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Hope25 releases free Gospel of Luke — find out how to collect copies for your ACSQ community

Resources & Research

The ACSQ Hope25 planning group members tell us more about Hope25, including how you can source free copies of the Hope25 Gospel of Luke

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The Anglican Church of Australia has initiated the “Hope25” project “to empower Australian Anglican parishes and communities in an intentional season of sharing hope in Jesus from Easter to Pentecost in 2025.”

Last year our Diocesan Synod committed to supporting Hope25 by “sharing the hope we have in Jesus Christ” and “encourages every parish and community to participate.”

As we approach the national Hope25 season, Hope25, in partnership with the Bible Society of Australia, has produced a specially branded Hope25 Gospel of Luke (NIV) titled, “The Gospel of Luke: Hope in an uncertain world”.

It is hoped that 50,000 of these free gospels will go out into our communities — our Diocese has received its share. The gospels are currently at St Stephen’s, Coorparoo and ACSQ clergy and lay leaders are more than welcome to pop by to collect them. Please email Catherine Govan to arrange a time.

If you are travelling further afield and can collect some copies and deliver them to others that would be wonderful.

ACSQ clergy and lay leaders can also order copies online (postage costs will need to be covered).

These Gospel of Luke copies are a great resource for clergy and lay leaders to give to people who want to find out more about Jesus. They are also great to give to parishioners for sharing with people in their networks who want to know more about Jesus.

If clergy and lay leaders need any help with planning Easter Day to Pentecost outreach event/s, they are encouraged to contact us — your Diocesan Hope25 planning group members — Michael Calder, Catherine Govan, Ann Edwards, Melissa Conway, Tania Eichler and Claye Middleton.

We would love to help you make this upcoming season of proclamation between Easter and Pentecost a national time of renewal and hope for Christians and those we live and work alongside.

Editor’s note: For more Hope25 please visit the Hope25 website for resources and ideas and a step-by-step guide for parishes.

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