From June 2021, image albums will be published seasonally, with the ‘Winter Out & About’ album published at the end of August. Please submit your best image (featuring people) for consideration in our popular ‘Out & About’ albums via this form, including a complete image caption stating who is in the image, when and where the image was taken, and what is happening in the image. Please ensure that images are at least 150kb in file size and that you have ‘permission to publish’ from those pictured in the image.

Jennifer Murray thanks Bishop Daniel Abot (Bishop of Duk in South Sudan and ACSQ Resource Church Specialist) and his wife Rachel Jimma, who were guest speakers at the AMUA Diocesan Council meeting at St Luke’s, Toowoomba on 18 May 2021.

Parish of Maleny Facebook on 6 May 2021: "A fantastic night at St George's with Bishop Jeremy Greaves commissioning The Rev'd Deborah Bird as Priest-in-Charge."

Anglicare SQ Facebook on 26 May 2021: "Our Robina Respite group enjoyed an educational day at Beaudesert Robotic Dairy last week. The dairy shows how the cows are now milked via a robotic set-up which makes the process easier for the farmers and collecting fresh milk. The clients enjoyed meeting and getting to pat some new calves that have recently joined the family."

St John's College UQ held an Academic and Professional Dinner for students, academics and other professionals on 17 May 2021. Pictured (L-R) are Henry Yang (Bachelor of Science, 2nd year); Mehrbano Malik (Doctor of Medicine, 2nd year); Sophie Franklin (Bachelor Exercise Physiology and Nutrition, 1st year); Bishop John Roundhill; Tim Reid (ACSQ General Manager); Ruby Russell (Bachelor of Biomedical Science, 1st year); Sam Bereza (Doctor of Medicine, 1st year); Rose Alwyn (St John's College Warden); and, Cole Suter (Bachelor of Advanced Finance and Economics, 1st year).

St Gabriel's, Carindale Facebook on 16 May 2021: "It was a wonderful musical evening at St Gabriel's. A huge thank you to the River City Clippers and all the other talented musicians who entertained us so professionally!"

Parish of Maleny Facebook on 19 May 2021: "MU and The Rev'd Kaye conducted a beautiful memorial service and tree planting for Olga Webster. Olga and Alan were much loved parishioners responsible for the current location of St George's Church, and are dearly missed by our community."

St Bart's, Toowoomba Facebook on 13 May 2021: "As a church, we're so thankful to God for our diversity in culture yet oneness in Christ. Such a joy on Saturday night to be part of Bishop Daniel's first 'Hello Evening'. Daniel serves as a Resource Church specialist for Ethnic Communities in the Anglican Church Southern Queensland. The evening was a great opportunity for people of diverse cultural backgrounds to meet each other, share a meal, and learn more about one another's lives. Bonus: AMAZING FOOD! Sudanese, Ethiopian, Colombian, Norwegian, Singaporean, Irish, Italian, and Australian. We're one! Ephesians 4.4-6: 'There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called ; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.'"

Toowoomba Anglican School Facebook on 15 May 2021: "Interschool Equestrian: A beautiful day at the South West Queensland Interschool Equestrian championships. Lexi (Yr 11) secured a well deserved win in the 1.10 m and qualifies for the State championships. Amazing to watch."

West Moreton Anglican College Facebook on 13 May 2021: "A clean sweep of academic success. WestMAC's debating teams executed an incredible performance of critical thinking against schools: Ipswich Girls Grammar, St Mary’s College, St Edmund's College and St Augustine’s College. First round wins across the junior, intermediate and senior divisions in the Ipswich Secondary Schools Debating competition at St Mary's this week. Developing confidence and analytical excellence in students is a specialty of WestMAC..."

Anglicare SQ Facebook on 19 May 2021: "We couldn't do what we do without the thoughtfulness of our community around us. The amazing craft group at St Matthew's Anglican Church kindly volunteered their time and hand made a range of beautiful First Nations dolls to give to children in care. Our foster care team were overjoyed to receive the carefully made treasures that will provide comfort to the young people."

