From June 2021, image albums will be published seasonally/quarterly. Please submit your best image (featuring people) for consideration in the popular ‘Out & About’ albums via this form (please note: complete image and caption requirements are outlined in the form).

On 21 October 2021, The Governor hosted an investiture ceremony to present the award of Companion of the Order of Australia to The Most Reverend Dr Phillip Aspinall AC for eminent service to the Anglican Church, to the development of ecumenical relationships and professional standards, and through commitment to social justice and welfare. The Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) is the highest of four levels within the Order of Australia which can be awarded. These honours are usually presented by the Governor-General, as Chancellor of the Order of Australia, in Canberra. However, special dispensation was received for His Excellency to present Archbishop Aspinall's award, the first time this Governor has invested someone at this high level.

On 12 November 2021, anglican focus and the Australasian Religious Press Association (ARPA) acknowledged those writers who contributed anglican focus content to the two ARPA Awards won by our community in September. Pictured are the Chair of the Parishes and Other Mission Agencies Commission Cathy Grant; Oscar Delaney from St Andrew's, South Brisbane who won Gold for 'Best Young Writer'; ARPA Treasurer Allan Sauer OAM; and, anglican focus Editor Michelle McDonald. A big thanks to ARPA for supporting the religious press, to Wiradjuri-owned Birrunga Gallery and Dining who provided such a lovely lunch and venue, and to Kuku Yalanji artist Lalania Tusa, from Anglicare, who painted the stunning dot art prizes.

Sunnybank Anglican Parish Facebook on 6 September 2021: "It was a true joy to have Bishop John with us at all 3 services over the weekend!"

St John's Anglican Church Hervey Bay Facebook on 22 October 2021: "Congratulations to Dee on her 25th Anniversary since joining the team at St John's in Hervey Bay. May God continue to bless you for your many years of faithful service."

Anglicare Southern Queensland Facebook on 29 October 2021: "Every month our Abri Southport residents 'Armchair Travel' the world to different countries, and this Hula Hula month was Hawaii. With entertainment and activities spanning a full week, the local Bunnings was kind enough to supply craft materials and hats for our own DIY Hawaiian hats. Wearing them proudly and dancing the Hula to Hawaiian music, our residents celebrated with a Hawaiian morning tea including pizza, mocktails, pineapple lumps and fruit. In our armchairs, we travelled to Pearl Harbor and the beaches of Waikiki with many residents reminiscing on their memories, experiences and stories of their travels across the Hawaiian Islands. Everyone had a lovely time sharing and partying, with many saying it was one of their best Armchair Travel locations yet."

Mothers Union Australia Facebook on 30 November 2021: "MU Global Day of Action at St John’s Brisbane: Members of the Cathedral Domestic Abuse Action Group led by Gwenneth Roberts (far left) holding the banner, and the Cathedral AMUA branch led by Eleanor Mancini joined together outside St John’s Cathedral in Brisbane on Saturday 27th November 2021 at 1pm. People who drove by the Cathedral acknowledged us and some honked their horns. A lady and her husband stopped and asked more information about us and also wanted to join us. At 1.06pm we finished with a closing prayer."

The Glennie School Facebook on 6 October 2021: "The Glennie School celebrated our 2022 Year 12 Seniors at our Leadership Induction and Handover Ceremony today. Principal, Ms Mary Anne Evans charged each girl with the privilege and honour of leading our school community with wisdom and love, offering their skills freely in the service of the school, working together as a team and holding strong to our values of courage, respect, integrity and compassion. Each girl was blessed by Bishop Cameron Venables as they received their leadership badge. It was a joy to see the pride and excitement on the faces of each Senior as their leadership journey begins."

Anglicare Southern Queensland Facebook on 18 October 2021: "Iris, who's set to turn 100 years old in December, has just been recognised as the guest of honour at the centenary celebration of Gayndah Hospital. In 1921, the newly built hospital in Gayndah had just opened their maternity ward. The first baby born in the hospital was Iris. Iris now calls Anglicare's Meilene Aged Care Home in Bundaberg home and the staff are preparing a birthday celebration fit for a queen for Iris on the 19th December 2021."

