From June 2021, image albums will be published seasonally/quarterly. Please submit your best image (featuring people) for consideration in the popular ‘Out & About’ albums via this form (please note: complete image and caption requirements are outlined in the form).

ACSQ RAP Coordinator and Quandamooka Bundjalung Elder Aunty Sandra King OAM, West Moreton Anglican College Learning Innovator – Indigenous Perspectives and MaMu woman Phyllis Marsh and Saibai Elder Aunty Dr Rose Elu at the Innovate RAP launch event at St John’s Cathedral on 23 November 2021

Susan Carley from Baroona Farm and Christ Church, St Lucia has forgotten more about 'worm tea' than any other human being On Earth will ever know (On Earth Fest, 16 October 2021)

On 21 October 2021, The Governor hosted an investiture ceremony to present the award of Companion of the Order of Australia to The Most Reverend Dr Phillip Aspinall AC for eminent service to the Anglican Church, to the development of ecumenical relationships and professional standards, and through commitment to social justice and welfare. The Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) is the highest of four levels within the Order of Australia which can be awarded. These honours are usually presented by the Governor-General, as Chancellor of the Order of Australia, in Canberra. However, special dispensation was received for His Excellency to present Archbishop Aspinall's award, the first time this Governor has invested someone at this high level.

The Rev'd Micahel Stalley and Bishop Cam Venables hanging out with the Big Meat Ant in Augathella in October 2021. The Big Meat Ant is inspired by the local football team and draws tourists to the tiny Western Queensland town.

The St John's Crisis Centre team in December 2021 with (L-R) Hayden, Bek, Jess, Dianne, Diann and Scott

In November 2021, St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School Year 9 students put together 200 birthing kit packs to be used by women in labour in Majority World countries. The Clean Birth Kits are a valuable resource in emergency and humanitarian settings to help prevent infection for mothers and newborns.

Formation student Mamuor Kunpeter, wife Mary and children joined in the fun at the annual BBQ for clergy and spouses at St Francis College on 20 November 2021.

Tapiwanashe with other camp leaders Emma, Eleanor and Aaron at Junior Ichthus Camp in 2021

"Kieron’s patience in trusting that God would make a way for him to baptism, in God’s time and in God’s way, was a beautiful model of what the season of Advent can mean for us" (The Rev'd Jamee Lee on Kieron's Holy Hermits Online 'hybrid-format baptism' in St John's Cathedral on 10 October 2021)

Some of the Bush Ministry Fund clergy with BMF money boxes: The Ven. Lizzie Gaitskell, The Rev'd Matthew Skelton and The Rev'd Rick Gummow at Synod in September 2021

Stephen Harrison, Belinda Macarthur, Joanne Rose, Rebecca McLean and Michelle McDonald from the Parishes and Other Mission Agencies Commission (PMC) visited the Island Futures exhibition at the Queensland Museum on 25 November 2021. The stunning exhibition explores and celebrates Torres Strait Islander identity, giving visitors the opportunity to discover more than 200 objects and images, interwoven with Islander perspectives and stories. The free exhibition is open until 25 April 2022, and includes an area dedicated to the Coming of The Light, as seen in this image. The PMC team is very keen to find out more about the cultures, knowledges and histories of Torres Strait Islander peoples to support the RAP ‘Respect Action’ to “Increase understanding, value and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, knowledge, and rights through cultural learning.” Check out our Diocesan community’s new Innovate RAP, which was launched at St John's Cathedral, Brisbane in November.

The Rev'd Bronwyn Pagram, Bishop Daniel Abot, Mary Reng, Mamuor Kunpeter and The Rev'd Dr Gemma Dashwood at The Parish of Goodna in 2021

Cathedral Shop Manager Ann-Marie Reynolds holding the ‘Star of Bethlehem on Country’ Christmas card design, Kuku Yalanji artist Lalania Tusa with the ‘Journey Line of Lord Jesus’ design and The Very Rev'd Dr Peter Catt holding the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ artwork outside St John's Cathedral on 12 November 2021

Year 4 St Luke's Anglican School students engaged in a number of bee-related activities in 2021, including (left to right) Hudson, Georgie, Sage, Ashton, Merritt, Thomas and Amelie

