Pray Daily: September 2024
Pray Daily
Find out our Diocese’s September daily prayer points and join our community in intercession this month

‘Pray Daily’ is a cycle of suggested daily prayer points for each month. The cycle covers parishes, schools and other entities across the Anglican Church Southern Queensland, as well as other Anglican Dioceses internationally.
Pray Daily can also be downloaded as a PDF or as a Word doc for easy printing.
- Parishes seeking new incumbents: Beaudesert, Beenleigh, Booval, Gold Coast South, Hendra-Clayfield, Ipswich, Jimboomba, Nambour, Roma, St Luke’s Toowoomba, Waterloo Bay
- Schools seeking chaplains: Coomera Anglican College, Toowoomba Anglican School
Sunday 1 September
- Igreja Anglicana de Mocambique e Angola
- The ongoing work of peace-making in Sudan & South Sudan
- The Anglican Church of Australia: The Primate – †Geoff Smith; The General Secretary – Anne Hywood; The General Synod and the Standing Committee
- The Parish of North Pine: David Ruthven, Bruce Worthington, Dylan Blocksidge, Lilian Jardine
- Staff of the Archbishop’s Office: Ann Joseph & Howard Munro
- State Chaplaincy Board: The Reverend Sue Barker
Monday 2 September – Martyrs of New Guinea (d. 1942)
- The Diocese of Ikeduru – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
- The Diocese of Adelaide: †Geoff Smith; Assistant Bishops – †Timothy Harris, †Chris McLeod, †Sophie Relf-Christopher; Clergy & People
- The Parish of Nundah: Scott Gunthorpe, Rod Winterton, Nicholas Whereat
- Staff of the Bishops’ Offices: Ann Armitage, Joanne Rose & Helen Briffa
- Anglican Church Grammar School, East Brisbane: Headmaster – Alan Campbell; Chaplain – Sharon Mitchell; Lay Chaplain – Stephanie Cotroneo; Chair of School Council – Paul de Jersey, members of School Council; staff & students
Tuesday 3 September – Gregory of Rome, bishop and teacher (d. 604); Eliza Darling, pioneer social reformer in NSW (d. 1868)
- The Diocese of Ikwerre – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
- The Diocese of Armidale: †Rod Chiswell; Clergy and People
- The Parish of Oakey: David Snape – Missioner Locum
- Princess Alexandra Hospital and Mater Hospital chaplaincy: Cheryl Selvage, Joanne McDiarmid & volunteers
- Cannon Hill Anglican College, Cannon Hill: Principal – Gary O’Brien; Chaplain – Br Nathan James; Chair of College Council – Bruce Moy; members of College Council; staff & students
Wednesday 4 September
- The Diocese of Ikwo – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
- The Diocese of Bathurst: †Mark Calder; Clergy and People
- The Parish of Palmwoods: Deborah Bird
- Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital: Alex Chuc & volunteers
- Canterbury College, Waterford: Principal – Daniel Walker; Chaplain – Dan Talbot; Chair of College Council – Toni Bache; members of College Council; staff & students
Thursday 5 September
- The Diocese of Ikwuano – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
- The Diocese of Ballarat: †Garry Weatherill; Clergy and People
- The Parish of Pittsworth: Tony Swansson
- Queensland Children’s Hospital: Alex Chuc
- Coomera Anglican College, Coomera: Principal – Patrick Innes-Hill; Chaplain – Vacant; Lay Chaplaincy Team: Dom Fay and Rachael Stelzer; Chair of School Council – Mary-Anne Rulfs; members of College Council; staff & students
Friday 6 September
- The Diocese of Ilaje – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
- The Diocese of Bendigo: †Matt Brain; Clergy and People
- The Parish of Quilpie:
- Prince Charles & St Vincent’s Northside: Judy Burt & volunteers
