Please submit your best image (single best image, please) featuring people for consideration in our monthly albums to, along with a one-sentence image caption stating who is in the image, when and where the image was taken, and what is happening in the image. Please ensure that images are at least 150kb in file size and that you have ‘permission to publish’ from those pictured in the image.

On Wednesday 24 February 2021 Archbishop Phillip Aspinall consecrated Peter Grice as the new Bishop of Rockhampton. Bishops, clergy and lay people from around Australia gathered for the joyous occasion, which was livestreamed from our Cathedral for parishioners in Central Queensland

Cathedral Events Manager Gerard Finn, Cathedral Dean The Very Rev'd Dr Peter Catt and Director of Mission at Anglicare Southern Queensland The Rev'd Canon Linda McWilliam enjoying a chat over pancakes on Shrove Tuesday in the Cathedral on 16 February 2021.

Seven Fraser Coast Anglican College Arts students have had their beautiful artwork published in a coffee table book called Streetscape Character of Hervey Bay. The book is an initiative of the Fraser Coast Regional Council. Visiting the College to celebrate the launch of the book on Tuesday 23 February 2021 was Fraser Coast Mayor, George Seymour. Cr Seymour met with one of the students whose work is in the book, Jo from Year 11. Pictured L-R are: Fraser Coast Mayor, Cr George Seymour; Year 11 Student Jo Lewis; FCAC Visual Arts Teacher Mrs Cassie O’Brien; and, FCAC Principal Mr Joe Wright.

Anglicare Southern Queensland Facebook on 24 February 2021: "What does it look like when the Roma Community come together for a Community Day? It's a whole lot of fun! The day was a chance for locals and families to come along and make social connections in the community. There wasn't a shortage of activities to get involved in, as there were activities for kids, a BBQ, a kindness garden and board games, and more! A special shoutout goes to

On Tuesday 23 February 2021, The Rev'd Juliana Bate was commissioned by Bishop John Roundhill as the Chaplain of St John's Anglican College (Forest Lake) in St John's Cathedral. Joining The Rev'd Juliana at St John’s will be her two children, Connar and Victoria, who are enrolled to attend the College. Principal, Mrs Maria McIvor said in her commissioning address: “Reverend Juliana, you have been woven to strengthen the fabric of our College and this morning we welcome you, Chris, Connar and Victoria. We honour you with love and gratitude, for the gifts and service you will bestow on our College community."

East Redlands Angicans Facebook on 21 February 2021: "The Rev’d Danni had a new assistant at St Mark's, Dunwich this morning as Bibi had her first time out as a server. Everyone agreed that Bibi did a great job and we look forward to seeing her out and about around the parish more. Good job, Bibi!"

The Lakes Anglican Church Facebook on 5 February 2021: "Blessed to take a funeral service for a family member of one of our church family. Blessed also that we could use the church (St Mary's, Redcliffe) and blessed that Dylan could add this experience as part of his internship program."

On 17 February 2021, people from across our Diocesan community gathered in the Cathedral for the lunchtime Ash Wednesday service. For COVID-19 safety reasons, ashes were applied by each individual to their own foreheads (pictured are The Rev'd Kate Ross and Joanne Rose from PMC and the Bishops' Office).

Bishop John Roundhill Facebook on 21 February 2021: "Well this is news I can post on Facebook here in Australia! A #Sundayselfie from St Paul's East Brisbane at their 8am service. Thank you to the Churchie boys for the lovely addition to the music and congratulations to Harriet and Cameron. 1st Sunday of Lent, a wilderness journey."

On 16 February 2021 at the Diocesan Mothers Union Council meeting in St John's Cathedral, AMUA Diocesan President Bev Perry thanked Poinsettia Post editor Dorami Keyt who is stepping down from this position after seven years of providing this quarterly Diocesan magazine to AMUA members (Photo by Chris Martin).

On 16 February 2021 in St John’s Cathedral, AMUA Diocesan President Bev Perry (during the Diocesan Council meeting) presented AMUA Bursary Certificates valued at $1200 each to provide financial assistance to complete the compulsory Clinical Pastoral Education component of their ministry course to The Rev’d Dr Gemma Dashwood and Brad Turner (the third recipient Ted Star was unable to attend) (Photo by Chris Martin).

Anglicare Southern Queensland Facebook on 14 February 2021: "Love is in the air! Valentine's Day is a reminder to share your appreciation with those you love, your family and friendships. Our Nambour Respite Centre celebrated by creating works of art in their friendship circle."