Anglican Defence Force Chaplains at ACSQ Synod in September 2021 (L-R): The Rev'd Michelle Philp (The Royal Australian Air Force), The Rev'd Stephen Briggs tssf (The Royal Australian Navy) and The Rev'd Michael Quested (The Australian Army)

Yugambeh Elder Uncle Allan playing the didgeridoo and sharing music with St Hilda’s School Pre-Prep children in 2021

Bishop Jeremy Greaves has today joined Anglican Bishops around the country calling for the return of (refugees) Nades and Priya and their daughters, Kopika and Tharnicaa, to Biloela (16 June 2021)

St John's College UQ held an Academic and Professional Dinner for students, academics and other professionals on 17 May 2021. Pictured (L-R) are Henry Yang (Bachelor of Science, 2nd year); Mehrbano Malik (Doctor of Medicine, 2nd year); Sophie Franklin (Bachelor Exercise Physiology and Nutrition, 1st year); Bishop John Roundhill; Tim Reid (ACSQ General Manager); Ruby Russell (Bachelor of Biomedical Science, 1st year); Sam Bereza (Doctor of Medicine, 1st year); Rose Alwyn (St John's College Warden); and, Cole Suter (Bachelor of Advanced Finance and Economics, 1st year)

It was a very memorable day on 27 April 2021 for St Peter’s, Maroochydore with the turning of the sod marking the beginning of the site redevelopment. Bishop Jeremy Greaves officiated, with (L-R): Clarence Perrett (Evans Built project manager), Pat Plowman (People’s Warden), Bishop Jeremy Greaves (Bishop for the Northern Region), The Rev'd Tania Eichler, Daphne McAdam (People’s Warden) and Marie Flegler (Rector’s Warden).

Churchie students Rhys and Takamasa with their Religious Education ‘Nurturing Relationships’ unit title pages in February 2021

On 5 March 2021, The Very Rev'd Dr Peter Catt, pictured with dedicated staff Lisa Clarke and Gerard Finn, cooked up a paella storm on the Cathedral grounds to celebrate the forthcoming International Women's Day.

(L-R): Cormack, Devonte, Isaiah, Rebecca King and Tabitha from Ignite Children's Church at The Lakes Anglican Church on 21 February 2021: "We are holding our Lent calendar. There is a loop for each day of Lent, which are printed with prayers, reflections and challenges for our kids and families to enjoy together" (Rebecca King, Children's Church Coordinator)

(L-R) Anglicare's The Rev'd Canon Linda McWilliam and Karen Crouch; CEO of Thread Together Anthony Chesler; Priest-in-Charge of St Andrew's, Indooroopilly The Rev'd Sue Grimmett; and, Archbishop Phillip Aspinall at the launch of the Tread Together mobile wardrobe service on 23 February 2021

St John's, Hervey Bay parishioner Bev McClelland with Fraser Coast Anglican College students Ben, Max, Joel and Cody during the school's 'Sacred Spaces' excursion on 1 March 2021

St Margaret's Facilities staff member George Mogilski and Chaplain The Rev'd Susan Crothers-Robertson with the school's new processional cross, which was lovingly made by George, in St Margaret's Chapel in March 2021

Anglicare Southern Queensland's Claire Uwimana celebrating Harmony Day with Louise, Pat and a dedicated volunteer at St Martin's Aged Care Home in Taigum on 21 March 2021

On 8 March 2021, our Cathedral community welcomed faith leaders and other community leaders to celebrate Commonwealth Day.

Dalby Anglican Facebook on 10 March 2021: "On Sunday our amazing Ignite Youth got together to ‘Clear the Weir’! We did this two years ago and there was a lot less rubbish in 2021. Afterwards, we had a great time learning about caring for creation and stewardship with The Rev'd Zoe Browne."

On Saturday 27 March 2021 the Maranoa-Warrego Anglican Mission Area AGM was held in the Western Region Bishop's Office in Toowoomba. The truly wonderful Helen Briffa made breakfast for AGM attendees who were keen to meet face to face, including (L-R) Irene Frances – Charleville; Jennifer Crocker – Mitchell; Christine McLean – Mitchell; Bishop Cam Venables; Lindy Sommerfield – Charleville; and, Carmel Jensen – Cunnamulla.

