Spring 2022 album
Check out these photos taken across our Diocesan community, and find out what our parishes, clergy and Episcopal leaders, Cathedral, schools, Anglicare services, St Francis College, Cathedral Precinct staff, Justice Unit and ministries got up to during the spring months
From June 2021, image albums will be published seasonally/quarterly. Please submit your best image (featuring people) for consideration in the popular ‘Out & About’ albums via this form (please note: complete image and caption requirements are outlined in the form).

The Governor of Queensland Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young AC PSM gave an address at a thanksgiving service for the life, work and witness of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on 20 September 2022 at St John's Cathedral.

The Rev'd John Pattison led a beautiful evening service at St Paul's Anglican Church, Stanthorpe on 16 September 2022, dedicated to the life and service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Lisa and John Vichie, members of the Stanthorpe Pipe Band, played a moving rendition of 'Amazing Grace'.

St Andrew's, Springfield Facebook on 29 October 2022: "On Friday 28th October St Andrew's Springfield held the Carnival of Light, supported by The Springfield Anglican College. It was our biggest event ever, with around 500 people attending, mainly from the church and college community. A huge thank you to Stacey McGowan (our Children and Youth Ministry Coordinator) for pulling it together and to all the St. Andrew's volunteers, College Chaplain, staff, students and diocesan youth workers, who made it a fun and memorable event. It was heartening to see so many areas of the diocese represented in our efforts to shine a light for Christ in Springfield.

Clergy (from L-R) Melissa Conway, Des Potter, David Snape, Terry Frewin, Phil Ward, Bill Ross, Mark Carlyon, Tony Swansson, Pauline Harley, Clyde Wood, Gerry Bahre, Matt Skelton and Loretta Tyler-Moss with olive tree gifts, which were presented to them by Bishop Cam Venables, at the Western Region Clergy Muster on 27 September 2022.

Western Region clergy and dedicated staff member Helen Briffa after the Western Region Clergy Muster final service and renewal of vows on 30 September 2022 at Toowoomba Anglican School’s Chapel of St Aidan.

Parishes and other Mission Agencies Commission team members Dr Stephen Harrison (Executive Director and RAP Working Group member), Bishop Daniel Abot (Ethnic Congregations Specialist) and Michelle McDonald (anglican focus Editor and RAP Working Group member) discussing the Indigenous Voice to Parliament and the Uluru Statement, parish welcome and inclusion, Sudanese and South Sudanese congregation priorities, Bishop Daniel's monthly newsletter 'Many language in Christ', and anglican focus opportunities at St Martin's House in September 2022.

The Rev’d Nicholas Whereat from the Anglican Parish of Aspley-Albany Creek with Cathedral priest The Rev’d Dr Gemma Dashwood and Cathedral community members, Delroy, Eve, Angie and Carol, praying for the release of people stuck on PNG and Nauru on Sunday 4 September 2022.

The original Uluru Statement From the Heart canvas was brought to St John’s Cathedral on 21 September 2022 by constitutional lawyer Professor Megan Davis, who spoke about the Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Constitution in this year's Brisbane Peace Lecture.

A multi-faith service for climate justice was held at St John's Cathedral on Thursday 13 October 2022.

The Rev'd Dr Ruth Mathieson (centre) with Bishop Cam Venables, University of Divinity staff and St Francis College representatives after the 30 September 2022 celebratory Eucharist marking the new partnership, with (L-R) The Rev'd Dr Garry Deverell, Bishop Jonathan Holland, Bishop Stephen Pickard, Janine Schmidt AM, The Rev'd Dr Wendi Sargeant, Eve James, Prof Peter Sherlock, The Rev'd Dr Ruth Mathieson, Bishop Cam Venables, Dr Peter Kline, Dr Sheilagh O'Brien, The Rev'd Canon Sarah Plowman, The Rev'd Dr Ceri Wynne, Bishop Bill Ray and Dr Robin Ray.

Toowoomba Anglican School Facebook on 8 October 2022: "TAS String players provided entertainment this morning and this afternoon for the Pink High Tea, raising money for the Toowoomba Hospital Foundation: BreastScreen. Thank you to our students and Mrs Vicki Bravery for giving their time and expertise to this very worthy cause."

