From June 2021, image albums will be published seasonally/quarterly. Please submit your best image (featuring people) for consideration in the popular ‘Out & About’ albums via this form (please note: complete image and caption requirements are outlined in the form).

ACSQ Facebook on 2 June 2021: "Resource Church Specialist Bishop Daniel Abot gathered with The Rev’d Peter Mayen from St Bart's, Toowoomba, language teacher Abraham Akech Kiir from St Paul's, Ipswich and Stephen Harrison (Executive Director of the Parishes and Other Mission Agencies Commission) this morning to explore ideas and chat about current activities in the Resource Church space. Inspired by a similar project in the Church of England, the Anglican Church Southern Queensland launched the ‘Resource Churches’ project in 2019 as part of our strategic framework to support parish health and growth. While project plans were inevitably disrupted or necessarily shifted online due to COVID-19 in 2020, our Resource Church Specialists, including Bishop Daniel, have been busy with exciting new and ongoing initiatives this year."

On 14 June 2021 Bishop Jeremy Greaves met with Fraser Coast Anglican College students where he enjoyed a Q&A session with Year 11s and gave a lesson on labyrinths for Year 6 classes.

In Term 2 2021, St John's Anglican College saw the return of Prayer Spaces, an interactive environment where students can experience a creative, reflective and inclusive space that helps them to express and explore their own hopes, concerns, reflections and prayers. On the Secondary Campus, Year 12 students developed the spaces for their peers, identifying areas in which they felt the student body needed to address or would benefit from, and developing their spaces with a clear theme. Students and staff welcomed the return of Prayer Spaces to the College, providing an important and necessary time for students to reflect on what is important, and to take stock of where they are and how they are going with things in their lives. It allows students the chance to recalibrate, an important practice for faith, mindfulness and wellbeing.

Bishop Cam Venables spent some quality time with The Rev'd Pauline Harley's puppy, Peanut, at a Cursillo Ultreya on 12 June 2021.

Lorynda Golding as Pumbaa and Scarlett Brown as Timon at the Fraser Coast Anglican College production of The Lion King on the 16 and 17 June 2021.

AYCF Director Erica Skerman stocking up on produce at an iconic Aussie farm road-side stall on the way back to our Diocesan 'Pointro' campsite on 8 July 2021.

ACSQ Facebook on 29 July 2021: "anglican focus Editor Michelle spent a lovely afternoon with staff, clergy and students at St John's College UQ today. A number of students are keen to write for our news site, including Sunday Devotions, Spotlight Q&As and news stories, so please keep an eye out for their contributions. Thanks to (L-R) Director of Operations Paul Graham, Chaplain The Rev’d Fang Ling Quested, second-year education student Georgia Meise and new Vice-Warden Ari Metuamate for the warm welcome and yummy lunch. The St John's College team is evidently very dedicated to their students and inspiring to be around. Michelle is looking forward to her next visit soon."

All Saints', Chermside Facebook on 20 July 2021: "This morning Fr Daniel made a big sacrifice for our parish by agreeing to be a taster for Nando's, Chermside. He had to eat a lot of chicken on your behalf. Thanks to our friends at Nando's for their contribution to our Soup Kitchen."

Churchie choral, strings and band musicians visited Longreach and Emerald as part of a music tour in June 2021. One of the performances in Longreach was broadcast live across rural Queensland via ABC Radio.

In August 2021, CHAC hosted a week-long equipment drive to collect much-needed goods for the people of Timor-Leste. It was a joint initiative with St Thomas’, Toowong and the Order of St Lazarus. Senior Life and Faith students helped sort and pack the tremendous volume of donated goods.

Executive Director of the Parishes and other Mission Agencies Commission (PMC) Stephen Harrison (right) with Rector of the Parish of Jimboomba The Rev'd Daniel Talbot and Rector of the Parish of Clayfield The Rev'd Canon Nicki Colledge (both Area Deans) at a PMC-run Professional Supervision information session at St Francis College on 6 July 2021.

Cathedral Shop volunteers with Cathedral Shop Manager Ann-Marie Reynolds (centre, back) at a special 'thank you' morning tea for shop volunteers on 17 August 2021, when the new online shop was launched. Check out the new online shop:

Bishop Cam Venables and confirmation candidates, Zac Cott, William O’Toole and Baxter Twidale discussing the 'Western Region' dot painting at Christ Church, St George on 5 June 2021. Three stunning interrelated Aboriginal dot paintings, representing our Diocesan Regions and commissioned by the Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group, are travelling individually around our Diocese and are being displayed as a reminder of our Christian call to Reconciliation.

