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Worldwide President of Mothers Union welcomed by our Diocese


Local Mothers Union members and dignitaries, including patron the Governor of Queensland, welcomed the Worldwide President of Mothers Union recently as she visited Brisbane for a special gathering at St Francis College

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Local Mothers Union members and dignitaries, including patron the Governor of Queensland, welcomed the Worldwide President of Mothers Union recently as she visited Brisbane for a special gathering at St Francis College.

Originally from Guyana, part of the Anglican Church in the Province of the West Indies, Sheran Harper was the first non-British woman to be elected Worldwide President.

In her address at the Saturday 18 May event, Mrs Harper said that Mothers Union continues to be a force of good, since commencing in 1876, with over four million Anglican members aspiring to stop poverty, injustice and violence in the communities where they live.

“Today I stand here on behalf of all those people whose lives have been transformed thanking you, Mothers Union Australia, for your leadership and your love, prayers and resources that have not only helped those who need your help in Australia and the nearby Provinces of Melanesia and Papua New Guinea…your prayers and support have reached far and wide to the four corners of the earth,” Mrs Harper said.

“I stand here today representing members worldwide who have hope and a future because of you…your generous giving in so many ways during COVID helped so many to survive, and to bounce back and flourish.

“We must reimagine Mothers Union and rethink the way we work — we must be flexible and adaptive in a changing world.

“I know for sure that you, as members of Mothers Union, have been called — you are chosen — and those whom God calls and chooses he blesses with special gifts, and they are set apart for his purpose in life.”

Mrs Harper is a physiotherapist and trainer of rehabilitation therapists.

She has been a member of Mothers Union since 1987, and for the last 20 years has served the organisation in leadership roles at diocesan, provincial and worldwide levels.

She has visited over 20 countries in these roles, especially as Worldwide Parenting Convenor.

Sheran Harper, was accompanied by London-based Regional Development Coordinator Jeanette Lawrence, visiting Brisbane to update members, join in a Q&A session and enjoy fellowship.

In her address, the Governor of Queensland, Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young AC PSM, who is a patron of Anglican Mothers Union Australia in the Diocese of Brisbane, said that Mothers Union’s important mission has been enhanced under Mrs Harper’s leadership.

“The charitable work of The Mothers Union in 84 counties globally has never been more relevant than it is today,” Her Excellency said.

“Increasingly, we see civil society threatened and cultures destroyed by conflict and, sadly, growing levels of intolerance and inequality.

“It’s a grim picture and an enormous challenge, but one that the four million members of the Mothers Union around the world have embraced enthusiastically under Mrs Harper’s leadership over the last four-and-a-half years.

“Those members proudly continue the legacy of the young pastor’s wife who took the first steps to establish the Union almost 150 years ago, and together, they demonstrate the extraordinary outcomes that can be achieved through faith and fellowship at a grass-roots level.”

The Governor of Queensland has a role in unifying and promoting our state by undertaking initiatives that assist, promote, encourage and recognise Queenslanders across the community.

The acceptance of vice-regal patronage from worthy organisations and events, including Mothers Union in our Diocese, which aim to improve the lives of Queenslanders, is the principal way in which this support is provided.

Two women cutting a large white cake at an event

The Governor of Queensland, Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young AC PSM (who is a patron of Anglican Mothers Union Australia in the Diocese of Brisbane) cutting the cake with Worldwide President of Mothers Union Sheran Harper at a special Mothers Union gathering at St Francis College on 18 May 2024

In her address, Provincial President of Mother Union Australia Dr Robin Ray said that it is important for members to share and hear positive stories about Mothers Union initiatives.

“What a wonderful day of meeting, being uplifted by Sheran’s examples and encouragement and sharing the important work of Mothers Union here and across the world,” Dr Ray said.

Following the gathering, Dr Ray said that she enjoyed collaborating and travelling with Mrs Harper and Ms Lawrence during their Australian visit.

“Mothers Union is the biggest women’s organisation in the Anglican Church, and our aim and objectives are shared across theological perspectives making us a unifying agent as we seek to provide Christian care for families in all their forms,” she said.

“Mothers Union members pray for each other regularly using a common prayer diary and through online communication to support and share resources and ideas for our ministry in God’s name to women, girls and families.

“Being worldwide gives us the ability to advocate for social change and to support international projects to address injustice, gender-based violence and reduce poverty.”

Six women standing on grass next to a church banner

Mothers Union members gathered for a special luncheon event at St Francis College on 18 May 2024, including Diocese of Brisbane President Jenny Bullock, North Queensland Diocese President Viv Feltham, Worldwide President Sheran Harper, Regional Development Coordinator Zone C Jeanette Lawrence, Central Queensland Diocese President Sue Witten and Grafton Diocese President Gae Shorten

Mothers Union was founded by Mary Sumner, a new grandmother, in 1876 in an Old Alresford Rectory where the first meeting was held.

When her eldest daughter Margaret gave birth, Mary Sumner felt it would be beneficial for young mothers in the parish to be offered support.

She reflected on the importance of motherhood and envisaged calling women of all backgrounds to support one another.

Mothers Union President for the Diocese of Brisbane Jenny Bullock said that Mothers Union is respected internationally and locally for its ministry.

“In 2017 at the inauguration of the new Anglican Province of the Episcopal Church of Sudan, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, paid tribute to Mothers Union, describing it as ‘the heart and love of the church’,” Mrs Bullock said.

“There are over four million members of Mothers’ Union in 84 countries, with over 700 in the Brisbane Diocese at present.”

Other dignitaries in attendance at the Saturday 18 May gathering included executive member of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council Aunty Dr Rose Elu (from the Saibai chieftain clan), Mothers Union Zone C Trustee Pamela Abana (from the Solomon Islands), midwife and Archbishop’s spouse Josie Greaves, Archbishop Emeritus Phillip Aspinall and Anglicare Southern Queensland chief executive officer Sue Cooke.

Sheran Harper and Jeanette Lawrence’s Australian visit was part of a wider national tour, which included meeting with the Mothers Union Australia Council, the governing body of Mothers Union Australia, in Sydney following their Brisbane leg.

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