Cannon Hill Anglican College Facebook on 15 October 2021: "Today our Year 11s were commissioned as College Leaders for 2022. Principal, Mr Gary O’Brien, entrusted each student with the privilege and honour of servant leadership for the coming year, and presented symbolic items to mark the commencement of their senior journey. Along with staff and students, our current Year 12 leaders inspired the Year 11s to lead the College 'With Courage and Compassion'."

Bishop John Roundhill Facebook on 28 September 2021: "Some days this job is amazing. It was a joy to be with the young folk at Junior Ichthus today at Camp Bornhoffen, Natural Bridge. The location was fantastic, the young folk amazing, but it was so cold. I hope they are enjoying their evening under canvas tonight."

Anglican Parish of Maleny Montville Kenilworth Facebook on 21 November 2021: "Wonderful to have Bishop Jeremy with us this afternoon for a confirmation. Congratulations, Ben!!!"

Mission to Seafarers Brisbane Facebook on 20 November 2021: "The Kiribati boys are keeping our volunteers active and enjoying the delights of our locale as they continue to wait for the 'green light' allowing their passage home. Yesterday was a wonderful day down at the Gold Coast Seaway and a wander through the delights of Mount Tamborine. Thanks to our wonderful volunteers who made this day trip out to our iconic attractions so successful."

St Clements on the Hill Facebook on 17 October 2021: "Today we welcome Mark and his child, baptised into the Christian faith. We pray for them as they begin their Christian journey and we offer them our support and love as witnesses of the baptism for any time when it becomes difficult or confusing."

Anglicare Southern Queensland Facebook on 22 September 2021: "Happy birthday to the gorgeous Elli! Elli recently celebrated her 90th birthday with her friends at the Nambour Respite Centre. Our Anglicare staff surprised the group with a delicious cake and treats."

St Gabriel's Anglican Church Carindale Facebook on 4 October 2021: "Congratulations to six of our young people who received First Holy Communion today."

St Mark's Anglican Church: The Gap Facebook on 22 November 2021: "With gratitude and sadness, St Mark's farewelled Fr Bruce on Sunday. Bruce provided a steady hand, friendship, and a depth of experience as the Parish adapted to the ever changing requirements of COVID and the transition to a new Priest. As part of the service, Bruce returned the symbols of ministry on 'loan' from the people during his time here. Thank you, Bruce!"

St Luke's Anglican Church, Ekibin Facebook on 28 November 2021: "What a wonderful and joyful celebration this morning! It was Advent Sunday and we welcomed Archbishop Phillip Aspinall to the Confirmation Service for 7 of our youthful parishioners. Our 9am service was full of smiling families, and we were led out at the end of the service by the children who made Holy Spirit kites."

Dalby Anglican Facebook on 3 November 2021: "Such a joy to welcome everyone back to CAMEO! A small and COVID-safe group of joyful people getting together to come and meet each other. Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers."

Dalby ANglican Facebook on 1 October 2021: "The amazing Alan and Alicia Murray playing at Cecil Plains for Pub Church."

Brisbane Anglican Youth Page Facebook on 4 November 2021: "Today the interns went on an adventure to Pointro to check out our campsite for Young Adults Retreat 2022."

On Friday 5 November 2021, teachers, leaders and chaplains from Anglican schools gathered at St Francis Theological College for the ASC Term 4 Day of Professional Learning for Religious Educators to explore the Inner Life. This day of learning, sharing and collaborating was facilitated by The Rev’d Ann McGuinness, Milissa Gustafson, Lyn Barker, Brendan Callaghan and Mark Gladman, who are wise and wonderful colleagues from All Saints' Anglican School. The Inner Life is one of the Strands of the Shared Syllabus for Religious Education which helps students to explore their own spirituality. This day of learning was designed to nourish teachers as well as equip them to teach this Strand in their own context. Those who attended were able to participate in experiential learning and had the opportunity to consider their own Rule of Life as they enjoyed a time of silence and stillness in the peaceful grounds of St Francis Theological College. The ASC is extremely grateful to all the educators who shared in this special day. (Vanessa Gamack, Anglican Schools Commission)

Churchie's Reception to Year 2 students provided an entertaining rendition of the Christmas story at the Prep Pageant held in The Campbell Centre, Anglican Church Grammar School, on Wednesday 3 November 2021.

