Image by Michael Stephenson, Priest in the Diocese of Brisbane)
The Archbishop of Brisbane The Most Rev’d Dr Phillip Aspinall, who will preach at the Sunday evening Choral Evensong at 6pm, said that he remembers the Consecration event well.
“Thursday 29 October 2009 was a deeply joyful occasion, when some 1500 people gathered to give thanks to God for the completed Cathedral, 108 years after the laying of the foundation stone,” Dr Aspinall said.
“Personally, it was a unique privilege to be the consecrating bishop.”
A wine and cheese gathering and the book launch by His Excellency will follow the Choral Evensong.
Festival weekend program
Friday 25 October
9.00pm Cathedral Girls’ Choir: Nocturnes and Service of Compline
Saturday 26 October
5.30pm Festival Weekend Community Dinner
Sunday 27 October
7.30am Holy Eucharist (Preacher: Bishop John Parkes) followed by celebratory morning tea
9.30am Choral Eucharist (Preacher: Bishop John Parkes) followed by Community BBQ
11.30am Brass Concert
3.00pm Tenth Anniversary 2009-2019 Celebration (with afternoon tea)
5.00pm Consecration Concert
6.00pm Choral Evensong (Preacher: The Archbishop)
7.00pm Wine and cheese with the official launch of the fully-revised and expanded second, commemorative edition of St John’s Cathedral: THE WINDOWS by His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC, Governor of Queensland