Glennie School Facebook on 18 August 2021: "On Monday 16 August The Glennie School Junior Years campus was lucky to have USQ Robotics visit for National Science Week. To launch the week in Junior Years Dr Steven Goh and Toby Low, USQ Engineering Professors, brought Fizo, their robotic dog, to meet the students from Kindy to Year 6. Dr Steven and Toby spoke about the importance of this type of robot technology in emergency and dangerous situations. Fizo travelled down the steps, and walked around and even danced with the Junior Years girls."

St Gabriel's, Carindale Facebook on 7 August 2021: Thanks to the St Gabriel's family for supporting Pyjama Day! Donations were given to Anglicare Children and Families Service at Logan. They were very appreciative of our gifts. Pictured (L-R) are: Glenys Hall, Jill Richards, Lily Ate, Jan Schulz, The Rev’d Nicole Anderson, Joanne Rose and Brittany Darbyshire.

Dalby Anglicans Facebook on 14 June 2021: "Former St John’s parishioners Hemi and Yvonne were married at All Saints', Booval on Saturday. Please keep this happy young couple (and their son, Joseph) in prayer as they begin their walk as husband and wife."

Anglicare SQ Facebook on 6 August 2021: "This week, to recognise Homelessness Week, our Townsville Team attended a community expo to spread awareness of this important issue. Anglicare’s Management of Public Intoxication Program (MPIP) Team and Homeless Nursing Services were on hand to check blood pressures and give out information and advice. Big shout out for the team for all that you do in your local community.* *Photos have been taken in the Townsville region which are currently not in a locked down area and aren't mandated to wear masks."

Jack Venables hanging out with utterly adorable Jude and Micah Browne at Senior Ichthus Camp at Peregian in June 2021.

St John The Baptist, Bulimba Facebook on 28 August 2021: "On Friday evening we celebrated the Commissioning of our new Priest-in-Charge, The Rev'd Andrew Cooper. Bishop John Roundhill conducted the Commissioning in front of 50 invited guests. Our Premier had opened up room capacities, but not in time for us to invite all of our congregation. They will have their first chance to meet The Rev'd Andrew tomorrow (Sunday 29th) when he will conduct his first services at St John's. Welcome, The Rev'd Andrew. May you long lead our Parish."

Bishop Jeremy Greaves and Archbishop Phillip Aspinall at the Opening Eucharist of the Northern Region Clergy Conference at RACV Noosa Resort on 23 August 2021.

Anglicare SQ Facebook on 3 August 2021: "Aged Care Employee Day is just around the corner and in the lead up, we're celebrating our wonderful people that go the extra mile for our seniors. Perry is our superstar Maintenance Officer at our Symes Thorpe Aged Care Home in Toowoomba, Perry is always happy to ensure all systems and equipment are working as they should. “Perry buzzes about, doesn’t stop and is always happy to chat, have a laugh and smile which is wonderful for Symes Thorpe. Perry is so respectful, courteous and kind," said Antonia, Service Manager at Symes Thorpe. This year Perry's hard work was recognised at our annual excellence awards, winning the Client Services Award, which recognises and celebrates individuals who have made a significant contribution to delivering outstanding client services outcomes. Congratulations, Perry!"

Bishop Jeremy Greaves Facebook on 26 August 2021: "The final night of clergy conference. Homeward bound today."

St Aidan's Anglican Girls School Facebook on 26 August 2021: "Yesterday's Book Week costumes were incredible! It was so great to see many staff and students getting into the spirit of the CBCA Book Week theme 'Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds'."

ACSQ Facebook on 21 August 2021: "Baroona Farm volunteers Robin, Kym, Ravi and The Rev’d Samuel gathered with others today to tend to crops and wicking beds. The farm is a small urban farm located at St Francis College in Milton, Brisbane. Their mission is to grow food and community with and for the nutritionally vulnerable, using organic and sustainable farming practices, while working in partnership with the good folk at the Romero Centre. Baroona Farm working bees are held on the first Friday and the third Saturday of the month, from 8.30am – come along and enjoy gardening and a morning tea. Dedicated Brisbane City Council staff hold composting workshops at working bees, with Council compost bins onsite for community members to drop off compostable items. This is an inspiring community initiative involving diverse sectors working in partnership for the common good."

