Gold Coast Anglican communities deliver season’s eatings for struggling families
Local Gold Coast Anglican communities have come together to spread the love and joy of Christmas to those struggling in their local community through a hamper distribution initiative

After a chance comment from one of Anglicare Southern Queensland’s youth workers about how she wished she could have some hampers to give to families struggling over the Christmas period, Anglican communities on the Gold Coast came together and made her wish a reality.
A combined effort between Anglicare Southern Queensland, The Southport School (TSS), The Parish of Gold Coast North and The Parish of Surfers Paradise led to the collection, collation, and delivery of 15 hampers, full to the brim of pantry staples and some fun items for the festive season, for Anglicare Children’s Youth and Families clients.
The resident community at The Southport School spent a morning sorting, packing and delivering the hampers to the Anglicare team who will distribute them this week, just in time for Christmas.
For 10 year-old TSS resident Suzy, the act of preparing the hampers was a fun way of celebrating Christmas.
“It was so much fun decorating the hampers and it was nice to be able to choose some of the things that I love to put in the hampers,” Suzy said.
“I know that someone will be enjoying them over Christmas.”
The hampers were stored in air-conditioned settings at Abri Residential Aged Care whilst awaiting collection, with the residents mentioning that they are keen to help with next year’s hampers.
With the hampers set to be in homes this week thanks to the distribution work of Anglicare, Anglicare’s Gold Coast Spiritual and Pastoral Care Coordinator Felicity Dougherty sees the entire initiative as the embodiment of Christian values made real in the community.
“Over the last 12 months I have come to learn about what the Anglicare Children’s, Youth and Family Team do here on the Gold Coast and am amazed at the hard work, dedication, and commitment the team has to the people that they serve,” Ms Dougherty said.
“The work the Anglicare staff do in this space is the essence of being Christ’s hands and feet to our community.”