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"Although the Parish of Morningside is a War Memorial Church, with a Chapel of All Souls, this was the Parish’s first Anzac Day Commemoration at its outdoor memorial, now adorned with a new flag pole. Many of the Anzac remembrance ceremonies were cancelled in the district or were limited because of COVID-19 restrictions. Commander Duncan McKenzie (left) is a visitor from Melbourne and serves with the Border Force Marine Unit as a doctor. Captain Jayden Windsor (right) is a parishioner and cantor, and he serves in medical supplies around the nation, and for PNG in its COVID-19 crisis." (Father Martyn Hope, centre)

On Saturday 27 March 2021 the Maranoa-Warrego Anglican Mission Area AGM was held in the Western Region Bishop's Office in Toowoomba. The truly wonderful Helen Briffa made breakfast for AGM attendees who were keen to meet face to face, including (L-R) Irene Frances – Charleville; Jennifer Crocker – Mitchell; Christine McLean – Mitchell; Bishop Cam Venables; Lindy Sommerfield – Charleville; and, Carmel Jensen – Cunnamulla.

St Francis College's dedicated and friendly Receptionist and Administration Assistant Linda Burridge welcoming visitors on 9 April 2021.

Bishop Jeremy Greaves commissioning Youth and Families Intern, Dylan Blocksidge along with The Rev'd David Ruthven, at the Parish of North Pine on Palm Sunday in 2021.

A 100th anniversary service was celebrated at Christ Church, Murgon on Sunday 11 April 2021. Pictured outside the church are The Rev'd Don Campbell, Archbishop Phillip Aspinall and Julie Lobwein (Churchwarden).

St Mark's, The Gap celebrated their 100th anniversary on St Mark's Feast Day on 25 April 2021. Bishop Jeremy Greaves presided over and preached at the service. The service featured an audiovisual presentation, musical performances, and a blessing of the second edition of John Stalley’s book about the history of St Mark’s. There was also a display showcasing the past 100 years of life in The Gap. The current Anglican Church of St Mark's was dedicated on 22 January 1978. On that morning, clergy, led by a young Robert Paget (crucifer), processed into the church. Again, the clergy processed, and again, the crucifer was (the now, the Rev'd) Robert Paget. Pictured are (L-R): The Rev'd Robert Paget (crucifer), Graham Robinson (Liturgical Assistant), The Rev'd Grant Sparks (Deacon), The Rev'd Michael Stalley, The Ven. Tiffany Sparks, The Rev'd Canon Ron Bundy, The Rev'd Bruce Worthington, The Rev'd Robin Payne (Honorary Priest, St Mark's, The Gap), The Rev'd Ann Edwards (Assistant Priest, St Mark's, The Gap), The Rev'd Bruce Sligo (Priest-in-Charge, St Mark's, The Gap) and Bishop Jeremy Greaves (Bishop for the Northern Region).

It was a very memorable day on 27 April 2021 for St Peter’s, Maroochydore with the turning of the sod marking the beginning of the site redevelopment. Bishop Jeremy Greaves officiated, with (L-R): Clarence Perrett (Evans Built project manager), Pat Plowman (People’s Warden), Bishop Jeremy Greaves (Bishop for the Northern Region), The Rev'd Tania Eichler, Daphne McAdam (People’s Warden) and Marie Flegler (Rector’s Warden).

St Francis College's Baroona Farm recently celebrated its first birthday! Volunteers Ravi and Liz look over the harvest of okra, eggplant and silverbeet at a working bee in April 2021.

Resource Church Communications and Community Engagement specialist Michelle McDonald had a lovely chat with Resource Church leader The Rev'd Selina McMahon from St Paul's, Ipswich in Milton on 27 April 2021. They chatted about The Rev'd Selina's blogging (stay tuned for an anglican focus feature about blogging from Selina), liturgy and current St Paul's ministries.

Cannon Hill Anglican College Facebook on 23 April 2021: "Today the College celebrated Foundation Day and launched the inaugural Foundation Day of Giving. Through the generosity of the CHAC community, we reached a milestone in donations, which will help fund the development of our exciting new Sport Precinct...As part of our Foundation Day celebrations, the College also acknowledged long-serving staff, and our students enjoyed the College's Foundation Day ice cream tradition."

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall gathered with The Rev'd Louise Orpe and St Luke's, Rosewood parishioners on Sunday 25 April 2021.

The Glennie School Facebook on 27 April 2021: "A thoughtful group of our Year 10 students took pleasure in organising a morning of Easter-themed activities for our Kindergarten children last Friday (postponed from Term 1). To carefully plan for the event, the girls conducted a site visit, met the children and the teachers prior to the big event to enable them to tailor their ideas and ensure their activities would be well received by our youngest learners. Any nervousness our Year 10 girls felt prior to the festivities disappeared quickly as Kindy students embraced them and the play dough moulding, Easter crown creations, pin the tail on the Easter bunny, chalk drawings and Easter bunny craft corner. Our Kindy students kindly shared their favourite moments from the morning: 'I enjoyed making the Easter bunny mask with my favourite coloured pink feather', said Charlie. 'I pinned the tail on the Easter Bunny', Zara shared. 'I played with green play dough to make bunny ears', said Hugo. Year 10 student Savannah said, 'it was wonderful to interact with the Kindy children, the smiles on their faces made it all worthwhile'."