- Fraser Coast Anglican College, Hervey Bay: Principal – Joe Wright; Chaplain – Jeff Jarvis; Chair of College Council – Kirsti Kee; members of College Council; staff & students
Saturday 7 September
- The Diocese of Ile-Oluji – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
- The Diocese of Brisbane: †Jeremy Greaves; Assistant Bishops – †Cameron Venables, †John Roundhill, †Sarah Plowman; Clergy and People
- The Parish of Redcliffe: Danni Clark, Philip Stewart, Chris Whittall
- Prison chaplaincy: all volunteers
- Hillbrook Anglican School, Enoggera: Principal – Mark Zietsch; Chaplain – David Adams; Chair of School Council – David Marsland; members of School Council; staff & students
Sunday 8 September
- The Church of the Province of Myanmar (Burma)
- The Diocese of Bunbury: †Ian Coutts; Clergy and People
- The Parish of Robina: Stewart Perry, Mary-Anne Rulfs, Ron Bundy, Elroy Mee, Robert Wisken, Bowen Miller, Jackson King, Elizabeth Tattam
- Parish secretaries and volunteer staff in the Diocese
- Matthew Flinders Anglican College, Buderim: Principal – Michelle Carroll; Chaplain – Kathrin Koning; Chair of College Council – Peta Grenfell; members of College Council; staff & students
Monday 9 September
- The Diocese of Ilesa – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
- The Diocese of Canberra-Goulburn: †Mark Short; Assistant Bishop – †Vanessa Bennett; Clergy and People
- The Parish of Rochedale: Ian McGrath, Brian Darbyshire, Michael Bennett, Michelle Philp
- Clergy with Permission to Officiate in the Diocese
- St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School, Corinda: Principal – Toni Riordan; Chaplains – Gillian Moses & Julia Van Den Bos; Chair of School Council – Stephen Green; School Council members; staff & students
Tuesday 10 September
- The Diocese of Ilesa South West – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
- Ministry to the Defence Force: †Grant Dibden; Chaplains & Members of the Defence Force
- The Parish of Roma:
- Anglican Board of Mission – Australia Ltd
- St Andrew’s Anglican College, Peregian Springs: Principal – Chris Ivey; Chaplain – Gary McClellan; Chair of College Council – Rosalyn Cheales; members of College Council; staff & students
Wednesday 11 September – Mother Esther CHN, founder of the Community of the Holy Name, Melbourne (d. 1931)
- The Diocese of North East India – The Church of North India (United)
- The Diocese of Gippsland: †Richard Treloar; Clergy and People
- The Parish of Rosewood: John Simons – locum, Rex Marre
- Church Missionary Society
- St Hilda’s School, Southport: Principal – Virginia Warner; Chaplain – Patrick Duckworth; A/g Chair of School Council – Nick Ryan; members of School Council; staff & students
Thursday 12 September
- The Diocese of Northern Indiana – The Episcopal Church
- The Diocese of Grafton: †Murray Harvey; Clergy and People
- The Parish of Samford: Robert Paget, Jan Crombie
- Anglican Aid Abroad
- St Luke’s Anglican School, Bundaberg: Principal – Matthew Hughes; Chaplain – Erika Williams; Chair of School Council – Darren Hart; members of School Council; staff & students
Friday 13 September – Cyprian of Carthage, bishop and martyr (d. 258)
- The Diocese of Indianapolis – The Episcopal Church
- Ministry with the Aboriginal People of Australia: †Chris McLeod
- The Parish of Sandgate Northpoint: Mike Donaldson, George Henry, Jonathan Osborne, Tom Hall
- Angligreen
- St John’s Anglican College, Forest Lake: Principal – Maria McIvor; Chaplain – Juliana Bate; Chair of College Council – Carla Tromans; members of College Council; staff & students
Saturday 14 September
- The Diocese of Inhambane – Igreja Anglicana de Mocambique e Angola
- Ministry with the Torres Strait Island People of Australia – Rose Elu
