Please submit your best image (featuring people) for consideration in the popular ‘Out & About’ albums via this form (please note: complete image and caption requirements are outlined in the form).

Participants gathering at the annual Anglicare Leaders Forum on 24 March 2023 at the Clayfield Centre. This year's Leaders Forum was focused on Reconciliation, including on constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as First Peoples through a Voice to Parliament.

Dedicated St Mark's, Buderim Liturgical Assistants Jane Butterworth and Sue Milwright after a morning service on Sunday 12 March 2023.

Sudanese and South Sudanese community members gathering in the church hall for dinner after a special service at St Paul's, Ipswich on Sunday 12 March 2023.

Khai Balabbo, Aunty Dr Rose Elu, Anglicare CEO Sue Cooke, Howie Vandyke, Isabella Dredge, Hepi Pahulu and Lillibeth Horkings-McMinn enjoying the annual St John's Cathedral / Anglicare Harmony Day event on 21 March 2023.

Marie-Claire Harch, The Rev'd Canon Gary Harch (centre) and The Rev'd Dr John Rolley at John's Bunya Mountains retreat ahead of his March 2023 ordination to the priesthood.

The Rev'd Rebecca welcomed ACSQ Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group members Michelle McDonald and Howie Vandyke to a gathering of Sudanese and South Sudanese parishioners at The Parish of Yeronga on Sunday 19 March 2023. Rebecca King and her community expressed support for constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as First Peoples through a Voice to Parliament.

The Rev'd Simon Kim was ordained a priest by Bishop John Roundhill on Friday 24 March 2023 at St David’s Church, Chelmer.

Anglicare Southern Queensland Facebook on 20 March 2023: "Hats off to our Caboolture Home and Community Lifestyle team...they sure know how to throw a party! The staff arranged a St Patrick’s Day morning tea last week, complete with giant hats, costumes, games, and arts and crafts. Clients got to test out their knowledge with a game of trivia too. Now, that's lucky!"

St John's Cathedral community members weaving palm crosses on 31 March 2023. A palm cross is made from the fronds of a palm leaf. Palm crosses are used for Palm Sunday celebrations before Easter to remember Jesus' entry into Jerusalem just a few days before his crucifixion.

Bishop John Roundhill commenced his Holy Week parish-to-parish pilgrimage this year at The Parish of Robina. The Rev'd Canon Stewart Perry said a prayer for the pilgrims before they set off.

Anglicare Southern Queensland Facebook on 23 March 2023: "On Tuesday, staff from our Abri Residential Aged Care home celebrated Harmony Day by sharing food and stories about their culture. The staff brought in a plate of food that represented their culture. It looks like they had a wonderful time learning about and respecting each other's cultural backgrounds. How did your or your workplace celebrate Harmony Day?"

Congratulations to Kate Greaves, daughter of Bishop Jeremy and Josie Greaves, who celebrated her 21st birthday with a “cowboys and cowgirls” themed party on the Sunshine Coast in March. Bishop Jeremy thinks he may have read the invitation incorrectly and came dressed as a boy-cow rather than a cow-boy.

On the way to work one lovely autumn morning, ACSQ Justice Enabler Peter Branjerdporn ran into (not literally) St Mary's, Kangaroo Point community member and former Warden Antoni Bonetti AM and his former priest The Rev'd Canon Gary Harch with their bikes in tow on the Brisbane City Cat.

East Redland Anglican Facebook on 29 May 2023: "MMEIC wish to thank The Reverend Cameron Freese and The Reverend Danni Clark from the East Redland Anglican Church for visiting Elders to talk about the work MMEIC are doing to assist community wellbeing through the work of NSI Social and Youth Justice Working Group with the assistance of all the groups members. The Reverends kindly donated $5,000 to MMEIC to assist in the delivery of our Social and Youth Justice initiatives. This will go along way in delivering programs for our community wellbeing. This donation is possible as a result of our community donating items to the Anglican Church operated, Dunwich Thirft Shop. The proceeds raised by the thrift shop are coming back to build community wellbeing. Thank you once again to the Reverends, the Anglican Church and the Dunwich Thrift shop coordinator and volunteers."

The joy-filled choir led a packed church in song as the The Parish of Yeronga celebrated their 100th anniversary on Sunday 7 May 2023.

Cunnamulla Parish Warden Merry Higgins and Cunnamulla Parish Treasurer Carmel Jensen cutting the anniversary cake at Cunnamulla Parish's 60th Anniversary celebrations in May 2023.

