Movies That Matter
“The five-year collaboration between St James’, Toowoomba and the Amnesty International Toowoomba Group presenting Movies That Matter is going from strength to strength,” says The Rev’d Melissa Conway

The five-year collaboration between St James’, Toowoomba and the Amnesty International Toowoomba Group presenting movies that matter is going from strength to strength.
At the Movies that Matter screenings a motion picture or documentary highlighting social justice and human rights issues is shown and then discussed, sometimes with a guest speaker presenting.
Toowoomba’s Amnesty coordinator Phil Armit said that the gatherings offer anyone in the community the opportunity to learn more about issues, engage in discussion and contribute to relevant charitable initiatives or appeals.
“The films we have screened recently cover topics such as modern slavery and exploitation, climate justice, refugee rights, migrant settlement, domestic violence and Indigenous justice,” Mr Armit said.
“Through these events we have given a voice to speakers who otherwise don’t have a platform or space to share their stories.
“It’s important that in civil society we can talk, listen and learn together.
“These are informal events, with entry by donation meaning anyone can come along.”
The evenings are accessible to everyone in the local community and a wide range of guests participate by watching the film, joining in a discussion and sharing refreshments over continued discussion.
Participants are enthusiastic about this format, with many returning for more screenings.
St James’ rector Mark Carlyon said that initiatives like Movies That Matter help the parish to care for our wider community and discuss social justice issues.
“A highlight for me was a recent film about people seeking asylum awaiting visa processing in Malaysia,” The Ven. Mark Carlyon said.
“While they waited, the women of the community took agency to provide schooling for their children, which had ripple effects across the community.”
Parishioner and Movies that Matter regular Margaret Head, said that she was drawn by the films’ social justice element.
“The film Rosemary’s Way, about the struggles of migrant settlement in Australia, impacted me personally because I realised the deep hurt of the main character, who would not leave her children anywhere,” Mrs Head said.
Toowoomba Catholic Diocese social justice coordinator David Tutty said that he attends the screenings regularly to learn.
“I come along as a member of Amnesty International and as someone passionate to learn about different contexts and to be challenged by them,” Mr Tutty said.
Movies That Matter is held every second month from February to October in the St James’ Parish Centre Hall.
The screenings are advertised on the St Anne’s, Highfields Facebook page, the St James’, Toowoomba Facebook page and the parish’s website, as well as on the Amnesty International Toowoomba Group’s Facebook page.
Top 10 tips for hosting a Movies that Matter screening:
- Consider Movies That Matter as your parish’s Hope25 initiative.
- Partner with another local group, such as Amnesty or a neighbourhood centre, to host the screenings.
- If the screenings are held several times a year, host the screenings on a regular day/time and at a regular place, such as “The first Tuesday of every second month at 7pm in the church hall”, so community members can plan their schedules.
- Select the films and documentaries carefully and in consultation with your partner.
- Invite a guest speaker to present for 10 minutes about an issue related to the given film (consider asking a speaker from another city or country to join in via Zoom).
- Consider using the talking circle format for group discussion.
- Promote the screenings on your parish and partner channels and beyond, including on social media, in pew bulletins, in e-newsletters, in Sunday service announcements, on community noticeboards and on the anglican focus Events page.
- Prepare a simple supper with sweet and savoury options (with ingredients listed or packets listing ingredients readily available).
- Share the load by asking regulars to assist with tasks, such as welcoming people and setting up.
- Share about the benefits of your Movies that Matter gatherings on social media and other channels.