Archbishop’s ABM November Appeal
The Rev’d Jazz Dow tells us about the annual Archbishop’s ABM November Appeal, including the innovative projects the appeal will support in the Diocese of North Queensland, with a focus on high-priority Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mission activities

“Our Church is blessed by the sacrificial ministry of many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglicans. These leaders are often working with vastly inadequate resources, and in situations of very high need. ABM strives to correct that inequity by channelling the generous giving of the wider church to equip Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders to carry out the work they are called to do.” – ABM 2020 Project Book
This year Archbishop Phillip Aspinall’s Anglican Board of Mission (ABM) November Appeal will support ministry and mission in the Anglican Diocese of North Queensland.
During September/October this year, I travelled with my family to North Queensland. We had the opportunity to worship at St Alban’s Anglican Church in Yarrabah and spend time with the vibrant community there. We learned of plans that are afoot to open a café and outreach centre in the parish. Later, we travelled to Thursday Island (known as Waiben by traditional owners, the Kaurareg people) to attend the Anglican Torres Strait Regional Council meeting. We spent much time listening to and conversing with many Anglican leaders in the community about their ministry and mission.
There are exciting initiatives underway across the Diocese of North Queensland that will reinvigorate the broader national Church, if we’re receptive.
Funds given to the Archbishop’s November Appeal will be “used by the Diocese of North Queensland for high-priority Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mission activities.” These activities include:
- A Ministry Development Officer for the Cape York Peninsula – resourcing and supporting outreach in Yarrabah and among the Aboriginal Communities of Cape York.
- Developing the Church in the Torres Strait – including, supporting a Melanesian Brotherhood household, with plans to base the household on Thursday Island (Waiben) so they can run the local parish and pursue mission to strengthen the Church throughout the Torres Strait.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ministry Formation – including the raising up of young leaders and the resourcing of students attending Wontulp-Bi-Buya College.
These ministry endeavours, and many more, need our support.
“The Diocese of North Queensland consists of the State of Queensland north of Latitude 22 degrees. It is a unique diocese. Not only does it have urban and rural parishes along the coast from Sarina to Cooktown, it also has sparsely settled areas west of the Great Divide; substantial Aboriginal populations in the Cape York Peninsula; and the Torres Strait Islands. The vision of the Diocese is to encourage non-stipendiary ministers in smaller communities supported by Ministry Development Officers; and to encourage the development of Indigenous leadership so that the Cape York Peninsula and the Torres Strait Islands become autonomous parts of the Diocese and the broader Australian Anglican Church, able to carry out mission to the broader Church and strengthen it.” – ABM 2020 Project Book
Please consider giving generously to these vital initiatives in our Church by visiting the ABM website. Please also pray for those who give so much to share the love of God of in their communities.