Matthew Flinders Anglican College Principal Stuart Meade and Head of Primary Mrs Trudi Edwards and Primary School students celebrate being shortlisted for Best Primary School of the Year (Non-Government) in the Australian Education Awards (AEA). As an Excellence Awardee, the College will go on to be judged by an independent panel who will announce the final category winners at the AEA Gala Dinner on Friday, 11 August 2023 in Sydney.

The Anglican Church Southern Queensland is a member of the Queensland Community Alliance. The anglican focus editor ran an African Day Festival stall for the Alliance, as part of the Alliance's Faith Leaders for the Voice Network, on Saturday 27 May 2023 in Acacia Ridge, where she spoke with community leaders, including Beny Bol and Habib Jamal from the Queensland African Communities Council.

The Rev'd Charlie Lacey led the St Andrew's, Springfield in celebration on Pentecost Sunday on 28 May 2023. Pentecost is a Christian holiday that takes place on the 50th day after Easter Day. It commemorates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem. Pentecost is often referred to as "the birthday of the Church".

Dalby Anglican Facebook on 29 May 2023: "Pentecost Funday!"

Bishop Cam Venables confirming Nina Grant, with her mother Fiona Condon joining in in prayer, at St John's, Dalby in May 2023.

St Gabriel's Anglican Church Carindale Facebook on 8 April 2023: "We were privileged to walk with and then welcome Bishop John to St Gabriel’s, on the final section of his parish-to-parish Holy Week pilgrimage, covering over 120 kms in seven days."

St Peter's, Wynnum Facebook on 9 April 2023: "Christ is risen! Alleluia, Alleluia! Sing, choirs of earth! Behold, your light has come!" (The Rev'd Sam Sigamani with wife, Minnie, and daughter, Natanya, on Easter Day in 2023)

Toowoomba Anglican School Facebook on 25 April 2023: "ANZAC DAY PARADE | Today our students took part in the honorary Mother's Memorial Anzac Day Parade, marching behind the School's Honour Roll banner. Our students are proud to carry the School's Honour Roll, which lists the names of our past students and staff who served our country. Lest we forget."

East Redland Anglicans Facebook on 25 April 2023: "Anzac Day services in Dunwich on Minjerribah are always special. It feels as though the whole island turn out. Both at dawn and 11am there was a great sense of community and reverence as respect was paid and wreaths laid in remembrance of the fallen. Lest we forget."

All Saints' Anglican Church, Chermside Facebook on 12 May 2023: "What a brilliant, fun, morning we had at our Mother's Day Morning Tea this morning. So many happy people, so much beautiful food and such amazing music brought to us by The Brisbane City Sounds Womens' Chorus. We are so blessed to have a wonderful parish family who love to share these fun occasions with their family and friends."

The Rev'd Michael Calder was commissioned as Priest-in-Charge of The Parish of Wishart by Bishop John Roundhill on Saturday 15 April 2023.

Anglicare Southern Queensland Facebook on 25 March 2023: "Last week, the staff and residents at our Killara Respite Centre celebrated St Patrick's Day. Dressed in green, everyone had some fun and shared their best limericks and Irish jokes. Residents were also treated to beef filos and Guinness for lunch. The afternoon wrapped up with a strumming performance."

Anglicare Southern Queensland Facebook on 6 May 2023: "With the King’s Coronation happening tonight, our South Coast Lifestyle team and clients had a huge fun-filled week dressing up and taking part in royal activities. Our centre-based clients enjoyed good old British scones with jam and cream and butterfly cakes. For lunch they had a roast beef with dumplings and bread and butter and for dessert they had butter pudding. Yummy! Everyone enjoyed taking part in royal quizzes and trivia. A lot of our clients spoke fondly about the Queen’s Coronation and that they are looking forward to watching the King’s Coronation on television. One of our clients played for the Celtics football team as a goalie for 12 years and met the Queen. He spoke about this and what an honour it was to meet the Queen in person. Our Out and About clients enjoyed some royal quizzes on their picnics/BBQs. All staff wore crowns for the week and we had plenty of spare ones for our clients. Some of our groups watched the Queen’s Coronation on TV, which brought back many memories for them. We played some classical music for the celebration. Both clients and staff thoroughly enjoyed the week talking about our royal history and we are feeling blessed that a lot of our clients were around when the Queen was crowned, and now they are seeing this historical event again with King Charles."

