From June 2021, image albums will be published seasonally/quarterly. Please submit your best image (featuring people) for consideration in the popular ‘Out & About’ albums via this form (please note: complete image and caption requirements are outlined in the form).

Anglicare Southern Queensland pastoral carers went on retreat in Cleveland in December 2022. Pictured is Helen Crowley, Max McClelland, Deb Stengert, Lynne Cain, Merry Waller, Felicity Dougherty, David Hale, Kath Watson, Rachel Tew, Linda Starr, Tanya Furby and Colin Lim. Anglicare's pastoral carers do vital work caring for people in aged care homes and people's residential homes.

Dr Ellie Skelton (in blue) leads a mainly music session at All Saints' Church, Clifton in March 2022 – the lycra activity is a crowd favourite.

Anglican Church, Gympie and Region Facebook on 6 February 2022: "Thanks Bishop Jeremy for joining us for morning services, including #kidzchurch. You may have a follower!"

Anglicare Roma Mental Health and Family Wellbeing Service Coordinator Annette Cavanough with members of the Lions Club of Roma and major sponsors of the Anglicare stationery drive, Aileen and David Knowles, in January 2022.

During the March 2022 floods, Stacey McCowan said that she was especially impacted by those sleeping rough outside the Cathedral, which was the first stop for the merry Community of The Way band and provided a CBD base for them as they handed out care packages and home-cooked dinners to rough sleepers (she is pictured with Community of The Way chaplain Dr John Rolley).

"The Joshua series has taught me that sometimes you need to break the rules, or the law, to do the right thing. I like how it is based on scripture. According to the Pharisees, who were strict about the law, you couldn’t eat with sinners – but Jesus did. Jesus also told us not to judge" (Southern Region parishioner 102-year-old Margaret Thurgood, February 2022).

Priest for Holy Hermits Online The Rev'd Jamee Callard with HHO community member Jeremy Fraser during an online catch-up in March 2022.

"As a hospital chaplain, I minister to patients, family members of patients and staff...I work three days a week as a chaplain. The role is rewarding because it fits my gifts, training and professional skills. Living through difficulties from a young age, including as a child soldier in Sudan, I understand suffering. I understand that it is a part of life" (The Rev'd Peter Mayen is a chaplain at Toowoomba Hospital, March 2022).

St John’s College UQ students Kristy Underwood, Fiona Brown, Murray Colbridge and resident advisor Archie Steele returned from a flood clean-up day muddy and tired (4 March 2022).

The Southport School students and staff travelled to Lismore in March 2022 to assist with the flood clean-up and to support the community, including (L-R) Jack Stockbridge, Jace Harold, Brayden Hudson, Nick Doyle, Morgan Guy, Murphy Baker, Jack Thornton, Saxon Luke and Joe Madden.

“I think it’s important for our College community to come together so we can support one another, especially because many of us and our families and friends were affected by floods,” Year 12 Flinders student Maddy Archer said (second from left, pictured with Genevieve Millbank, Chloe Voss and Natasha Beutel in March 2022).

Director of Indigenous Education Uncle Paul Paulson (second from left) visiting Canterbury College in early 2022 with his mother Aunty Delores Paulson, niece Oceana, Aunty Sue Blanco, The Rev’d Melusi Sibanda (chaplain), Aunty Tootie Yuke, Mr Derek Fogarty, an Elder and her granddaughter, Aunty Gerry Page (Mununjali Elder Chairperson) and Aunty Janice Page.

The Rev'd Erika Williams was commissioned as Priest-in-Charge of the Parish of Bundaberg West by Bishop Jeremy Greaves on 11 February 2022. Erika is excited to return to the parish where she started her formation journey and is extremely grateful for the opportunity to help lead the friendly and supportive Good Shepherd community in God's mission.