Leading scholars from the class of 2020 returned to Churchie on Thursday 11 February 2021 for the school’s annual Academic Celebration Assembly. They are pictured with (L- R) Deputy Headmaster Academic Mr Richard Wheeldon, Head of Senior School Mr Rod Olsen, Deputy Headmaster Co-curricular and Operations Mr John Frare, Headmaster Dr Alan Campbell, Senior Chaplain Fr Bryan Gadd, Dean of IB Diploma Programme Mrs Catherine Prosser and Dean of Studies Years 10 to 12 Ms Marcia Brumpton.

Parish of Dalby Facebook on 21 February 2021: "We had a BOWLING good time at IGNITE Youth tonight! Friends, dinner, games and learning more about God’s story. Come along every fortnight (Sunday) from 5-7pm to join in, or contact Dalby Anglican for more info!"

Bishop Jeremy Greaves Facebook on 5 February 2021: "This afternoon I commissioned The Rev'd Sue Barker as Priest-in-Charge of the Parish of Goonaneman in a service at Christ Church, Childers. It was a great day for the parish, over ten years(?) since they last had a resident parish priest. I began my Homily with a poem by Ben Okri: 'But the world is rich with Great love unfound: Even in the terror There is love, twisted round. And round. Set it free. River, flow to the sea."

Glennie School Facebook on 18 February 2021: "Girls and staff observed Ash Wednesday yesterday with a chapel service. In place of the traditional marking of the cross on foreheads, everyone received a card with a cross and prayer to use for reflection during Lent."

Fraser Coast Anglican College Facebook on 25 February 2021: "Today we had students participate in the 2021 AFLQ Schools Cup. The students played hard – for many this was their first time with AFL and a contact sport. They showed great sportspersonship, friendship and represented the school again in a positive way. Thanks to Dan S and Hayden S (Year 7) for helping out as AFL Leaders for the teams today and during training. A special thanks to Hunter H (Year 8) for volunteering to umpire 6 games for the day – a huge effort in hot conditions. Congratulations students, very close to the grand final this year!"

The Rev'd Rick Gummow was commissioned by Bishop Cam Venables as Priest-in-Charge of the Parish of Drayton on Saturday 6 February 2021. Congratulations to Rick. Pictured are (L-R) Bishop Cam Venables, The Ven. Mark Carlyon, Sylvia Free, The Rev'd Rick Gummow, Tina Woodall, Gai Bonnell and Sharee Bonnell

Mission to Seafarers Brisbane Facebook on 5 February 2021: "It was a big day at Bunnings Rothwell yesterday serving the customers with their favourite purchase – a Bunnings sausage. Thanks to Patrick and Ron from the Naval Association of Australia Sandgate Sub Branch for their coordination and efforts on the day. We truly appreciate their support along with the friendly and bubbly Selena, the activities coordinator from Bunnings. We're hoping for another day behind the barbie in the coming months so if you're up for a few hours serving customers of Bunnings or even a few drive-bys needing a snack, keep following us. Also a big shoutout to all those wonderful people who purchased a sausage or just donated some spare change to Mission to Seafarers. It was truly appreciated as were the attitudes of everyone. Friendly, polite and wishing us a great day."

On Wednesday 17 February 2021, St Margaret’s students gathered for an Ash Wednesday Service to mark the commencement of Lent at which they were encouraged to think about what they could take up rather than give up, such as being more intentional in being kind to others, sitting quietly and reflecting on being mindful. These COVID-19 times required a little adjustment to the traditional custom of receiving ashes on the forehead and so this year students including Bronte Kinloch (pictured left) and Anika Hawkins (pictured right) received a take-home bookmark displaying the important holy symbol of the ashes.

Anglicare Southern Queensland Executive Director Karen Crouch; The Rev’d Sue Grimmett, Priest-in-Charge at St Andrew’s Anglican Church of Indooroopilly; Yuggera Elder Steven C Coghill; and, Thread Together CEO Anthony Chesler at the official launch of Thread Together on 23 February 2021.

Mai Peregrina (Insurance Officer, FDSC) and Nick Gentner (Risk and Compliance Coordinator, GMO) at a staff CPR refresher course in the Cathedral Precinct's Darnell Room on 19 February 2021.

Anglican Church Grammar School Headmaster Dr Alan Campbell, School Council Chairman Mr Daniel O’Connor OAM, Archbishop of Brisbane The Most Rev’d Dr Phillip Aspinall, Captain of the School Campbell Mountford and School Chaplain Fr Bryan Gadd pictured with the Churchie house banners outside St John’s Cathedral following the Anglican Church Grammar School Foundation Day Service on Tuesday 2 February 2021.