Anglicare SQ Facebook on 21 April 2021: "Hearts of pure gold! Our beautiful staff and residents at Meilene Residential Aged Care Home celebrated the World's Greatest Shave last month with staff members, Vailo and Fibee braving the razor to have their heads shaved. A special shout out to resident, David who also dyed his hair pink for the occasion! It's such an amazing cause. GO, Meilene!"

The Rev'd Claye Middleton lighting the Easter Fire at the Parish of Freshwater on 4 April 2021.

St Andrew’s Anglican College Year 10 students Kia Pulo (centre) and Ethan Bland (right) with their $4000 cheque after winning the University of Queensland Gen[in] Student Entrepreneurial challenge on Friday 28 May 2021, pictured here with Ruan Van der Merwe, Head of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (left)

Anglicare SQ Facebook on 19 May 2021: "We couldn't do what we do without the thoughtfulness of our community around us. The amazing craft group at St Matthew's Anglican Church kindly volunteered their time and hand made a range of beautiful First Nations dolls to give to children in care. Our foster care team were overjoyed to receive the carefully made treasures that will provide comfort to the young people."

St Luke's School, Bundaberg Facebook on 25 May 2021: "Last week Mr Kirchner, Miss Batt, Miss Rogers, and Mr Goodchap took the Year 8 students to Noosa North Shore Camp for almost a week of adventures. The camp took them up and down rock hiking tracks, mountains, and rock walls, and included abseiling, stand-up paddle boarding, survival skills, laser tag, a giant swing, and a games night."

Over the Labour Day long weekend in May 2021, St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School boarding students revelled in the opportunity to host day students at their homes, sharing an insight into their home and family lives, as part of the school’s annual Day Boarder Weekend which aims to broaden the horizons of students. Pictured (L-R) are Year 11 students Annabel Danvers, Lauren Brennan, Grace Reilly, Emma Pickering and Claire Crossley visiting Chinchilla landmark, the Big Watermelon.

ACSQ Facebook on 4 December 2021: "Congratulations to those deaconed and priested by Archbishop Phillip Aspinall in St John's Cathedral, Brisbane today. It really was a wonderfully joyous occasion. Please keep our Diocesan community’s new deacons (The Rev’d Melissa Conway, The Rev’d Lorraine Lynch, The Rev’d Gary Tognola and The Rev’d Loretta Tyler-Moss) and priests (The Rev’d Dr Gemma Dashwood OAM, The Rev’d Julianna Bate, The Rev’d Elizabeth Donald McConnell, The Rev’d Angela McNeill and The Rev’d Matthew Skelton) in your prayers as they serve in their calls to ordained ministry, as well as their families and other loved ones."

“The jerseys were proudly worn by our Open Basketball, Open Touch Football and Open Soccer teams in the final round of QGSSSA Autumn fixtures, where St Aidan’s also presented hand-painted commemorative balls to the opposing teams” (Pictured are St Aidan’s First Nations students Ella Williamson, Rhani Hagan and Zara Hagan with Principal Toni Riordan and Sport Assistant Lily Bougoure with the jersey design and hand-painted balls in autumn 2021)

St Matthew’s 'Coomera Craft Circle' members with Anglicare Cultural Support Worker and Kuku Yalanji woman Lalania Tusa (front, right) with the First Nations dolls that craft circle members lovingly made for children Anglicare helps to care for in foster care (May 2021)

Carmel Murdoch 'Mary Heritage', Fraser Coast Regional Council; Ruth Andersen, Tower Captain at the Parish of Maryborough; George Seymour, Mayor of Fraser Coast Regional Council at Maryborough City Hall on 12 June 2021 during the 60th annual Australia and New Zealand Association of Bellringers festival

The Rev’d Pauline Harley from the Parish of Toowoomba West with parish Winter Shelter volunteers in July 2021

Matthew Flinders Anglican College Year 9 and 10 students and College Chaplain The Rev’d Kathrin Koning preparing food for the St Peter's, Maroochydore community meal, under the guidance of College Chef Darren Frankling on 15 June 2021, with (L-R): Reese, Chef Darren, The Rev’d Kathrin, Gabrielle, Jessica, Lilly, Erika and Elizabeth

On 8 July 2021, some members of St Bart's Kids climbed up Mt Tabletop to film a music video for a song that they wrote earlier in the year! Everyone did an amazing job, even in the cold conditions and a hard climb!