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall with other ecumenical delegates at the International Commission for Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue in Athens on 10 October 2022.

Margaret Humphries (GFS – An Anglican Ministry), Jonathan Sargeant (FormedFaith), Fiona Hammond (FormedFaith), The Rev’d Tim Booth (Parishes and other Mission Agencies Commission), Stacey McCowan (Community of The Way) and Peter Branjerdporn (Justice Unit) providing Dr Stephen Harrison (Parishes and other Mission Agencies Commission) with feedback during a session test run of the new 'Being Together: An inclusion and respect dialogue resource for parishes and ministries'.

St Mark's, Warwick Women's Guild 59th Rose Festival Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Rose Winner was parish volunteer gardener Mr Don Meneely, who is pictured with Judge Michael O'Leary and Rector The Ven. Lizzie Gaitskell and Guild President Winsome Anderson. The Rose Festival was held on 14 October 2022 and was a great success with a delicious afternoon tea and cent sale held in the afternoon.

A number of ACSQ clergy attended the Archbishop of Canterbury's community address at Emmanuel Anglican College in Ballina on 13 October 2022, including The Rev'd Canon Ann McGuinness, The Rev’d Mary-Anne Rulfs, The Rev'd Sue Grimmett, The Rev'd Canon Dr Marian Free, The Rev'd Richard James and The Rev'd Prof Rodney Wolff, who are pictured with Bishop Murray Harvey from the Diocese of Grafton and Archbishop Justin Welby.

St Andrew's, Springfield Facebook on 16 October 2022: "Bishop John visited us this Sunday and confirmed Tadi and Taropa in the faith. Tadi and Taropa both shared a testimony, which demonstrated that they understand exactly what confirmation is all about and why it's important to each of them. We continue to pray for Tadi and Taropa as they seek to love and serve the Lord."

On Saturday 8 October 2022 at Clairvaux MacKillop College in Upper Mount Gravatt, Coomera Anglican College’s Rock Band, Silent Freeway, was named the winner of the Saturday Night event of the 2022 Battle of the Rock Bands. Thirty rock bands from various secondary schools battled it out onstage. Each school presented four songs, with the winners of each evening then competing for the final prize.

The Rev'd Kaye Pitman OAM and The Rev'd Valerie Graydon celebrated 30 years of women's ordination to the priesthood in St John's Cathedral on 18 November 2022. They were the first women to be ordained priests in our Diocese. They are holding an image of their 1992 ordination day (both images were taken by Michael Stephenson).

The opening and re-dedication of the new St Peter's, Maroochydore site redevelopment on 26 November 2022. The site redevelopment committee is pictured with Bishop Jeremy Greaves who presided over the service.

World Global Day of Action for women’s safety was commemorated at St John’s Cathedral on 26 November 2022 by Mothers Union members and their supporters. The Rev'd Dr Ann Solari is holding the Cathedral Mothers Union banner and the poster, “#No More 1in3”, in the front row. Dr Robin Ray is holding the Mothers Union banner in the back row. Also pictured are Marjory Fieldus, Lone Members branch; The Rev'd Eleanor Mancini with members of the Cathedral branch; Dr Gwenneth Roberts and members of the Cathedral Domestic Abuse Action Group; Jan Gavegan, President of the Coorparoo branch and Secretary, Fiona Holliday; and, The Rev'd Ros Clifton. The event was about the shocking fact that one in three women experience gender-based violence in their life time. The banner reads “Let Justice for Women Flow Down like a River”. The gathering started with the Cathedral Day Bell ringing 50 times to represent the number of women killed by a current or former intimate partner each year. Three minutes’ silence was observed, with The Rev'd Eleanor Mancini leading a service with hymns and a closing prayer.

Bishop Cam Venables, Margaret Carr (Diocesan Lay Director for Cursillo) and Nick Crisp (who led the Men's Weekend this year at Mt Tamborine) at an Ultreya at St Matthew's, Sherwood on 19 November 2022.