Gordon Lee (Centre Warden at St Luke’s Toowoomba), Nicole Ham (ACSQ Senior Property Officer), John Compton (Parish Warden) and Stephanie Keays (heritage architect) in front of the recently restored eastern wall and windows of St Luke’s, Toowoomba on 27 April 2022.

"The Captain, C/O and all seafarers aboard MV S Santiago have greatly appreciated the ongoing care and social interaction from our centre while they have been caught in Brisbane for weeks. The final round of "retail therapy" before they sailed was delivered by Heather yesterday morning to smiling faces. Safe sailing, S Santiago. We look forward to welcoming you back." (MTS Brisbane Facebook, 15 March 2022).

WestMAC's Learning Innovator – Indigenous Perspectives Phyllis Marsh and Bishop Cam Venables with the Western Region component of the ACSQ's Reconciliation artwork, which was on display at WestMAC in Term 1 (March 2022).

In May 2022, Wangan and Jagalingou Traditional Owners Meisha, Coedie and Nathan welcomed Cathedral parishioner Angie Mooney to Country, where they are keeping vigil near the Adani Carmichael coal mine.

In typical generous Bishop Daniel Abot style and despite his rigorous South Sudan trip schedule, he still found time while overseas to buy gorgeous gifts for his fellow PMC team members, Belinda Macarthur, Rebecca McLean, Michelle McDonald and Stephen Harrison (June 2022).

St Mark’s, Warwick community members waiting for the 18-metre-high flower tower to be hoisted and hung on the belltower, including St Mark’s, Warwick rector The Ven. Lizzie Gaitskell and President of the St Mark’s Women’s Guild, Winsome Anderson. The flower tower initiative was part of 2022's Jumpers and Jazz in July Festival.

New St Francis College Principal and Ministry of Education Executive Director The Rev'd Dr Ruth Mathieson (centre) after her commissioning service on the Friday night of 2022's Synod weekend, along with Margaret Humphries, Dr Peter Kline, Fiona Hammond, Dr Sheilagh O'Brien, Dr Robin Ray and Bishop Jonathan Holland.

Bush Ministry Fund clergy The Rev'd Sue Barker (back row, left) with The Rev'd Rick Gummow, Bishop Cam Venables, The Revd Matthew Skelton, The Rev'd Pauline Harley and The Rev'd Loretta Tyler-Moss holding popular BMF money boxes at 2022 ACSQ Synod. Bush Ministry Fund money boxes are a fun and easy way for individuals, families, parishes and schools to donate to bush ministry in our Diocese. Order your BMF money box today by emailing Helen Briffa in the Western Region office via or by calling 07 4639 1875.

Talented musicians The Rev'd Claye Middleton (from The Parish of Freshwater), Kelly Houston (from FDSC) and Peter Branjerdporn (from the Justice Unit, which is based in the General Manager's Office) kept everyone entertained during lunch breaks at 2022's Synod.

The Rev'd Zoe Browne (The Parish of Dalby), The Rev'd Dr Cathy Laufer (The Parish of Coolum Beach), The Rev'd Scott Windred (The Parish of Sunnybank) and The Ven. Bronwyn Pagram (The Parish of Goodna) hanging out at Churchie during lunch on the Sunday of 2022 Synod.

Parish of Freshwater Synod Reps Eli Best and Mel Maddox hanging out during lunch at 2022's Synod at Churchie.

On Thursday 31 March 2022, students, staff, Sister Gillian, visiting clergy and special guests gathered for a whole school Easter service and the commissioning of The Rev'd Jazz Dow as Chaplain of St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School. Pictured are St Margaret’s Sacristans Georgia Brown and Verity House, Sister Gillian, The Rev’d Jazz Dow, and Sacristans Jessica Norvill and Grace Reilly.

During 2022's Lady Day commemorations, on the Feast of The Annunciation in St John's Cathedral, formation students Peter Jongkuch and Mamuor Kunpeter received Mothers Union bursaries to support them in their studies.