Jack Venables hanging out with utterly adorable Jude and Micah Browne at Senior Ichthus Camp at Peregian in June 2021.

Mothers Union Redcliffe Branch members (Sitting, L-R) Diane Carmody, Margaret Dacey, Lou Hartwig and Lee Raw and (standing, L-R) Robyn Francis and Alison Dunstan in September 2021, knitting rugs for Anglicare's services in Caboolture (out-of-home-care services) and Toowong (Homelessness Services Supportive Accommodation for Women)

St John's College UQ student Fenlan Miller meeting with the Justice Unit's Peter Branjerdporn, anglican focus Editor Michelle McDonald and Justice Unit work placement student Sayesha Dhal in September 2021 to plan media activities for the On Earth Festival

GFS – An Anglican Ministry members meeting at St Francis College on 17 October 2021, with ACSQ branch chair Lesley Briggs (centre), chaplain The Rev’d Canon Cheryl Selvage (front, far left) and Office Administrator Margaret Humphries (front, second from left)

Over $2100 in On Earth Fest ticket proceeds have been donated to the Anglican Board of Mission’s adult literacy and sustainability programs (ABM's The Rev'd Canon Julia van Den Bos and The Rev'd Eron Perry)

The Rev'd Jan Crombie from the Parish of Kenmore-Brookfield with the cast of the Straw & Order nativity movie in 2021

Sunnybank Anglican Parish Facebook on 6 September 2021: "It was a true joy to have Bishop John with us at all 3 services over the weekend!"

The Glennie School Facebook on 6 October 2021: "The Glennie School celebrated our 2022 Year 12 Seniors at our Leadership Induction and Handover Ceremony today. Principal, Ms Mary Anne Evans charged each girl with the privilege and honour of leading our school community with wisdom and love, offering their skills freely in the service of the school, working together as a team and holding strong to our values of courage, respect, integrity and compassion. Each girl was blessed by Bishop Cameron Venables as they received their leadership badge. It was a joy to see the pride and excitement on the faces of each Senior as their leadership journey begins."

Jennifer Murray thanks Bishop Daniel Abot (Bishop of Duk in South Sudan and ACSQ Resource Church Specialist) and his wife Rachel Jimma, who were guest speakers at the AMUA Diocesan Council meeting at St Luke’s, Toowoomba on 18 May 2021.

The Lakes mural project was a collaboration between Gubbi Gubbi artist Goma Conlon, The Lakes Anglican Church, the YMCA Mango Hill, Lead Childcare and supported by Haymes Paints and Moreton Bay Council. This project educates Y-care students on why healing Country is important through yarning circles. After discussions with Fr Dan and Goma, we discussed how students might play a part in healing to themselves, community and Country. This mural is an expression of their reflections and was painted on a piece of the wall between the properties of The Lakes Anglican Church and Lead Childcare for the whole community to see. Pictured here on 6 November 2021 are (L-R): Craig Davis (Haymes paints), Deputy Mayor Jodie Shipway (MBRC), Goma Conlon, Fr Dan Berris and Domenic Heidke (YMCA Head of campus).

Parishioners from across our Diocesan community gathered in an Open Space dialogue on 6 November 2021 to explore what ‘church’ might look like beyond the parish, the buildings, the walls around us, and so on. Participants shared ideas, helped others build on their ideas, discussed where the Holy Spirit is calling and chatted about action items and ‘next steps’. Thanks to The Rev’d Bronwyn Pagram, The Rev’d Gillian Moses and the Parishes and Other Mission Agencies Commission for coordinating the event. A huge thanks to the parishioners from Anglican Parish of Goodna for all the cake and slice baking, sandwich making and serving. Thanks, also, to St Aidan's Anglican Girls' School for welcoming us to their school and providing such a lovely venue for the special dialogue event. Pictured are new 'buddies' Heidi from The Parish of Manly and Michael from The Parish of Sherwood.

On 27 November 2021, Christ Church, St Lucia held its Annual Parish & Family Advent Party, with the theme 'The Journey of Wonder'. The party was enjoyed by all ages and started the parish on its journey to the celebration of Christmas. Through craft, song, story and sharing of a meal, participants travelled through some of the special markers of this time of year. Children made special items to take home and continue the journey at home in the weeks to come. The event was led by The Ven. Valerie Hoare, Mr Tom Van den Bos (YCF Minister) and parent helpers.

