Winter 2022 album
Check out these photos taken across our Diocesan community, and find out what our parishes, clergy and Episcopal leaders, Cathedral, schools, Anglicare services, St Francis College, Finance and Diocesan Services Commission staff, Justice Unit and ministries got up to during the winter months
From June 2021, image albums will be published seasonally/quarterly. Please submit your best image (featuring people) for consideration in the popular ‘Out & About’ albums via this form (please note: complete image and caption requirements are outlined in the form).

ACSQ Facebook on 28 June 2022: "Bishop Jonathan Holland’s retirement farewell lunch was celebrated today on the lawns of Old Bishopsbourne at St Francis College. 100 people gathered to honour him for his more than four decades of service to the Anglican Church. During the formalities Academic Dean Dr Peter Kline aptly described Bishop Jonathan as a 'lively agent of Christ’s compassion'. In his speech, Bishop Jonathan acknowledged St Francis College staff and thanked his wife, Kerry, for her ongoing support. Bishop Jonathan is looking forward to undertaking a four-month walking pilgrimage from Rome to Canterbury and to spending more time with his four delightful grandchildren. Well done to Rod, Linda and team who organised such a lovely lunch."

Three of our favourite Musketeers, Joanne Rose, The Rev'd Dr Howard Munro and Ann Joseph, gathered at St Francis College on 28 June 2022 to farewell Bishop Jonathan Holland as College Principal upon his retirement.

Parishes and other Mission Agencies Commission (PMC) team members Dr Stephen Harrison, Belinda Macarthur, Rebecca McLean and Michelle McDonald welcomed team member Bishop Daniel Abot back from South Sudan on 23 June 2022. Bishop Daniel returned to Queensland the week prior after spending several months undertaking community commitments in South Sudan. In true Bishop Daniel style and despite the rigorous trip schedule, he still found time to buy gorgeous gifts for his team members. These were exchanged with PMC team members, who gave Bishop Daniel and his wife, Rachel, “welcome home” gifts.

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall participating in a Central Committee Meeting of the World Council of Churches as the Chair of the General Synod Ecumenical Relations Commission on 17 June 2022 in Geneva.

Torres Strait Islander parishioners based at Holy Trinity, Fortitude Valley welcomed people across our Diocese and the wider community to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the landmark High Court Mabo case on 3 June 2022. The festivities commenced with a service, which included a Welcome to Country from Gaja Kerry Charlton; hymns and prayers in Language; intercessions read by Uncle Bruce Boase from the Green Hills Anglican Community; a sermon by The Rev’d Prof. Rodney Wolff; and, a reflection about Mabo and the importance of the constitutionally enshrined Voice by Aunty Dr Rose Elu. The service was followed by food, fellowship and stunning singing and dancing in the church hall. The singing was led by Uncle Rupert (seated, centre), whose great-great-great grandfather received the Bible in 1871 from London Missionary Society and Melanesian Christians. The dancing was led by Malu Kiai Mura Buai Dance Company, most of whom are from Boigu Island in the Torres Strait.

Bishop Jeremy Greaves Facebook on 2 June 2022: "Around 50 clergy from the Anglican and Roman Catholic Dioceses of Brisbane gathered today for the annual Clergy Day. This year the focus was on "Pastoral Care to People who are considering Voluntary Assisted Dying" under the legislation that comes into effect in QLD in 2023. Pictured are Archbishop Phillip Aspinall and Archbishop Mark Coleridge along with guest speakers, The Rev'd Dr Tom Elich and The Rev'd Prof Elizabeth MacKinlay."

Community members gathered for a BBQ and panel discussion on 'Treaty and Tent Embassy' with Dr Jackie Huggins (Aboriginal Australian author and historian), Cheryl Buchanan (Guwamu Nation Elder and social justice campaigner) and Aunty Sandra King (ACSQ RAP Coordinator) in St John's Cathedral on 19 July 2022.

BMF clergy The Rev'd Pauline Harley, The Rev’d Loretta Tyler-Moss, The Rev’d Sue Barker, The Rev'd Rick Gummow, Bishop Cam Venables and The Rev'd Matthew Skelton gathered to chat about the BMF money box appeal on the Saturday of 2022's Synod. The Bush Ministry Fund money boxes are a fun and easy way for individuals, families, parishes and schools to donate to bush ministry in our Diocese. Order your BMF money box today by calling Helen Briffa in the Western Region office on 07 4639 1875.