St Paul's School Cultural Captain Grace Martin, First Nations student Taneasha Pollard and Cultural Captain Lara Wadham in front of the new St Paul’s Tuckeroo Bush Garden in August 2022.

"Being confirmed, I think, will give me a sense of identity as I become an adult. I want to grow up with a strong relationship with God. This is why I want to be confirmed" (Katie Free holding the crozier on her confirmation day at All Saints', Cambooya on 1 May 2022).

The Rev’d Nicholas Whereat from the Anglican Parish of Aspley-Albany Creek with Cathedral priest The Rev’d Dr Gemma Dashwood and Cathedral community members, Delroy, Eve, Angie and Carol, praying for the release of people stuck on PNG and Nauru on Sunday 4 September 2022.

Symes Thorpe resident Mervyn Dowzer celebrated his 100th birthday with family and friends on 30 August 2022 after receiving a letter from Her Majesty The Queen.

Kate Venables, Frances Thompson, Bishop Cam Venables, Bishop Daniel Abot, Aunty Dr Rose Elu, Bishop John Roundhill, Rachel Jimma, and stewards Lindsay Murgha (from Cairns), Aaron Vidya Sagar and Eleanor Reid gathered in front of a Canterbury Cathedral apartment at the 2022 Lambeth Conference.

Bishops John Roundhill, Jeremy Greaves, Daniel Abot and Cam Venables outside Canterbury Cathedral following the Lambeth Conference closing service on 7 August 2022

David Kirkwood, Sharon Anderson and Charlene Savage ringing the muffled Peace Bells at Christ Church, Bundaberg ahead of the Wednesday 14 September 2022 service of commemoration for Her Majesty The Late Queen Elizabeth II.

"This image is of our community meal family celebrating Mary Norris’ 100th Birthday as she continues to serve as a part of the community meal team" (The Rev'd Tania Eichler, The Parish of Maroochydore, 2022)

On Thursday 29 September 2022, The Rev'd Dr Ruth Mathieson invited local First Nations Elders and St Francis College staff and students to meet key University of Divinity staff over morning tea at Old Bishopsbourne. Pictured (L-R) are Aunty Dr Rose Elu, Prof Peter Sherlock, The Rev'd Dr Ruth Mathieson, The Rev'd Canon Sarah Plowman, Eve James, Prof Anne Pattel-Gray, Fiona Hammond, Peter Jongkuch, Aunty Sandra King OAM, Prue Conaghan, The Rev'd Canon Bruce Boase, Dr Peter Kline, Angie Mooney, Rod Mengel, Vanessa Gamack, Paul Paulsen, Linda Burridge, Dr Sheilagh O'Brien, The Rev'd Richard Browning and The Rev'd Dr Garry Deverell.

This year's On Earth festival at St Francis College drew a crowd of more than 500, with youth and young adults making up around half of the participants and volunteers. The sack race was a crowd pleaser. The event was co-hosted by the ACSQ Justice Unit and St Francis College and held on 8 October 2022.

St John the Divine, Burnett Heads parishioner Hilary Reed, who brought her champion guinea pigs Pyrus, Mystic and Jacob, said she enjoyed the 1 October 2022 blessing of the pets gathering.

ACSQ Facebook on 28 June 2022: "Bishop Jonathan Holland’s retirement farewell lunch was celebrated today on the lawns of Old Bishopsbourne at St Francis College. 100 people gathered to honour him for his more than four decades of service to the Anglican Church. During the formalities Academic Dean Dr Peter Kline aptly described Bishop Jonathan as a 'lively agent of Christ’s compassion'. In his speech, Bishop Jonathan acknowledged St Francis College staff and thanked his wife, Kerry, for her ongoing support. Bishop Jonathan is looking forward to undertaking a four-month walking pilgrimage from Rome to Canterbury and to spending more time with his four delightful grandchildren. Well done to Rod, Linda and team who organised such a lovely lunch."

