Lego devotional guide: new build for every week
Find out about the fun and innovative new Gospel of Luke Lego devotional guide produced by Resource Church St Bart’s, Toowoomba and download the free PDF resources

The coming of the Kingdom of God is glorious good news!
In chapter 17 of Luke, as Jesus turns towards Jerusalem with a trajectory of the cross, he’s asked when will the long-awaited reign of God – the Kingdom of God – arrive?
How will they possibly know?
How can they make sure they don’t miss it?!
Yet ironically, as they ask the question, they fail to see that not only is God’s King standing right before them, but Jesus has been demonstrating God’s Kingdom everywhere he goes.
In Jesus, God’s Kingdom has burst into the world, is proven victorious through the cross, and will reach its culmination when Jesus returns to reign forever.
In this 12-week series, we’ll explore the nature of God’s Kingdom, the King at the centre of it, how we can be part of it, and the role that we have to play as we await his return.

Theodore, Amelia and Giovanna Lowe at home learning about God’s Kingdom with the new St Bart’s Lego devotional guide in February 2021
Series resources:
- Weekly: To get the most out of the series, we’ve also prepared a short outline with key verses, big idea, and some reflection questions for each week (you can also pick up a printed copy at St Bart’s).
- Lego devotional guide: St Bart’s Kids have prepared an incredible Lego Devotional Guide with Lego builds for every week, along with corresponding Bible reading, questions and prayers.
First published on the St Bart’s, Toowoomba website on 30 January 2021.
Additional resources added on 19 February 2021:
- Lenten daily study guide: Devotional Guide for our ‘God’s Kingdom’ series with daily Bible reading, reflection, questions, and prayer. Download PDF.
- Lenten daily podcast: Daily audio format of our devotional guide with new episodes each day (with Bible reading, reflection, and prayer). Listen here.