- The Parish of Sherwood-Oxley: Iain Moore, Robert McKennay, Jackie Hurren
- Mission to Seafarers
- St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School, Ascot: Principal – Roslyn Curtis; Chaplain – Jasmine Dow; Chair of School Council – Debbie Smith; School Council members; staff & students
Sunday 15 September
- The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
- The Diocese of Melbourne: †Philip Freier; Assistant Bishops – †Genieve Blackwell, †Bradly Billings, †Paul Barker, †Kate Prowd; Clergy and People
- The Parish of South Brisbane: Karl Przywala, Rod Irvine, Richard Gibson, John Arnold, Michael Quested, Wes Coffey
- Anglican Overseas Aid
- St Paul’s School, Bald Hills: Principal – John O’Sullivan Williams; Chaplain – Mark Leam; staff & students
Monday 16 September – Ninian of Galloway, bishop and missionary (d. c. 432)
- The Diocese of Iowa – The Episcopal Church
- The Diocese of Newcastle: †Peter Stuart; Assistant Bishops – †Sonia Roulston, †Charlie Murry; Clergy and People
- The Parish of Southport: Don Parker, John Pinson, Jim Edson
- Anglican Cursillo Movement in Australia
- The Glennie School, Toowoomba: Principal – Mary Anne Evans; Chaplain – Imelda O’Loughlin; Chair of School Council – Vacant; members of School Council; staff & students
Tuesday 17 September – Hildegaard of Bingen, abbess and spiritual writer (d. 1179)
- The Diocese of Iran – The Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and The Middle East
- The Diocese of the Northern Territory: †Greg Anderson; Clergy and People
- The Parish of Springfield: Charlie Lacey, Trevor Adams, Penny Howchin, Tracy Adams
- Anglican Men’s Society
- The Southport School, Southport: Headmaster – Andrew Hawkins; Chaplain – John Dougherty; Chair of School Council – Adam Twemlow; members of School Council; staff & students
Wednesday 18 September – John Ramsden Wollaston, priest and missionary of Western Australia (d. 1856)
- The Diocese of Irele Ese-Odo – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
- The Diocese of North Queensland: †Keith Joseph; Clergy and People
- The Parish of St George with Dirranbandi: Louise Orpe
- Bush Ministry Fund
- The Springfield Anglican College, Springfield: Principal – Steven Morris; Chaplain – Jonathan Kemp; Chair of College Council – Michael Willis; members of College Council; staff & students
Thursday 19 September
- The Diocese of Isi Mbano – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
- The Diocese of North West Australia: †Darrell Parker; Clergy and People
- The Parish of St John’s Cathedral: Peter Catt, Julia Van Den Bos, Jessica Grant, Ann Solari, Gemma Dashwood, Jamee-lee Callard, Selina McMahon, John Morgan, Bruce Henzell, Bruce Maughan, Mary Roberts, Alwyn Hayes, Alan Sandaver, Libbie Crossman, Linda McWilliam, Bruce Boase, Graham Dorman, Nicole Colledge, Ann McGuinness, Paul Mitchell, Stewart Perry, George Markotsis, †Bill Ray, †Doug Stevens, Eleanor Mancini, Ros Clifton, Marian Free, Ron Bundy, Ross Burnett, Greg Jenks, Gary Harch, Richard Tutin, Daniel Hobbs, Brian Hughes
- Domestic Violence Task Force
- Toowoomba Anglican School, Toowoomba: Principal – Simon Lees; Chaplaincy team; Chair of School Council – Mac Drysdale; members of School Council; staff & students
Friday 20 September – John Coleridge Patteson, first bishop of Melanesia, martyr (d. 1871)
- The Diocese of Isiala Ngwa – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
- The Diocese of Perth: †Kay Goldsworthy; Assistant Bishops – †Kate Wilmot, †David Bassett, †Hans Christiansen; Clergy and People
- The Parish of St Lucia: Shane Hubner, Karol Misso, Hugh Begbie, Bill Crossman