Ministry Education Commission (MEC) clergy, staff and volunteers gathered on 14 October 2021 in the Administration Building to celebrate the birthdays of librarian Susan Thomas and lecturer Dr Marie-Louise Craig. The group of MEC gatherers included folk from St Francis College, FormedFaith, AYCF, Community of The Way and the Roscoe Library, as well as GFS – An Anglican Ministry and parish friends.

Mission To Seafarers Brisbane Facebook on 6 August 2021: "Held a Memorial Service for a seafarer who died suddenly at sea several days ago. He will be sent home to the Philippines where a funeral will be held. It is important that his shipmates were able to grieve his death and join in a service giving thanks for his life and to say farewell. With COVID restrictions in place the seafarers stayed onboard and those of us from the MTS stood on the wharf. We went bearing gifts of chocolate, biscuits and other treats. Of course there were beanies and a few bibles. Fair winds and following seas as you sail 'Stolt Rindo' and may peace be with all your crew. Chaplain Stephen"

"St Paul’s is the only building in Umbiram, on an acre of land surrounded by just-harvested fields of barley in the Toowoomba Region. To get to St Paul’s, Umbiram from Brisbane, you roll over the last foothills of the Great Divide into the fertile faming land of the inner southern Darling Downs" (The Rev'd Rick Gummow outside St Paul's, Umbiram in November 2021

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall participating in a smoking ceremony by Bundjalung Kunjiel at the blessing of All Saints' Anglican School's new facilities on Friday 21 May 2021.

Anglicare Southern Queensland Facebook on 24 February 2021: "What does it look like when the Roma Community come together for a Community Day? It's a whole lot of fun! The day was a chance for locals and families to come along and make social connections in the community. There wasn't a shortage of activities to get involved in, as there were activities for kids, a BBQ, a kindness garden and board games, and more! A special shoutout goes to

St Luke's Bundaberg Facebook on 18 February 2021: "LIONS YOUTH OF THE YEAR. Earlier this week, Mrs Hensel's students, Tahsin Ahmed, Lachlan Hocking, and Bahli Ulrick participated in the Lions Youth of the Year competition. The competition consisted of an interview with a Panel of Judges, impromptu questions, and a 5-minute speech. Both Tahsin and Lachlan won Overall Winner for their respective division, with Tahsin also winning in the category Public Speaking. Both of the young men are now scheduled to compete in the regional level of the competition. Well done to all three students and to Mrs Hensel for your preparation and support."

Principal of St Francis College Bishop Jonathan Holland and ACSQ Development Manager Shane Djordjewitsch outside the Chapel of the Holy Spirit, St Francis College on 27 April 2021: works on this side of the Chapel included cleaning and painting of the gutters, inside and out; a new galvanised downpipe; and, a new stormwater pit

AYCF Director Erica Skerman stocking up on produce at an iconic Aussie farm road-side stall on the way back to our Diocesan 'Pointro' campsite on 8 July 2021.

"The beads have become a symbol of togetherness in our grade, as every one of us had the opportunity to create them. We truly enjoyed the activity, and many of us discovered spiritual insights within ourselves" (Alice, CHAC Year 11 student)

All Saints', Chermside Facebook on 20 July 2021: "This morning Fr Daniel made a big sacrifice for our parish by agreeing to be a taster for Nando's, Chermside. He had to eat a lot of chicken on your behalf. Thanks to our friends at Nando's for their contribution to our Soup Kitchen."

On 12 November 2021, anglican focus and the Australasian Religious Press Association (ARPA) acknowledged those writers who contributed anglican focus content to the two ARPA Awards won by our community in September. Pictured are seven of the 10 Springfield Anglican College students who contributed content to an award-winning social media campaign; College Principal Steve Morris; the College's Deputy Head of Primary Kathy Williams; ARPA Treasurer Allan Sauer OAM; the Chair of the Parishes and Other Mission Agencies Commission Cathy Grant; and, anglican focus Editor Michelle McDonald. A big thanks to ARPA for supporting the religious press, to Wiradjuri-owned Birrunga Gallery and Dining who provided such a lovely lunch and venue, and to Kuku Yalanji artist Lalania Tusa, from Anglicare, who painted the stunning dot art prizes.