Formation student Mamuor Kunpeter, wife Mary and children joined in the fun at the annual BBQ for clergy and spouses at St Francis College on 20 November 2021.

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall met the granddaughter of Bishop Jonathan Holland and Kerry Holland at the annual BBQ for clergy and spouses at St Francis College on 20 November 2021.

ACSQ Facebook on 4 November 2021: "Margaret Humphries from GFS Australia and Sandgate-Northpoint Anglican Parish was presented with a bunch of beautiful Spring tulips today at St Francis College by the anglican focus Editor who is inspired by Margaret's faithfulness, brilliance, goodness and writing giftedness. Margaret is a living treasure of our community. Bless!"

The Lakes mural project was a collaboration between Gubbi Gubbi artist Goma Conlon, The Lakes Anglican Church, the YMCA Mango Hill, Lead Childcare and supported by Haymes Paints and Moreton Bay Council. This project educates Y-care students on why healing Country is important through yarning circles. After discussions with Fr Dan and Goma, we discussed how students might play a part in healing to themselves, community and Country. This mural is an expression of their reflections and was painted on a piece of the wall between the properties of The Lakes Anglican Church and Lead Childcare for the whole community to see. Pictured here on 6 November 2021 are (L-R): Craig Davis (Haymes paints), Deputy Mayor Jodie Shipway (MBRC), Goma Conlon, Fr Dan Berris and Domenic Heidke (YMCA Head of campus).

Parishioners from across our Diocesan community gathered in an Open Space dialogue on 6 November 2021 to explore what ‘church’ might look like beyond the parish, the buildings, the walls around us, and so on. Participants shared ideas, helped others build on their ideas, discussed where the Holy Spirit is calling and chatted about action items and ‘next steps’. Thanks to The Rev’d Bronwyn Pagram, The Rev’d Gillian Moses and the Parishes and Other Mission Agencies Commission for coordinating the event. A huge thanks to the parishioners from Anglican Parish of Goodna for all the cake and slice baking, sandwich making and serving. Thanks, also, to St Aidan's Anglican Girls' School for welcoming us to their school and providing such a lovely venue for the special dialogue event. Pictured are new 'buddies' Heidi from The Parish of Manly and Michael from The Parish of Sherwood.

The Justice Unit's Peter Branjerdporn is a great support to Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Working Group Coordinator Aunty Sandra King. They are pictured on 10 November 2021 designing the invitation to the launch of the ACSQ Innovate RAP.

How do you explain the Anglican passion for balancing Scripture, Tradition and Reason? Build a three-legged stool of course! Here is Emily Pell at St Francis College on 25 October 2021 illustrating the balancing act that the Anglican Church has practised for centuries using a prop from IKEA. This is part of a larger film project that FormEDfaith Staff Jonathan Sargeant and Fiona Hammond are working on. It's called ANGLICAN IDENTITY, and will explore the comprehensive, all-embracing nature of Anglicanism in our Diocese.

Prep to Year 2 students at St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School celebrated Christmas and the birth of Jesus by performing a Nativity Play in November 2021. The play recreated the scene of Jesus’ birth and told the story of how Mary and Joseph were visited by the shepherds and the wise kings. Some of the students dressed up as the animals and another as the Christmas star while the primary choir ensemble provided musical interludes.

In November 2021, St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School Year 9 students put together 200 birthing kit packs to be used by women in labour in Majority World countries. The Clean Birth Kits are a valuable resource in emergency and humanitarian settings to help prevent infection for mothers and newborns.

Great seeing St Andrew's Anglican Church of Indooroopilly and Third Order Franciscan community members at St John's Cathedral, on 28 November 2021 sharing new clothes and conversation with people who need these as part of the Thread Together alliance. The Thread Together team sets up their innovative van on the Cathedral grounds on the second and fourth Sundays of the month after Evensong, from 7.30pm. Thanks to Wendy, Sharon, Ron, The Rev’d David TSSF from The Gap Uniting Church and Jeni TSSF (and Allana, who isn’t pictured) for their wonderful work in this unique ministry.

On 4 November 2021 local Anglicans and Catholics gathered at St Stephen's Catholic Cathedral for the annual service of Prayer for Reconciliation. Pictured is Vanessa Gamack from the Anglican Schools Commission co-reading the Covenant with Chris Ehler, Chair of the Catholic Archdiocesan Council for Ecumenism and Inter-religious Relations.