On 23 November 2022, Anglican Church Southern Queensland community members, including senior clergy and staff, RAP Working Group representatives and Social Responsibilities Committee (SRC) members, gathered in the Cathedral Precinct to celebrate the ACSQ becoming the first church nationally to officially partner with From The Heart. Pictured is Archbishop Phillip Aspinall holding a letter from From The Heart, RAP Working Group Coordinator Aunty Sandra King OAM and RAP Working Group Chair The Rev’d Canon Bruce Boase, along with Sherril Butterworth (Executive Director, Anglican Schools Commission), Fiona Hammond (St Francis College RAP Working Group member), Tim Reid (ACSQ General Manager and RAP Working Group member), Peter Branjerdporn (Justice Unit Coordinator), The Ven. Bronwyn Pagram (SRC RAP Working Group member), Dr Stephen Hart (FDSC RAP Working Group member), Anna Zilli (Anglicare SQ RAP Working Group member), Dr Stephen Harrison (Executive Director, PMC and RAP Working Group member), The Rev’d Prof Rodney Wolff (SRC RAP Working Group member), The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt (Chair, SRC), Joanne Stone (Executive Director, FDSC) and Michelle McDonald (PMC RAP Working Group member). From The Heart stems from the 2017 National Constitutional Convention where the Uluru Statement From the Heart was signed by 250 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander delegates.

Bishop Jeremy Greaves Facebook on 2 October 2022: "Paddy and I joined the people (and pets) at St Gabriel's Anglican Church, Carindale this morning for St Francis Day celebrations. 'Blessed are you, Lord God, maker of all living creatures. You called forth fish in the sea, birds in the air and animals on the land. You inspired Saint Francis to call all of them his brothers and sisters. We ask you to bless this pet. By the power of your love, enable it to live according to your plan. May we always praise you for all your beauty in creation. Blessed are you, Lord our God, in all your creatures! Amen.'"

East Redland Anglican Facebook on 17 October 2022: "Have a look and see what Rev’d Danni was up to this weekend and also where your stamps for ABM go."

2022's St Francis of Assisi Day was celebrated at St Thomas’, Beaudesert with The Rev'd Ken Spreadborough, assisted by Churchwarden Jenny Walker, blessing pets, including Pepper and Houdini with owner Margaret Henzell waiting to be next.

Elissa Cotroneo was commissioned as the new Director of Anglican Youth Children and Families ministry on 5 October 2022 in the Chapel of The Holy Spirit at St Francis College during a lunchtime Eucharistic service. She is pictured with The Rev'd Dr Ruth Mathieson (Executive Director of the Ministry Education Commission), Fiona Hammond (Project Officer for FormedFaith) and The Rev'd Richard Browning (Director of Mission at the Anglican Schools Commission).

Fraser Coast Anglican College Facebook on 25 September 2022: "It’s Primary School Cup weekend. Yesterday our Championship team had 4 wins and 3 wins for our Development team."

All Saints' Anglican Church, Chermside Facebook on 3 October 2022: "The dedicated family of All Saints' at Chermside filled 177 shoe boxes with small gifts for children overseas. It's a labour of love and will fill 177 little hearts with happiness at Christmas. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way."

ACSQ Facebook on 14 September 2022: "The anglican focus Editor visited Canon Gary Harch from St John's Cathedral, Brisbane today to say hello. Gary made Michelle a loaf of his famous bread (rumour has it that he keeps a ‘loaf ledger’ to keep track of how many he gives away). After exchanging gifts, Gary and Michelle caught up for a chat. Canon Gary is recovering from prostate cancer surgery. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer affecting Australian men (after non-melanoma skin cancer). Gary wants all men to know that it’s vital to get used to talking to your GP about prostate cancer."

St Mark's Anglican Church, The Gap Facebook on 18 September 2022: "Rev'd Ann here – on my way back from Sydney, after the MoW Conference, celebrating 30 years of Ordained Anglican Women and our ministry. The Irish tourists I met loved the colour coordination!"

