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Tips and resources for parents: online ground rules and conversations


The Anglican Schools Commission’s Steve Window offers parents and caregivers tips and resources to assist with creating ground rules, establishing a routine, and discussing online safety with kids and teens while they are currently spending more time at home

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Establishing a daily routine and online ground rules have always been challenging and our current community situation has heightened some concerns.

Here are the basics, which you may want to revisit, given the significantly increased amount of time children and adolescents are necessarily spending at home at present.

Suggested ground rules include:

Help to establish a routine

Have a family meeting to talk about how each of you are going to interact online while you are all together in the house. You may want to talk to them about what you expect from them while you all work and study from home. This will also give you the opportunity to discuss what they like to do online and to see the apps (including games) they use.

Ask and reaffirm:

The following are some suggested questions and pointers to assist with your conversations:




Screen time

Taking action

Where can they get help?

Why not bookmark these on your child’s device?

School resources for you:

These are challenging and uncertain times – to assist you, additional parental advice can be found at:

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