The Glennie School Facebook on 13 May 2023: "With beautiful clear blue skies overhead, a record number of Glennie Junior Year’s mums gathered on Wednesday morning to celebrate Mother’s Day for 2023. How privileged we were to be entertained by a number of Glennie’s successful musical groups, which included string ensembles and soloists. While some will debate that Mother’s Day has become over commercialised, the purpose and intent for our Glennie girls is still pure. Show your mum how much you love and care for her by taking the time to do something special."

St Gabriel's Anglican Church Carindale Facebook on 29 April 2023: "A great Easter Sunday, Bishop John was with us to celebrate Christ is Risen! And six of our beautiful people were admitted to holy communion. And of course, there was cake!"

The Southport School Facebook on 12 May 2023: "Happy International Nurses Day! Thank you to our amazing TSS nurses who look after our boys 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are so thankful to have these incredibly caring women on staff."

St Hilda's School, Gold Coast Facebook on 13 May 2023: "In a touching reunion, former Principal Ms Wendy Lauman was joyfully welcomed back to the St Hilda's School campus on Wednesday afternoon. Students, staff, and families came together for a meaningful chapel service and a delightful afternoon tea, commemorating her extraordinary time at the school. Heartwarming stories were shared, fostering a deep sense of gratitude. Please join us in extending our best wishes to Wendy as she embarks on her well-deserved retirement."

Cannon Hill Anglican College Facebook on 21 March 2023: "CHAC's much-loved Property Services team are donning fabulous shirts once a week and joining TradeMutt's Funky Shirt Fridays initiative. By wearing a fun shirt on everybody's favourite day of the week, this initiative aims to help people start meaningful conversations about mental health — and our Property Services team is proud to get involved with this terrific cause."

St Andrew's Anglican College Facebook on 22 May 2023: "Lots of happy customers at our first Clothes Swap on Friday, run by our Eco-Saints! Students were encouraged to bring in any second-hand items for the opportunity to swap them for something else, helping to protect the environment and reinvent their wardrobe. Our Eco-Saints hope that this event will be even bigger next year."

This year's Anglican-Roman Catholic Clergy Day gathering was themed: ‘The Voice: What’s It All About?’ Two guest presenters, Aunty Prof. Anne Pattel-Gray (Head of the School of Indigenous Studies at the University of Divinity, front right) and Dean Parkin (Director of Yes23, back left), spoke about constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as First Peoples through a Voice to Parliament. The event was hosted by Archbishop Mark Coleridge at Holy Spirit Seminary in Banyo on 24 May 2023.

West Moreton Anglican College Facebook on 25 May 2023: "Equipping students to succeed with post-school challenges is a key WestMAC objective, which is why Middle School use the Rite Journey program to teach Year 9 students they can achieve goals that they thought were unattainable, including learning to change car and ute tyres."

Mission to Seafarers Brisbane Facebook on 17 May 2023: "Its been a week for volunteering. Congratulations to our 'wonder' Treasurer Rick for his nomination as Volunteer of the Year. Rick and Heather attended the award celebrations at City Hall. It was also a busy weekend at the Community Celebration at Raby Bay foreshore park. A big shout out to the team at Star Community Services, Volunteering Redlands and BayFM for planning, staging and managing the event. Awesome job! It goes without saying that volunteering is the lifeblood of our seafarers centre and many community services."

St Francis College Facebook on 19 May 2023: "Congratulations to our Principal, The Rev’d Dr Ruth Mathieson on the publication of her book Matthew’s Parable of the Royal Wedding Feast — A Sociorhetorical Interpretation. The book is based on the work of Ruth’s Doctoral Thesis and is published by SBL Press in the Emory Studies in Early Christianity. Ruth presented a copy of her book to the Roscoe Library’s Library Manager, Eve James, where it will be available for people to read."

Sunnybank Anglican Parish Facebook on 5 March 2023: "Our First Cantonese Sunday Service at 11am today! Thanks be to God!!"

Dalby Anglican Facebook on 22 May 2023: "Such a joy to have 4 Dalby Anglicans at the Anglican Men's Society conference in Gayndah over the weekend. It was a wonderful time of prayer, fellowship, and delighting in all God is doing through the various chapters of AMS across Queensland. A big thank you for the generous folk at St Matthew's Anglican Church in Gayndah for having us. AMS are big supporters of Youth Ministry in our church and we are so thankful for the men in our parish. God bless the AMS!"