#ChangeTheHeart 2022: invitation from the Archbishop
“Participating in Common Grace’s #ChangeTheHeart 2022 online event provides an ideal occasion in which to turn words into action and, as Anglicans, to grow our relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples locally and to explore local steps toward Reconciliation in line with the RAP,” says Archbishop Phillip Aspinall

Dear sisters and brothers,
Invitation to #ChangeTheHeart 2022
I have received the following message from Jane Kelly, Creation and Climate Justice Coordinator of Common Grace.
Common Grace is excited to share with you an invitation from Aunty Jean Phillips, Senior Aboriginal Christian Leader, to the annual #ChangeTheHeart event.
Attached is your special invite to #ChangeTheHeart 2022.
#ChangeTheHeart is a nationally simulcast event with Common Grace and ACCTV on Tuesday 25 January 2022 7.30pm AEDT. Local times in each State and Territory are 7.30pm in ACT, Vic, NSW, Tas, 7pm in SA, 6.30pm in Qld, 6pm in NT, and 4.30pm WA.
#ChangeTheHeart is led by Aboriginal Christian Leaders as we approach 26 January 26. It is a moment for our nation to come together in the spirit of national truth-telling, lament for injustices faced by Aboriginal peoples, calls to action, prayer, and reflection.
We especially invite you to join with others in your local electorate and community who will be gathering to watch #ChangeTheHeart together on 25 January 2022. Places hosting a screening #ChangeTheHeart 2022 are listed on the Common Grace website and are added weekly so please keep checking right up until #ChangeTheHeart for a place near you. Show your community you support Aboriginal peoples and are willing to listen, learn, and love.
You can also watch on your own, with friends or family, from the comfort of your own home. #ChangeTheHeart will be simulcast on ACCTV, online and on radio.
More details can be found on the Common Grace website.
Please RSVP so we can let Aunty Jean Phillips know you will be watching and if you are attending a venue we can also let them know. Please also encourage your colleagues and staff to attend.
On the day, 25 January 2022, we would love you to share on your social media that you will be participating in #ChangeTheHeart and tagging Common Grace @commongraceaus. Please share an image of you and words along the lines of “Today I participate in #ChangeTheHeart and answer the call to our nation from Aunty Jean Phillips and Aboriginal Christian Leaders with @commongraceaus.”
At our recent Synod we passed a resolution encouraging all ACSQ parishes, schools and other agencies to engage positively with the recently launched Diocesan Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (‘RAP’), including:
- Growing our relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples locally;
- Exploring local steps forward toward Reconciliation in line with the RAP;
- Supporting Diocesan RAP activities; and
- Sharing “good news” stories with the wider Diocese.
Participating in Common Grace’s #ChangeTheHeart 2022 online event provides an ideal occasion in which to turn words into action and, as Anglicans, to grow our relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples locally and to explore local steps toward Reconciliation in line with the RAP.
I commend #ChangeTheHeart 2022 to you and ask you to invite community members in your local parishes and faith communities to join in the activities to demonstrate your support.
Yours in Christ,
The Most Reverend Dr Phillip Aspinall AC
Archbishop of Brisbane