Stephen Harrison, Belinda Macarthur, Joanne Rose, Rebecca McLean and Michelle McDonald from the Parishes and Other Mission Agencies Commission (PMC) visited the Island Futures exhibition at the Queensland Museum on 25 November 2021. The stunning exhibition explores and celebrates Torres Strait Islander identity, giving visitors the opportunity to discover more than 200 objects and images, interwoven with Islander perspectives and stories. The free exhibition is open until 25 April 2022, and includes an area dedicated to the Coming of The Light, as seen in this image. The PMC team is very keen to find out more about the cultures, knowledges and histories of Torres Strait Islander peoples to support the RAP ‘Respect Action’ to “Increase understanding, value and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, knowledge, and rights through cultural learning.” Check out our Diocesan community’s new Innovate RAP, which was launched at St John's Cathedral, Brisbane in November.

Matthew Flinders Anglican College Facebook on 18 November 2021: "A small selection of Flinders Primary students had the amazing opportunity this week to collaborate with First Nation's artist, Jandamarra Cadd (Jandamarra's Art) The students worked alongside Jandmarra to create an artwork that encompasses significant Kabi Kabi landmarks, the journey of Aboriginal people, as well as some personal reflection about their own sense of place. Students worked directly onto a canvas which Jandamarra will now take and complete, layering on his own unique style. We can't wait to see the finished product!"

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall during the smoking ceremony at the Season of Creation Ecumenical Prayer service on 1 September 2021. He is pictured with Kuku Yalanji man Marlon Riley. (Image courtesy of Tony Robertson Photography)

Anglicare Southern Queensland Facebook on 8 September 2021: "Foster children across southern Queensland have been gifted brand new overnight bags they can call their own. Thank you to the generosity of Brisbane mum and daughter, Vickie and Melissa from Sweet Dreams and Good Night Wishes. They've worked overtime carefully and lovingly packing more than 500 backpacks to donate to Anglicare Southern Queensland’s foster care services for a second year in a row. 'The kids in foster care when they come into care, it’s really great for them to have a backpack so they have ownership of something straight away, so inside the backpacks like toys and pyjamas, they’re things that make kids feel like they’re at home,' Tiffany, Head of Fundraising said."

On 1 September 2021 Archbishop Phillip Aspinall visited Coomera Anglican College to officially open and bless the Extended and Refurbished J Block. While this building has been in operation since the second half of 2020, COVID-19 has created several delays in his availability to come and perform this official function. The State government contributed $550,000 out of the $3.7million CAC put into this building extension and refurbishment, and their support is acknowledged on the plaque unveiled by the Archbishop that will be permanently installed on the new section of the building in due course. In a COVID-19 restricted event, it was nice to have House Patrons, College Council members, the Architects and the builders represented. The Junior Secondary Leaders spoke impressively about their experiences of learning in the building and we were treated to some amazing singing by Bella Voce and some superb music from the Avanzati String Quartet. CAC is blessed with very talented students, and they are well tutored by Celisa Urech (Choir) and Evan Setiawan (Strings).

Cathedral Dean, The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt, added yet another string to his bow by officiating as a judge at the Joy sisters’ record-setting triumph, representing the Universal Records Forum on 21 September 2021 at the Cathedral's annual International Day of Peace commemorations.

The Rev'd Ian Bailey from The Parish of Brisbane Valley in an early online service before a later in-person service (September 2021).

Fun times were had at Junior Ichthus 2021 with campers and leaders having a great time with Messy Games on 28 September 2021 at the PCYC Bornhoffen Leadership Development Centre, Natural Bridge.

St Andrew's Anglican Church Pittsworth Facebook on 28 September 2021: "On Sunday, we welcomed Kenzie Rae into God’s family through Holy Baptism. A beautiful occasion for family and parishioners."

St Andrew's, Springfield Facebook on 12 September 2021: "Hello Evening hosted by Bishop Daniel at St Andrew's. The evening was a wonderful reminder of the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace that exists within the church. Our diversity is a huge strength and something to be treasured. There were 16 countries represented on the night and we shared food from each of them. We thank Bishop Daniel for this fantastic initiative."