Parish of Rosewood Facebook on 16 May 2021: "Grateful for a great weekend of markets and worship and such a happy positive crew. 42 through our doors today. Thank you, Lord."

St Hilda's School Facebook on 25 May 2021: "Four of our students recently participated in the Bond University High School Model United Nations Conference. Te’a, Emily, Samantha and Aimee each represented a different nation, exploring the theme of 'Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls'. Congratulations to Emily who was awarded a Diplomacy Award for her contributions as the representative for Paraguay. Following, seven students participated in the inaugural TSS Model United Nations Assembly, which explored two issues: Military Budget Expenditure and IUU Fishing. Te’a, Emily, Samantha, Anya, Atputha, Edi and Ava each represented a different country, participating in discussions on how to address these global issues. Congratulations to Te’a who received the Most Outstanding Delegate Award and Edi who received the Best Diplomacy Award!"

The Southport School Facebook on 17 May 2021: "TSS Dux and School Vice-Captain Awarded Queensland’s Top Student. We are so proud to congratulate 2020 School Vice-Captain Vishaak Gangasandra who has just been named 2020’s Outstanding Academic Achiever. Vishaak started his journey at TSS in Year 2 and through hard work and determination, he has earned straight A's in seven subjects with an overall mark of 100% in English, Mathematics and Physics – the top score of more than 45,000 Year 12 Queensland students. After discussions with Ivy League universities such as Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Stanford, Vishaak chose to study Biotechnology and a Doctor of Medicine at the University of Queensland, where he has received the Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship. We look forward to following Vishaak’s journey, as this kind, thoughtful and generous young gentleman is destined for great things."

Parish of Waterloo Bay Facebook on 17 May 2021: "What a great day we all had at our Olde English Fair on Saturday! It was a very well supported community event, and we are very grateful to our organisers and all our volunteers who pulled this event together."

Fraser Coast Anglican College Facebook on 10 May 2021: "Our musicians were out and about in the community last week with separate performances at Rotary and at the Red Shield Appeal launch."

St Luke's School, Bundaberg Facebook on 25 May 2021: "Last week Mr Kirchner, Miss Batt, Miss Rogers, and Mr Goodchap took the Year 8 students to Noosa North Shore Camp for almost a week of adventures. The camp took them up and down rock hiking tracks, mountains, and rock walls, and included abseiling, stand-up paddle boarding, survival skills, laser tag, a giant swing, and a games night."

Mission to Seafarers Brisbane Facebook on 12 May 2021: "LPG Tanker Inge Kosan was on everyone's lips last week as the ship proceeded to anchor off Brisbane as seafarers onboard were tested for COVID-19. This possible infection was discovered when they tragically lost one of their shipmates and friends to drowning while the vessel was in Vanuatu. One of their seafarers was sent ashore for further quarantine. Our Mission stepped in to assist immediately after receiving notification and we've kept in close contact with the sole quarantined seafarer in Brisbane over the last two weeks. We've been joined by Brisbane Marine Pilots to provide more to help the rest of the seafarers onboard with an extra special care pack. Why was it extra special? Well apart from the love and care that the package was delivered with, it contained Krispy Kreme doughnuts!! It's been an extremely traumatic time for the seafarers on Inge Kosan and the care and love that the Shipowners, Pilots, Agents and our Mission have shown them are wonderful. Smooth seas and safe sailing from all of us in Brisbane."

On 26 May 2021, the ACSQ and Hillbrook Anglican School signed a new MOU, with (L-R): Mr Geoff Newton – Principal, Hillbrook Anglican College; Bishop Jeremy Greaves – Bishop for the Northern Region and Chair, Anglican Schools Commission (who signed for and on behalf of Archbishop Phillip Aspinall); Ms Sherril Molloy – Executive Director, Anglican Schools Commission; Mr Brent Durham – Chief Operations Officer; Mr Rob Seljak – Chair, Hillbrook Anglican School Ltd; and, Mr Tim Reid – General Manager, Anglican Church Southern Queensland.