Current Bishop for the Northern Region Jeremy Greaves chatting with former Northern Region Bishops George Browning and Jonathan Holland at St Francis College on 15 April 2021.

Matthew Flinders Anglican College Facebook on 27 April 2021: "Principal Stuart Meade congratulated Year 6 student William K who placed third in the recent Aquathlon Queensland State Championships event in Hervey Bay. William tackled a 1km run, 200m ocean swim, followed by another 1km run. William also travelled to Sydney recently to compete in the Athletics Australian National Championships. We wish him well for his races next week in the Queensland Athletics All-Schools Cross Country and also in the District Independent Schools Cross Country events."

Bishop John Roundhill Facebook on 4 April 2021: "Easter Day at Kenmore-Brookfield Anglican Church. Easter Eucharist with Confirmation and Reception. It does not appear that masks put anyone off. This is the first time that my #SundaySelfie involved two shots to get everyone in. This bishop wears a mask, too, just in case you were thinking. Alleluia! Christ is Risen!"

Toowoomba Anglican School Facebook on 25 April 2021: "Anzac Day is always a significant event for the TAS community. We are honoured to march in the Parade each year and remember the Anzacs. Well done to the students who marched and to our Head Boy and Girl for laying the wreath at Mothers' Memorial. Lest we forget."

Anglicare SQ Facebook on 2 April 2021: "If this doesn't give you a big smile for the Easter long weekend, we don't know what will! St Martin's aged care home recently got a clutch of baby chickens. In the short amount of time they've been a part of the home they've brought such joy to the residents, especially to Margaret. Before Margaret moved to St Martin's she had a property with chickens, lorikeets, cockatiels and parakeets, so being able to visit the chicks every morning gives Margaret great joy!"

St Paul's Anglican Church, East Brisbane 18 April 2021: "More shots from Sunday Blast today. Numbers down due to school holiday, but lots of fun and learning about Courage as demonstrated in David v. Goliath and David’s trust in God. Caption for photo: 'Our biblical super heroes'."

St Francis College's Rocsoe Library Manager Eve James warmly welcoming library visitors to the recently renovated library on 27 April 2021.

The Rev'd Claye Middleton lighting the Easter Fire at the Parish of Freshwater on 4 April 2021.

Anglicare SQ Facebook on 21 April 2021: "Hearts of pure gold! Our beautiful staff and residents at Meilene Residential Aged Care Home celebrated the World's Greatest Shave last month with staff members, Vailo and Fibee braving the razor to have their heads shaved. A special shout out to resident, David who also dyed his hair pink for the occasion! It's such an amazing cause. GO, Meilene!"

St Hilda's School Facebook on 27 April 2021: "Our Junior School Student Representative Council, Alexis, Grace and Siena are running a 'Vegetable Collection Initiative' every Wednesday at Chapel Service. All vegetables are donated to St John's Crisis Centre and used to provide meals for the homeless. Please remember to bring a carrot, onion or potato along to Chapel tomorrow, to donate and make a difference."

St Faith's Anglican Church, Strathpine on 6 April 2021: "Mothers Union members went to the Mission to Seafarers today to take some beanies and spend some time there. Heather explained to us what they do there for all the Seafarers. We had our midday prayers in their chapel and then we had our lunch and then went back to St Faith's."

Bishop Jonathan Holland and Shane Djordjewitsch (Strategic Property Development Manager) outside the Chapel of the Holy Spirit, at St Francis College on 27 April 2021, chatting about the restoration works done on the historic site.

St John's Cathedral Facebook on 19 April 2021: "Snapped at the conclusion of Evensong last night, as we farewelled The Rev'd Kate Ross, pictured with The Very Rev'd Dr Peter Catt and The Rev'd Canon Julia van den Bos. Kate will be taking up an appointment in the parish of Bundaberg from early May. Thanks, Kate, for your ministry at St John's. Thanks to Blair Martin for the photo."

ACSQ Facebook on 9 April 2021: "anglican focus Editor Michelle met with inspiring young Anglicans Eleanor Reid and Emma Williams today at St Francis College before moving on to a local café for coffee and cake. Eleanor and Emma are residential members of Community of The Way, based at St Francis College, and Brisbane Anglican Youth Page Ichthus Camp Leaders. During their chat, Eleanor (who is also a Youth Leader at Christ Church St Lucia) and Emma (who is also a Liturgical Assistant at St Andrew's Springfield) workshopped the writing of a Sunday Devotion with Michelle, who was utterly bowled over by their depth of faith, scripture insights, commitment to the faith formation of teens, intelligence and authenticity. Our future is most definitely in safe hands."