St Paul's School Facebook on 13 August 2021: Making kids 'appy in tough times. One of our Year 4 students, William Rose, has been featured in the Moreton Bay Tough local newspaper in a story about his new app, Emotionease. Through his introduction to and engagement with the St Paul’s School Centre for Innovators and Entrepreneurs, William began to notice that there was a need for resources to help children better identify and understand their emotions. With some expert coaching from Dr Jones and his own enterprising spirit, William came up with a plan to make communicating emotions easier. Emotionease will be released in the next couple of weeks as a prototype at St Paul's with the hope that it will be implemented in a wide range of schools. Well done, William! Your innovative idea is sure to make a positive impact in our community."

Growing up in a faith community provides all sorts of learning opportunities. At Christ Church, St Lucia on 15 August 2021, the van den Bos children used hymn books to construct a roadway and simultaneously show off some pretty amazing counting ability. During Sunday Eucharists, the children spend some time at Sunday School, while also joining in the congregation for the majority of the service.

Bishop Jeremy Greaves, The Rev’d Elizabeth McConnell, The Rev’d Deb Bird, The Rev’d Max Lambourne and The Rev’d Richard James – the `planning committee’ for the Northern Region Clergy Conference – at RACV Noosa Resort on Monday 23 August 2021, on the first day of the conference.

St Margaret’s students in Prep to Year 2 celebrated Under 8s week between Monday 31 May and Friday 4 June 2021 with a range of engaging and interactive activities based on the theme 'Children celebrating outdoor play and learning'. Harriet Macmillian (pictured) and her Prep friends participated in a Wild Ideas workshop while science incursions and outdoor games and activities were also on the timetable throughout the week. Each year level also had the opportunity to observe garden-to-plate cooking demonstrations incorporating produce harvested from the school’s very own garden. The week concluded with a day of adventuring outdoors with parents joining in the festivities and participating in bracelet making, journey sticks, storytelling in the park, a nature scavenger hunt, box construction, flying kits, a reading forest, chalk drawing and contributing to a collaborative artwork.

All Saints' Anglican School Facebook on 14 June 2021: "Our Junior School students were treated to a very special guest at assembly today! Aussie actor, dancer and all around star, Lincoln Lewis, came to speak to our students about the importance of perseverance and determination to achieve our goals in life. He brought so much light, fun and energy to the Nairn Theatre stage. Thank you, Lincoln!"

PMC Executive Director Stephen Harrison leading Parish Council training at the Parish of North Pine on 28 August 2021. It's great to see so many keen volunteers turning up on a Saturday to learn about Parish Council roles and responsibilities and to explore a Parish Council's strategic role in mission planning, including discussing the ACSQ Vision.

Mission To Seafarers Brisbane Facebook on 6 August 2021: "Held a Memorial Service for a seafarer who died suddenly at sea several days ago. He will be sent home to the Philippines where a funeral will be held. It is important that his shipmates were able to grieve his death and join in a service giving thanks for his life and to say farewell. With COVID restrictions in place the seafarers stayed onboard and those of us from the MTS stood on the wharf. We went bearing gifts of chocolate, biscuits and other treats. Of course there were beanies and a few bibles. Fair winds and following seas as you sail 'Stolt Rindo' and may peace be with all your crew. Chaplain Stephen"

St Margaret’s Year 12 students Erin Ringrose, Sofia Bell and Halle Scriven were among 129 fellow students and eight staff who cut their ponytails on Monday 23 August 2021. The ponytails were donated to Real Fringe Hairbands to make a difference in the lives of those who have lost their hair due to cancer treatment or Alopecia. Additionally, a record $118,000 was raised by the school community for Cancer Council Queensland and the Minotti Trust. The Ponytail Project is the legacy of a group of students who, in 2015, were empowered to make a difference to the lives of others after news that a parent among the school community had been diagnosed with breast cancer. So significant was the philanthropic endeavour it was soon adopted as an annual fundraising campaign and, since its inception, the St Margaret’s community has raised close to half a million dollars for Queenslanders impacted by cancer.

On 8 July 2021, some members of St Bart's Kids climbed up Mt Tabletop to film a music video for a song that they wrote earlier in the year! Everyone did an amazing job, even in the cold conditions and a hard climb!

On Thursday 29 July the St John’s College community came together to celebrate its 28th year and the founding of the College as part of our Foundation Week, marking this milestone with a week-long celebration and various activities across the College.

On 18 July 2021 St Andrew's, Springfield celebrated the gift of life during the baptism of Alexander and Nathaniel, who were born prematurely earlier this year. Pictured are The Rev'd Charlie Lacey and LA Givemore Chinyemba with Alexander and Lyndall Metzroth.