Please submit your best image (single best image, please) featuring people for consideration in our monthly albums to, along with a one-sentence image caption stating who is in the image, when and where the image was taken, and what is happening in the image. Please ensure that images are at least 150kb in file size and that you have ‘permission to publish’ from those pictured in the image.

St Bart's, Toowoomba Facebook 31 January 2021: "So thankful to God for this man, Bishop Daniel. Daniel is a mission partner, Bishop of Duk in South Sudan, and in 2021 is a resource person for ethnic congregations in the Anglican Church of Southern QLD. He and Rachel demonstrate a life of such phenomenal faithfulness and he’s always teaching us more about what it means to be a passionate follower of Jesus. Today we also added a Dinka translation to our sermon notes in addition to Korean! There will soon be a Sudanese Bible Study too, in addition to those in English and Korean. Praise God for his diverse body unified in Christ, in anticipation of gathering around his throne."

Bishop Jeremy Greaves Facebook on 3 January 2021: "Epiphany at St John's, Hervey Bay. 'The wise and the simple all have a place in the story.' ‘The first point about Epiphany is that all are called and welcomed and accepted. Our own loving adoration and deep certitude, if God in His mercy gives us that, is never to break our brotherhood with those who come longer journeys by other paths, led by a different star.' Evelyn Underhill"

Parish of Dalby Facebook on 31 January 2021: "We had an absolute blast at our Kids’ Church launch today. Such a joy to commission our leaders and pray for our kids as we begin a new year with God!"

St Peter's, Wynnum Facebook on 26 January 2021: "Men’s Shed representatives (Errol & Bob) check out the new Sails shed whilst collecting the stand-up paddle board which had been stored in the the St Peter’s shed."

Toowoomba Anglican School Facebook on 21 January 2021: "YEAR 12 RETREAT | All the best to our new Year 12 cohort heading off to the Year 12 Retreat in the Bunya Mountains! Starting the year strong with plenty of team building and leadership training."

Bishop John Roundhill Facebook on 24 January 2021: "A delightful Sunday double at St Mark's Daisy Hill. These #Sundayselfies are from their 9.30am and 7.30am service. St Mark's was the church I visited on March 22nd last year, the Sunday before lockdown. It was very good to be back with them again."

Canterbury College Facebook on 27 January 2021: "WE SURVIVED: Our littlest Canterbury students had a great official first day of Kindy today. There were (mostly) happy but weary faces just before pick up time this afternoon."

St Aidan's Anglican Girls' School Facebook on 17 January 2021: "Our Space Design Team has done it again – Australian champions at the 2021 Australian Space Design Competition finals. Congratulations to all of the girls who worked solidly over the last three days to produce the winning tender. Special mention to our CEO Clare Allison for her outstanding leadership and also to Ava Schwennesen, who received the Peter O'Keefe Silent: Leader Award. Trophies are in the mail. Time to catch up on some sleep now!"

Anglicare SQ Facebook on 12 January 2021: "Now the festive season is over, you might be reflecting on the past few weeks and maybe you've noticed it's starting to get more difficult to do the jobs around the house. It's time to start thinking about your plans for 2021. Planning ahead and getting support around the house when you need it before a crisis is critical. Finances are also an important factor to consider when it comes to in home support services, we’ve put together a basic guide to the financial support available to access services. Find out more."

Glennie School Facebook on 29 January 2021: "Our Senior class of 2021 was officially blessed and badged this morning, with Bishop Cameron Venables blessing the girls and Principal Ms Mary Anne Evans presenting their badges. The Seniors were also able to perform their special Senior chant for the first time."

Mission to Seafarers Brisbane Facebook on 28 January 2021: "It's with great pleasure to announce that Marcia Scholes - a Mission to Seafarers Brisbane Volunteer for 70 years (1948-2018) - has been awarded an OAM for services to her Community and the Anglican Church. Marcia is a wonderful role model for young women and for anyone considering the worth of volunteering given her lifelong commitment and devotion to caring for others. Her award is likely to be presented to her by the Governor General in April or May this year so stay tuned."

St Luke's Anglican School Facebook on 29 January 2021: "Back to school smiles."

Parish of North Pine Facebook on 30 January 2021: "Thrilled to welcome Amelia Mae Patten into God’s family by the waters of Baptism."

St Paul's School Facebook on 27 January 2021: "There were a lot of smiling faces about today as we welcomed all of our students back to school for their first day of 2021. We were also excited to see many of our St Paul's parents back on campus and in classrooms for drop-off this morning. We look forward to seeing our St Paul's community continue to grow in size and strength this year. It is lovely to have you all back."

To kick start the 2021 school year, Fraser Coast Anglican College students from Years 3 to 6 participated in a Leadership Program with the team from Character Builders. Students participated in challenges and activities to develop the students' teamwork and leadership skills. The program was run over two days, on 27 and 28 January.

Doing Justice Facebook 5 February 2021 (re 30 January event): "What an AMAZING day! Hope For Creation saw 50 Christians from across all traditions sharing, listening, laughing, engaging, dreaming, challenging and collaborating with one another on how to care for Creation together in Qld. What emerged at the end of the process were a wide range of conversation topics convened by people in the room and participants are now encouraged to connect with their small groups going forward and experiment with those ideas. There may be an online version of this gathering in the next few weeks to include those unable to come and Qlders further afield. Please get in touch if you're keen to be involved. The topics self-generated from the group were: - Working with children / young people / families - Local Regenerative Economy - Church Engagement - Churches not supporting damage to Creation - Changing Public Discourse - Churches engaging with & learning from First Nations People - Civil Disobedience & Nonviolent Direct Action. Many thanks to Cathy from Tearfund Australia for helping to host this event, and wonderful facilitator Vivienne Read who held space while allowing us to self-organise and work proactively together. We are especially grateful for Bianca Manning from Common Grace for her Acknowledgement of Country and helping us put First Nations people and history at the heart of our creation care discussions. Always wonderful to have Ema Vueti from Pacific Islands Council of QLD Inc. share her perspective and wisdom with us also. Big thanks to St Andrew's, South Brisbane for providing the venue!"

St Margaret's Prefects Julia Elks and Charlotte Russell welcome students on the first school day of 2021. For St Margaret’s the start of the 2021 school year in marked a record-breaking milestone for enrolments with the school welcoming 1135 new and returning students and the boarding house at near capacity with 183 students living on campus. Principal Ros Curtis attributes the growth in enrolments to the school’s strong reputation in the community: “St Margaret’s has a 126-year tradition of delivering a holistic education focused on nurturing and developing students’ academically, physically, spiritually and mentally.”

On Friday 29 January 2021, our Preparatory School leaders were inducted at a special assembly. Here they are pictured with Head of Preparatory School Mr Mark Wyer and Deputy Head of Preparatory School Mr Gavin Darwin in front of a statue of Churchie’s founder, Canon William Perry French Morris.