Good Shepherd Anglican Community, Parish of Bundaberg West Facebook on 26 February 2021: "Some wonderful images have come in from the Baptism of Kate. Special thanks to her partner John for his photography skills. Please keep Kate and Hannah her sponsor in prayer."

Bishop Daniel Abot (Resource Church Specialist) and Aunty Sandra King OAM (ACSQ Reconciliation Action Plan Coordinator) meeting for the first time in St Martin's House on 4 February 2021. We are blessed to have such experienced and respected community leaders serving in our Diocesan community.

A service was held to mark the 40th anniversary of Fr Robert Paget's ordination to the priesthood at St Paul's, Samford on Monday 8 February. Pictured: Chris Pass (LA), Bishop Jeremy Greaves, The Rev'd Helen Paget, Fr Robert Paget and Rebecca Limbert (crucifer).

St Aidan's Anglican Girls' School Facebook on 26 February 2021: "Today Art students were treated to an incredible presentation about bees from former student Emma Schoutrop (2017) and bee keeper Jordan. They had a hands-on experience extracting honey followed by the reward of tasting it!"

Highfields Anglicans Facebook on 28 February 2021: "All together at St James'!"

St Luke's Bundaberg Facebook on 18 February 2021: "LIONS YOUTH OF THE YEAR. Earlier this week, Mrs Hensel's students, Tahsin Ahmed, Lachlan Hocking, and Bahli Ulrick participated in the Lions Youth of the Year competition. The competition consisted of an interview with a Panel of Judges, impromptu questions, and a 5-minute speech. Both Tahsin and Lachlan won Overall Winner for their respective division, with Tahsin also winning in the category Public Speaking. Both of the young men are now scheduled to compete in the regional level of the competition. Well done to all three students and to Mrs Hensel for your preparation and support."

St Paul's School Facebook on 26 February 2021: "This afternoon Mrs Hamling, our Junior School Teacher Librarian announced the winners of the Queensland School Libraries Association's art competition as well as the name of the new Library Owl. As part of last weeks Queensland Schools Library Week, students were invited to submit a piece of art illustrating their interpretation of the theme 'School Libraries: Unlocking the Future'. There were so many great artworks! Congratulations to all our students who submitted their artwork and to our two students whose artworks have been selected to enter the state competition; Tom Hannan in Year 6 and Annika Mitchell in Prep. Congratulations to Nicholas Muir in Year 5 who submitted the winning name for the new Library Owl – Sir Readalot."

On Wednesday 17 February 2021, Cannon Hill Anglican College held two special Ash Wednesday services for students and staff. Pictured are College Chaplain and Director of Mission, Brother Nathan-James and the College’s Primary Leaders before the processional.

Anglican School Heads met on retreat on 16-18 February at Spicer Hidden Vale, Grandchester. Back row: Andrew Wheaton – Whitsunday Anglican School ; Bishop Cam ; Joe Wright – Fraser Coast Anglican College ; Gary O’Brien – Cannon Hill Anglican College ; Mary Anne Evans – The Glennie School ; Wendy Lauman – St Hilda’s School ; Steven Morris – The Springfield Anglican College ; Ros Curtis – St Margaret’s Anglican Girls’ School ; Paul Sjogren – Trinity Anglican School Cairns ; Bishop John Roundhill ; Andrew Hawkins – The Southport School ; Alan Campbell – Anglican Church Grammar School ; Archbishop Phillip. Front row: Simon Lees – Toowoomba Anglican School ; Paul Browning – St Paul’s School ; Geoff McLay – West Moreton Anglican College ; Toni Riordan – St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School ; Mary Sly – Coomera Anglican College ; Geoff Newton – Hillbrook Anglican School ; Chris Ivey – St Andrew’s Anglican College ; Dan Walker – Canterbury College ; Bishop Jeremy ; Craig Merritt – St Luke’s Anglican School.

St John's College 2021 Matriculation Service: first year students with The Rev'd Sue Grimmet and The Rev'd Ann Edwards, along with the Senior Leadership Team of St John's College Warden, Ms Rose Alwyn; Vice Warden Mr Ed Swanwick; and, Director of Academic and Career Advancement, Dr Gayle Allan. Taken at St John's College within the University of Queensland on Friday 12 February 2021.