St Andrews Anglican Church, Toogoolawah Facebook on 12 September 2021: "Service around the fire pit followed by dinner on the deck. Thoroughly enjoyed by all."

On 25 November 2021 anglican focus Editor Michelle McDonald visited anglican focus contributor and centenarian parishioner, Margaret Thurgood. Over a cuppa, Margaret dictated her Sunday Devotion to Michelle, which was published as part of this year's #BeingTogetherThisAdvent campaign. Last year Margaret, who began her 'spiritual writing' after a Cursillo weekend in the 1980s, wrote a number of items for the Advent campaign. The campaign won an award in the recently announced Australasian Religious Press Association Awards.

Anglicare Southern Queensland Facebook on 7 September 2021: "Talk about making infection control enjoyable for everyone! Our Symes Grove and St Martin's Residential Aged Care Teams have been proactive in their approach to teaching staff, residents and families more about infection control. They've made it fun for all with quizzes, information and prizes for correct answers." If you're unwell, go see your doctor and stay at home. Let's all play our part and reduce the spread of infection together."

Work Health and Safety Advisor Michael Kucera taking Western Region clergy, Churchwardens, new Parish Council members, parish administrators and leaders of activities and events through Parish Safety Management Training on 23 September 2021 at St Bart's, Toowoomba.

Ali Moradi, along with Richard Langford, Head of Community and Corporate Relations at the Romero Centre, attended the St John's Anglican College Secondary Chapel Service on 27 October 2021 to talk to students about support offered by the Centre. Ali shared his own personal journey seeking asylum in Australia. St John's is supporting the Christmas Tree Appeal, donating Christmas hampers for families connected with the Romero Centre. Also pictured is College Chaplain, The Rev'd Juliana Bate.

The Rev'd Bill Colbrahams was commissioned as Priest-in-Charge of the Parish of Ithaca-Red Hill by Bishop Jeremy Greaves on 31 October 2021. It was the first clergy commissioning in St Barnabas’ Church for over 70 years!

Ministry Education Commission (MEC) clergy, staff and volunteers gathered on 14 October 2021 in the Administration Building to celebrate the birthdays of librarian Susan Thomas and lecturer Dr Marie-Louise Craig. The group of MEC gatherers included folk from St Francis College, FormedFaith, AYCF, Community of The Way and the Roscoe Library, as well as GFS – An Anglican Ministry and parish friends.

The Rev'd Micahel Stalley and Bishop Cam Venables hanging out with the Big Meat Ant in Augathella in October 2021. The Big Meat Ant is inspired by the local football team and draws tourists to the tiny Western Queensland town.

The Justice Unit's Peter Branjerdporn shows off the super-cute outfit he bought for his niece from Megan and Phitchy who volunteered at the St John’s Anglican Church, Burleigh Heads Op Shop on the Ekka holiday. The shop is open 9am-1pm on Tuesday and Friday.

Community of The Way members Aaron and Emma catching up with Fiona Hammond, who serves on the community's advisor group, at St Francis College on 14 October 2021.

Bishop Jeremy Greaves, The Ven. Keith Dean-Jones and The Rev'd Sue Barker at the closure of St Thomas’ Coalstoun Lakes on Saturday 9 October 2021.

A host of young Earth Guardians gathered to share what they want to see protected the most in God's good creation at On Earth Fest at St Francis College on 16 October 2021.

PeACE Patrol team members Asta and Mark, with canine friend, were among the many stall holders at On Earth Fest on 16 October 2021.

Milton Anglicans with their climate banner, which was up for the On Earth Festival in October 2021. Petrina Gardiner (Parish Council member) and The Rev'd Dr. Ceri Wynne (Priest-in-Charge) are pictured outside the Chapel of The Holy Spirit on 17 October 2021.

On 27 November 2021, Christ Church, St Lucia held its Annual Parish & Family Advent Party, with the theme 'The Journey of Wonder'. The party was enjoyed by all ages and started the parish on its journey to the celebration of Christmas. Through craft, song, story and sharing of a meal, participants travelled through some of the special markers of this time of year. Children made special items to take home and continue the journey at home in the weeks to come. The event was led by The Ven. Valerie Hoare, Mr Tom Van den Bos (YCF Minister) and parent helpers.