- West Moreton Anglican College, Karrabin: Principal – Geoff McLay; Chaplain – Jane Markotsis; Chair of College Council – Bruce Sackson; members of School Council; staff & students
Saturday 21 September
- The Diocese of Isiala-Ngwa South – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
- The Diocese of Riverina: †Donald Kirk; Clergy and People
- The Parish of Stafford: Steven Schwarzrock, Lee Gauld, Leisha Rule, Keith Foote, Heather Toon
- The Park – Centre for Mental Health, Wacol
- All Saints Anglican School, Merrimac: Headmaster – Patrick Wallas; Chaplain – Ann McGuinness; Chair of School Council – John Fradgley; members of School Council; staff & students
Sunday 22 September
- The Church of North India (United)
- The Diocese of Rockhampton: †Peter Grice; Clergy and People
- The Parish of Stanthorpe: Matthew Skelton
- Ecumenical Tertiary Chaplaincy
- St John’s College UQ: Warden – Rose Alwyn; Chaplain – Samuel Dow; Chair of Council – John Peden; members of College Council; staff & students
Monday 23 September
- The Diocese of Isikwuato / Umunneochi – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
- The Diocese of Sydney: †Kanishka Raffel; Assistant Bishops – †Peter Hayward, †Christopher Edwards, †Peter Lin, †Michael Stead, †Malcolm Richards, †Gary Siew Leong Koo; Clergy and People
- The Parish of Strathpine: Daniel Sitaram, Beryl Nielsen
- Anglicare SQ Robina Respite Centre
- St Francis Theological College, Milton: Principal – Ruth Mathieson; Academic Dean – Adam Couchman; staff, sessional lecturers & students
Tuesday 24 September
- The Diocese of Western Izon – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
- The Diocese of Tasmania: †Richard Condie; Assistant Bishop – †Chris Jones; Clergy and People
- The Parish of Sunnybank: Scott Windred, Simon Tang
- Anglicare SQ Southport Respite Centre
- Anglican Schools Australia Management Committee and Member Schools: President – Peter Laurence
Wednesday 25 September – Sergius of Moscow, abbot and teacher (d. 1392)
- The Diocese of Jabalpur – The Church of North India (United)
- The Diocese of The Murray: †Keith Dalby; Clergy and People
- The Parish of Surfers Paradise: Jim Raistrick, Trevor Sketcher, Michael Uptin, Len Nairn, Lima Bray, George Stuart
- Anglicare SQ The Glebe Retirement Village (Toowoomba)
- All Anglican Schools Business Managers/Bursars and Senior Leaders
Thursday 26 September – Lancelot Andrewes, bishop of Winchester (d. 1626)
- The Diocese of Jaffna – The Church of South India (United)
- The Diocese of Wangaratta: †Clarence Bester; Clergy and People
- The Parish of Tamborine Mountain: Helen Paget, John Corner
- Anglicare SQ Family and Wellbeing
- State School Teachers
Friday 27 September – Vincent de Paul, priest and worker with the poor (d. 1660)
- The Diocese of Jalingo – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
- The Diocese of Willochra: †Jeremy James; Clergy and People
- The Parish of Tara:
- Anglicare SQ Counselling Services
Saturday 28 September
- The Diocese of Jamaica and The Cayman Islands – The Church in the Province of the West Indies
- The Parish of Texas-Inglewood:
- Anglicare SQ Youth Justice
Sunday 29 September
- The Church of Pakistan (United)
- The Parish of The Gap: Ann Edwards, Robin Payne
- Anglicare SQ Out of Home Care, South West Region – Roma Foster & Kinship Care and Family Intervention
Monday 30 September – Jerome, priest and biblical scholar (d. 420)
- The Diocese of Rio de Janeiro – Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil
- The Parish of Toowong: Tom Sullivan, Alan Dale, Elsie Clack, Michael Faragher
- Anglicare SQ Out of Home Care, Central Region – Fraser & Gympie Residential