Three of our favourite Musketeers, Joanne Rose, The Rev'd Dr Howard Munro and Ann Joseph, gathered at St Francis College on 28 June 2022 to farewell Bishop Jonathan Holland as College Principal upon his retirement.

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall participating in a Central Committee Meeting of the World Council of Churches as the Chair of the General Synod Ecumenical Relations Commission on 17 June 2022 in Geneva.

Parish of Robina Facebook on 30 July 2022: "Was an amazing start to our Beach Church concept today with ‘Winter Beach Church’ at Mermaid Beach. Stay tuned for ‘Spring Beach Church’."

St Andrew's, South Brisbane Facebook on 19 August 2022: "Spotted today outside St Andrew's Anglican Church, South Brisbane. From left: Reverend Ian McGrath (former Associate Minister, now Priest-in-Charge at St Philip's Rochedale), Reverend Alan Moore (former Rector, retired 2020), Reverend Karl Przywala (present Priest-in-Charge, St Andrew's)."

Cannon Hill Anglican College Facebook on 1 August 2022: "CHAC was delighted to partner with Downtown Toyota for the recent National Tree Day – the largest tree planting and nature care event in Australia. Our keen students joined forces to plant trees in the wetlands to help save the planet. Students were outfitted with National Tree Day gardening gloves and hats to celebrate the occasion. Thank you to Mr Shannon and Mr Philip from the Property Services team for their efforts in digging the holes and assisting the students."

Canterbury College Facebook on 18 August 2022: "This week our Year 4 students participated in an outdoor education experience with the PCYC Bornhoffen Leadership Development Centre in the picturesque mountainscape of Springbrook. They participated in various team-building exercises, including abseiling, bush walks, creek studies and problem-solving activities."

Mission To Seafarers Facebook on 25 July 2022: "We can never thank those that support and follow our Mission enough. This weekend we visited St Lukes' Church in Collingwood Park. Thousands of beanies and warm clothing knitted, gifts for Christmas bags, goods for care packages, all made and prepared with love and care for seafarers. If only you could see the look on their faces when they receive these gifts. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts."

Thread Together Volunteer Coordinator Kate Littmann-Kelly with one of the beautiful dresses that is available at the new clothing hub, which is launching on Thursday 20 October 2022 at St Andrew’s Anglican Church in Indooroopilly (Photo: Anglicare Southern Queensland).

Swathi, Rachael, Stephen, Michael and Neethu from the Finance and Diocesan Services Commission’s Organisational Development team enjoying lunch at Wiradjuri-owned Birrunga Gallery and Dining on 25 November 2022.

On 23 November 2022, Anglican Church Southern Queensland community members, including senior clergy and staff, RAP Working Group representatives and Social Responsibilities Committee (SRC) members, gathered in the Cathedral Precinct to celebrate the ACSQ becoming the first church nationally to officially partner with From The Heart. Pictured is Archbishop Phillip Aspinall holding a letter from From The Heart, RAP Working Group Coordinator Aunty Sandra King OAM and RAP Working Group Chair The Rev’d Canon Bruce Boase, along with Sherril Butterworth (Executive Director, Anglican Schools Commission), Fiona Hammond (St Francis College RAP Working Group member), Tim Reid (ACSQ General Manager and RAP Working Group member), Peter Branjerdporn (Justice Unit Coordinator), The Ven. Bronwyn Pagram (SRC RAP Working Group member), Dr Stephen Hart (FDSC RAP Working Group member), Anna Zilli (Anglicare SQ RAP Working Group member), Dr Stephen Harrison (Executive Director, PMC and RAP Working Group member), The Rev’d Prof Rodney Wolff (SRC RAP Working Group member), The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt (Chair, SRC), Joanne Stone (Executive Director, FDSC) and Michelle McDonald (PMC RAP Working Group member). From The Heart stems from the 2017 National Constitutional Convention where the Uluru Statement From the Heart was signed by 250 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander delegates.