ACSQ Facebook on 6 May 2021: "Thank you so much to the St John's College UQ staff and students who warmly welcomed anglican focus Editor Michelle McDonald today. Remy Drewett (Director of Marketing and Advancement) took Michelle on a tour of the lovely College, including the Chapel, Dining Hall, Common Rooms, Courtyard and Billiards Room. Thanks to Ed Swanwick (Acting Vice Warden), Paul Graham (Director of Operations) and Dr Gayle Allan (Director of Academic and Career Advancement) for taking the time to fill Michelle in on their respective roles and to the friendly and inspiring students who stopped for a chat. Pictured, left to right, are: Tate (third-year Bachelor of Arts and Social Science student); Michelle (anglican focus Editor); Remy Drewett (Director of Marketing and Advancement); Hayley (first-year Bachelor of Exercise Physiology student); Ed Swanwick (Acting Vice Warden); Will (first-year Bachelor of Agribusiness student); Xavier (third-year Bachelor of Engineering and Commerce student); and, Ned (first-year Bachelor of Psychology student)."

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall participating in a smoking ceremony by Bundjalung Kunjiel at the blessing of All Saints' Anglican School's new facilities on Friday 21 May 2021.

The Fraser Coast Anglican College team had a great day of PPV (Pedal Powered Vehicle) racing in Bundaberg on Saturday 22 May 2021.

Over the Labour Day long weekend in May 2021, St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School boarding students revelled in the opportunity to host day students at their homes, sharing an insight into their home and family lives, as part of the school’s annual Day Boarder Weekend which aims to broaden the horizons of students. Pictured (L-R) are Year 11 students Annabel Danvers, Lauren Brennan, Grace Reilly, Emma Pickering and Claire Crossley visiting Chinchilla landmark, the Big Watermelon.

Resource Church Specialist Bishop Daniel Abot at the first 'Hello Evening' hosted at St Bart's, Toowoomba on 13 May 2021 when people of diverse cultural backgrounds met with each other to share a meal and learn more about each other's lives, enjoying Sudanese, Ethiopian, Colombian, Norwegian, Singaporean, Irish, Italian and Australian food.

Bishop Jeremy Greaves with parish priest The Rev'd Jilleen Chambers and Liturgical Assistant Jenny Preece at the Parish of Kilcoy on 16 May 2021.

Resource Church Specialist and Parish of Mainly parish priest The Rev'd Daniel Hobbs with super smart, kind and fun son Jack at St John's Cathedral on 5 May 2021.

Over the Labour Day long weekend in May 2021, St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School boarding students revelled in the opportunity to host day students at their homes, sharing an insight into their home and family lives, as part of the school’s annual Day Boarder Weekend which aims to broaden the horizons of students. Pictured are Year 9 students Millie Maunder (left) and Georgia Adam (right) enjoying the beautiful sunset in Moree, NSW.

The Rev'd Martyn Hope with Archbishop Phillip Aspinall, who visited the Parish of Morningside on Sunday 9 May 2021 where he preached at the joyful High Mass. It was also a Trinity Theological College,Melbourne reunion, as both were students there together.

Dr Alan Campbell, Headmaster of Churchie; Mr Daniel O’Connor OAM, Chair of Churchie’s School Council; His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC, Governor of Queensland; and, Archbishop Phillip Aspinall at the Official Opening of The Preparatory School Arts and Year 3 Building by the Governor of Queensland and blessing by the Archbishop of Brisbane on Thursday 13 May 2021.

Bishop Jeremy Greaves (centre, back) with the Sunshine Coast Priory of the Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller on the occasion of the Vigil service for new members at the Chapel of St Nicholas at Matthew Flinders Anglican College on 24 May 2021.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service at St Stephen's Catholic Cathedral on Friday 21 May 2021. Bishop John Roundhill (third from left) gave the homily at the service.