On Thursday 29 September 2022, The Rev'd Dr Ruth Mathieson invited local First Nations Elders and St Francis College staff and students to meet key University of Divinity staff over morning tea at Old Bishopsbourne. Pictured (L-R) are Aunty Dr Rose Elu, Prof Peter Sherlock, The Rev'd Dr Ruth Mathieson, The Rev'd Canon Sarah Plowman, Eve James, Prof Anne Pattel-Gray, Fiona Hammond, Peter Jongkuch, Aunty Sandra King OAM, Prue Conaghan, The Rev'd Canon Bruce Boase, Dr Peter Kline, Angie Mooney, Rod Mengel, Vanessa Gamack, Paul Paulsen, Linda Burridge, Dr Sheilagh O'Brien, The Rev'd Richard Browning and The Rev'd Dr Garry Deverell.

Anglican Parish of Drayton on 26 October 2022: "Congratulations to Jye Bonell on his commissioning as a Liturgical Assistant last Sunday at St Matthew's, Drayton. A wonderful and joyful morning. Love you to Join us this Sunday."

Stanthorpe Anglican Parish Facebook on 20 November 2022: "Today at the annual Poppy Service at St Denys we remembered with thanksgiving those who made the supreme sacrifice to us in time of war. A special thank-you must go to Adele for organising another moving service, Mayor Vic Pennisi for leading the service with Rev. John unwell, Sandra for reflecting on her distinguished soldier father, the performers including the Vanuatu Choir, Mario Costanzo & Piper Greg Finlay. Thank-you to all those behind the scenes as well, making posies, setting up and more. It is all appreciated."

Anglican Parish of Maleny Montville Kenilworth Facebook on 5 November 2022: "Congratulations to Nathan, Sue and Phil who were confirmed by Bishop Jeremy today at St Luke's...followed by fantastic Kenilworth hospitality!!"

Anglicare Southern Queensland Facebook on 9 November 2022: "Last Tuesday was a day of glitz and glamour for our Logan Respite Centre clients, who celebrated Melbourne Cup in style. A catwalk was set up for the best-dressed competition, with clients Loretta and Desmond coming out on top. Our staff also organised a raffle and served up a delicious lunch and dessert, assisted by some of our wonderful volunteers. Thank you to the Logan Respite team for all the hard work you put into the day, and to the attendees too!"

Anglicare Southern Queensland Facebook on 14 October 2022: "Today our Mental Health team is hosting a stall at the Brisbane Mental Health Expo at Brisbane Powerhouse. They have flyers and information on our mental health services and merchandise available, and are happy to answer any questions and connect with expo visitors! They'll be there until 2:30 pm, so drop in to say hi if you're in the area. Pictured: Georgia and Michelle"

Mission To Seafarers Brisbane Facebook on 20 November 2022: "Here's a Sunday feel good post. Every week we are helping seafarers from all regions of the world bridge the gap of being socially isolated for periods up to 11 months. So when the seafarers from M/T P Sofia visited us this week, they were so excited to get access to some new clothing...We also created the opportunity to reunite some very close friends who have not been able to see each other for 4 years. Their ship literally came in. Have a great weekend."

This year's On Earth festival at St Francis College drew a crowd of more than 500, with youth and young adults making up around half of the participants and volunteers. The sack race was a crowd pleaser. The event was co-hosted by the ACSQ Justice Unit and St Francis College and held on 8 October 2022.

Young parishioners from Christ Church, Yeronga delighted On Earth festival goers again this year with their joyful dancing (On Earth, Saturday 8 October 2022).

The Glennie School Facebook on 19 October 2022: "This year the Glennie community will be digging deep to best on our 2021 fundraising efforts for the 2022 Hike for Homeless, which will take place on Saturday, 29 October. Hike for Homeless is aimed at raising awareness of homelessness in Toowoomba and much-needed funds to ensure the Basement Soup Kitchen can continue to provide lunchtime meals, swags, blankets, clothing, and essential services to people who are homeless or at high risk of homelessness in Toowoomba. We welcome and encourage the Glennie community to consider joining the Glennie Team or making a donation on behalf of Glennie to this worthy cause via the Hike for Homeless website."

Thread Together Volunteer Coordinator Kate Littmann-Kelly with Princess Polly Social Responsibility Coordinator Emma Slattery, Princess Polly Quality Assurance Manager Jennine Mogor and Princess Polly Quality Assurance Coordinator Christina Hewawissa at the Thread Together clothing hub at St Andrew’s Anglican Church in Indooroopilly (Photo: Anglicare Southern Queensland)