Parish of Freshwater Synod Reps Eli Best and Mel Maddox hanging out during lunch at 2022's Synod at Churchie.

Talented musicians The Rev'd Claye Middleton (from The Parish of Freshwater), Kelly Houston (from FDSC) and Peter Branjerdporn (from the Justice Unit, which is based in the General Manager's Office) kept everyone entertained during lunch breaks at 2022's Synod.

New St Francis College Principal and Ministry of Education Executive Director The Rev'd Dr Ruth Mathieson (centre) after her commissioning service on the Friday night of 2022's Synod weekend, along with Margaret Humphries, Dr Peter Kline, Fiona Hammond, Dr Sheilagh O'Brien, Dr Robin Ray and Bishop Jonathan Holland.

FDSC's Kelly Houston and Michael Kucera with the Western Region's Helen Briffa masked up and working enthusiastically at Synod on 26 June 2022.

St Francis College formation students Justen Wani Nasona, Mamuor Kunpeter, Peter Jongkuch joined Synod Reps, clergy and ACSQ staff at 2022's Synod.

Baroona Farm regulars Bishop Bill Ray, Blair Martin, Scott Breton and The Rev'd Samuel Dow setting up wicking beds at a working bee on 16 July 2022.

East Redland Facebook on 28 August 2022: "It was a very proud day for The Rev’d Danni today as she commissioned her daughter Romilly at All Saints', Redland Bay as ERA’s newest and youngest LA. Romilly was of course put straight to work and everyone got to celebrate after the service with our much anticipated brekkie. Bevan, Bill and Paul were cooking up a storm of bacon, sausage and eggs on the BBQ, so we could all enjoy the feast. Thank you team for such a yummy treat and congratulations, Romilly!"

In July to August 2022 Community of The Way members Aaron Vidya Sagar, Stacey McCowan and Eleanor Reid served as Lambeth Conference stewards with other young adults from around the world.

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall was presented with a Trinity College Oakleaf Award on 15 July 2022. To commemorate Trinity's 150 years, a committee of 13 members, from across all three College divisions, was tasked with selecting 150 living alumni and College supporters who have made a notable contribution to Trinity, the broader community, or both, within Australia or globally.

West Moreton Anglican College Facebook on 17 August 2022: "Nurturing the creative expression and talents of young children is a specialty of WestMAC’s innovative Junior School teachers with the spectacular and joyful results on display at the Junior School Musical, Madagascar, last night. With the musical involving hundreds of students from every year group, the memorable show featured stand-out performances showcasing excellence in drama, singing and dancing. Considerable achievements by our College’s youngest students, all mentored creatively by our dedicated team of teachers led by Junior School music specialist Michelle French."

Bishop Cam Venables gathered with the St Anne’s, Jondaryan community on 17 July 2022.

Canterbury College Chaplain The Rev’d Melusi Sibanda chatting with Angligreen Chair The Rev'd Peter Moore at the Southern Region Clergy Conference in Noosa in August 2022.

Bishops John Roundhill, Jeremy Greaves, Daniel Abot and Cam Venables outside Canterbury Cathedral following the Lambeth Conference closing service on 7 August 2022

Good friends Fay Nolan and the anglican focus Editor, Michelle, hung out together after the Editor's 18 August 2022 visit to The Parish of Chermside, where Michelle chatted with enthusiastic soup kitchen and op shop volunteers.

Cannon Hill Anglican College Facebook on 1 August 2022: "CHAC was delighted to partner with Downtown Toyota for the recent National Tree Day – the largest tree planting and nature care event in Australia. Our keen students joined forces to plant trees in the wetlands to help save the planet. Students were outfitted with National Tree Day gardening gloves and hats to celebrate the occasion. Thank you to Mr Shannon and Mr Philip from the Property Services team for their efforts in digging the holes and assisting the students."

Community of The Way member Aaron Vidya Sagar, who volunteered as a steward at the Lambeth Conference, was interviewed by Caroline Welby on 6 August 2022.

Anglicare SQ Facebook on 24 August 2022: "Yesterday our E.M. Tooth Residential Aged Care home hosted St Paul’s, Manly's Mothers' Union Australia group, a mission agency with links to 84 countries. The Union will be using the chapel at E.M. Tooth for their monthly meetings moving forward. 'It's an exciting time for us to have the Mother's Union on-site for their monthly meetings,' says Facility Manager Glenda. 'It is inclusive of our residents.'"