Bishop John Roundhill Facebook on 27 March 2022: "It was a surprise Sunday at St Matthew's, Holland Park for the confirmation of Darcy and Elliot. What a lovely service and it was beautifully decorated for both Easter and ANZAC. Well done, all."

The Parish of Bundaberg and St Luke’s Anglican School collaborated to pack 100 care packages for women at risk of homelessness at the parish's inaugural festival of health and well-being, with (L-R) Assistant Principal Matthew Hughes, Indie Hughes, Charlotte Hughes, Nathan Commens, Anna Nicolson, Shanae Oosthuizen, Reese Dart, Jo Leveritt, Councillor Tanya McLoughlin and Leonie Boreel.

The Hon. Justice Debra Mullins, Chancellor of the Diocese of Brisbane, giving a vote of thanks to Archbishop Phillip Aspinall at St John's Cathedral on 3 December 2022 when the Archbishop laid up his pastoral staff.

Good friends Fay Nolan and the anglican focus Editor, Michelle, hung out together after the Editor's 18 August 2022 visit to The Parish of Chermside, where Michelle chatted with enthusiastic soup kitchen and op shop volunteers.

The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt, a constituent of Trevor Evans MP, and The Rev’d Peter Moore from Angligreen, were forced to slip their climate action requests under Evans’ Albion electoral office door after they were locked out during their Australia’s Overshoot Day vigil on 23 March 2022.

Torres Strait Islander parishioners based at Holy Trinity, Fortitude Valley welcomed people across our Diocese and the wider community to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the landmark High Court Mabo case on 3 June 2022. The festivities commenced with a service, which included a Welcome to Country from Gaja Kerry Charlton; hymns and prayers in Language; intercessions read by Uncle Bruce Boase from the Green Hills Anglican Community; a sermon by The Rev’d Prof. Rodney Wolff; and, a reflection about Mabo and the importance of the constitutionally enshrined Voice by Aunty Dr Rose Elu. The service was followed by food, fellowship and stunning singing and dancing in the church hall. The singing was led by Uncle Rupert (seated, centre), whose great-great-great grandfather received the Bible in 1871 from London Missionary Society and Melanesian Christians. The dancing was led by Malu Kiai Mura Buai Dance Company, most of whom are from Boigu Island in the Torres Strait.

AYCF volunteers Alanah Milne and Elissa Cotroneo at 2022's Senior Ichthus, right after camp “messy games”.

St Andrew's, Springfield Facebook on 29 October 2022: "On Friday 28th October St Andrew's Springfield held the Carnival of Light, supported by The Springfield Anglican College. It was our biggest event ever, with around 500 people attending, mainly from the church and college community. A huge thank you to Stacey McGowan (our Children and Youth Ministry Coordinator) for pulling it together and to all the St. Andrew's volunteers, College Chaplain, staff, students and diocesan youth workers, who made it a fun and memorable event. It was heartening to see so many areas of the diocese represented in our efforts to shine a light for Christ in Springfield.

The Rev'd Kaye Pitman OAM and The Rev'd Valerie Graydon celebrated 30 years of women's ordination to the priesthood in St John's Cathedral on 18 November 2022. They were the first women to be ordained priests in our Diocese. They are holding an image of their 1992 ordination day (both images were taken by Michael Stephenson).

World Global Day of Action for women’s safety was commemorated at St John’s Cathedral on 26 November 2022 by Mothers Union members and their supporters. The Rev'd Dr Ann Solari is holding the Cathedral Mothers Union banner and the poster, “#No More 1in3”, in the front row. Dr Robin Ray is holding the Mothers Union banner in the back row. Also pictured are Marjory Fieldus, Lone Members branch; The Rev'd Eleanor Mancini with members of the Cathedral branch; Dr Gwenneth Roberts and members of the Cathedral Domestic Abuse Action Group; Jan Gavegan, President of the Coorparoo branch and Secretary, Fiona Holliday; and, The Rev'd Ros Clifton. The event was about the shocking fact that one in three women experience gender-based violence in their life time. The banner reads “Let Justice for Women Flow Down like a River”. The gathering started with the Cathedral Day Bell ringing 50 times to represent the number of women killed by a current or former intimate partner each year. Three minutes’ silence was observed, with The Rev'd Eleanor Mancini leading a service with hymns and a closing prayer.