St Paul's, East Brisbane Facebook on 22 August 2022: "Another fun afternoon of learning and development of Christian character with our kids at Sunday BLAST. We learnt about the meaning and application of the Lost Sheep Parable. The fearsome looking chap is the Shepherd, constructed by our own Tracy whose talent knows no bounds. Also every child plus those not able to be there yesterday received a Governor’s Coin from the former Governor of Qld, The Hon Paul de Jersey, which after being our guest preacher some weeks ago he offered to send us. Thank you, Sir. The kids were very excited. Huge thanks to the BLAST team yet again for their hard work and creativity."

St Andrew's, South Brisbane Facebook on 19 August 2022: "Spotted today outside St Andrew's Anglican Church, South Brisbane. From left: Reverend Ian McGrath (former Associate Minister, now Priest-in-Charge at St Philip's Rochedale), Reverend Alan Moore (former Rector, retired 2020), Reverend Karl Przywala (present Priest-in-Charge, St Andrew's)."

Parish of Robina Facebook on 30 July 2022: "Was an amazing start to our Beach Church concept today with ‘Winter Beach Church’ at Mermaid Beach. Stay tuned for ‘Spring Beach Church’."

The Parish of Caboolture Facebook on 31 August 2022: "Happy birthday, Nancy. What a joy to celebrate together as a church family."

Bishop Jeremy Greaves Facebook on 20 August 2022: "Last Sunday it was wonderful to commission Daniel as Priest-in-Charge of St Faith's Anglican Church, Strathpine. Tomorrow afternoon I will be at The Anglican Parish of Caloundra and Glasshouse Country to commission Paul as Priest-in-Charge of that parish. Terrific to celebrate new beginnings with joy and hope as God's people for God's world."

Mission To Seafarers Facebook on 25 July 2022: "We can never thank those that support and follow our Mission enough. This weekend we visited St Lukes' Church in Collingwood Park. Thousands of beanies and warm clothing knitted, gifts for Christmas bags, goods for care packages, all made and prepared with love and care for seafarers. If only you could see the look on their faces when they receive these gifts. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts."

Anglicare SQ Facebook on 15 August 2022: "Meet Smokey and Sooty, two feline brothers living alongside the residents at Kirami Residential Aged Care. Here they are with residents Philip and Christine and Kirami staff Lorna and Jody (the photographer's flash caught Jody and Smokey by surprise!). Smokey and Sooty were adopted by Kirami when their previous owners were no longer able to look after them. Ever since their arrival four years ago, they have brought plenty of smiles, antics and cuddles to the residents. They are puuurfect companions!"

Canterbury College Facebook on 18 August 2022: "This week our Year 4 students participated in an outdoor education experience with the PCYC Bornhoffen Leadership Development Centre in the picturesque mountainscape of Springbrook. They participated in various team-building exercises, including abseiling, bush walks, creek studies and problem-solving activities."

St Paul's School Facebook on 18 August 2022: "Great work to Debating Team 8.2 who achieved the great result of getting to the second round knock out Final for the QDU Year 8 Debating season. The Year 8 team is pictured here, including: Amelia Quilty Olivia Howell Anya Kandapal Percy Tran. Thanks to Mrs Broadley who taught the team about rebuttal, pace, gestures and volume of speech when debating. They were only narrowly defeated. They worked hard and really improved as a team and as individuals. We were very proud of their efforts and achievements this year."

Orthodox Christian nurse-paramedic Helen Zahos met the anglican focus Editor Michelle at the Greek Club on 29 July 2022 following Helen's humanitarian trip to Ukraine and Moldova. Helen wrote about her overseas experiences for anglican focus in August and September.

During the Southern Region Clergy Conference in August 2022, The Rev'd Andrew Schmidt taught other conference participants how to play Dungeons and Dragons during a lunch break, including The Rev'd Dr Margaret Wesley, The Rev'd Sue Grimmett, The Rev'd Jim Raistrick, Aaron Vidya Sagar, Dr John Rolley and The Ven. Bronwyn Pagram.

The Rev'd Nicholas Whereat and The Rev'd Canon Bruce Boase enjoying a chat over lunch during the Northern Region Clergy Conference at Noosa on 24 August 2022.