Anglican Parish of Maleny Montville Kenilworth Facebook on 5 November 2022: "Congratulations to Nathan, Sue and Phil who were confirmed by Bishop Jeremy today at St Luke's...followed by fantastic Kenilworth hospitality!!"

ACSQ Facebook on 3 December 2022: "Congratulations to those ordained deacons and priests by Archbishop Phillip Aspinall in St John's Cathedral, Brisbane today. Congratulations, also, to Archbishop Phillip who was farewelled to a standing ovation before the laying up of his pastoral staff. Dr Christa Aspinall was also fittingly acknowledged for her faithful service. It was wonderful to see Episcopal leaders from other dioceses gathered, along with ecumenical leaders. Let's keep our Diocesan community’s new deacons (The Rev’d Glynn Holland-Leam, The Rev’d Peter Kur Jongkuch, The Rev’d Simon Kim, The Rev’d Mamuor Kunpeter, The Rev’d Jane Markotis and The Rev’d Prof. John Rolley) and priests (The Rev’d Melissa Conway, The Rev’d Lorraine Lynch, The Rev’d Gary Tognola and The Rev’d Loretta Tyler-Moss) in our prayers as they serve in their calls to ordained ministry, as well as their families and other loved ones."

The Rev'd Canon Sarah Plowman, Director of Discernment and Formation, with St Francis College formation students, Matty Siggins, Kate Kelly, Lydia Fairhall, Richard Butler, Courtney Smith, Justen Wani Nasona, Sara Hansen, Allana Wales and Lyn Kareta, before the 2022 ordination service processional.

Candidates for vowed membership of the Society of the Sacred Advent, The Rev'd Gillian Moses and The Rev'd Jan Crombie, with Franciscans Br Donald, Br Nathan and Br Antony before the 2022 Ordination service processional. In July this year, the new Society of the Sacred Advent Constitution was accepted along with the new Chapter, with “threefold orders”– Professed Sisters, Vowed Members (women only) and Companions (men and women), with the latter two orders open to lay or ordained people.

Bishops and Archbishops from Queensland and other states gathered with the Anglican Church Southern Queensland community on 3 December 2022 to farewell Archbishop Phillip Aspinall at the ordination service during which he laid up his pastoral staff.

The Rev’d Canon Bruce Boase outside St John’s Cathedral after the ordination service on 3 December 2022. The Rev’d Canon Bruce Boase is Chair of the ACSQ's RAP Working Group, a National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council member, Anglican Committee for Ecumenical Affairs member, Priest-in-Charge of The Parish of Green Hills and devoted husband and father. We aren't sure what he does in his "free time".

"I am raising money for South Sudanese orphans in Uganda with my cousin, Grace, by collecting and recycling plastic bottles" (future Prime Minister of Australia Margaret Abot from St Bart's, Toowoomba).

Baroona Farm regulars Bishop Bill Ray, Blair Martin, Scott Breton and The Rev'd Samuel Dow setting up wicking beds at a working bee on 16 July 2022.

Wednesday 27 April 2022 marked another milestone in the history of the St John's Anglican College, with the opening and dedication of St John’s new Middle School Precinct. The College welcomed Her Excellency the Honourable, Dr Jeannette Young PSM, Governor of Queensland and Bishop John Roundhill to this occasion, with students very excited and ready to enjoy this vibrant new learning environment. Pictured are Bishop John Roundhill, Mrs Maria McIvor, (Principal), Her Excellency the Hon. Dr Jeannette Young PSM (Governor of Queensland) and Dr Carla Tromans (Chair of Council).