A once-avowed atheist now Youth Ministry Leader
New Caboolture parish Youth Ministry Leader to oversee the facilitation and growth of youth and young adult ministry

St Laurence’s Caboolture has appointed Brett Scotland as their new parish Youth Ministry Leader to oversee the facilitation and growth of youth and young adult ministry.
Brett said that he was an avowed atheist until just over five years ago when he felt a call from the Divine that was “too real to deny”.
“Having a faith in Jesus has truly transformed and changed me,” Brett said.
“I only wish someone could’ve ministered to me as a teen, so I try to think, ‘How do younger people think now?’”
He is studying a Bachelor of Theology at St Francis College, the Anglican educational and ministry centre based at Milton, and is loving the learning experience that St Francis provides.
Brett is married with five children under seventeen and likes to contextualise the Gospel message using pop culture, film and music, comics and various other means.
Under the leadership of The Rev’d Avriel Green, St Laurence’s Parish plans to invest in youth and young adult Bible study programs and purposeful intergenerational services with a ‘youth flavour’.
So far, a fortnightly Bible study/life group is proving successful, as is a monthly service embracing newer worship music with ‘a Spirit-filled liturgical feel’.
The parish has nicknamed their youth program ‘St Life’, as they hope to disciple and mentor youth from both church and non-church backgrounds.
St Life Assistant Leader and Parish Council member Cevrine Coralie, 18, said that the youth program has inspired and nurtured her faith walk in practical ways.
“St Life has immensely impacted my journey with God and my involvement allows me to listen to what God has to say and put it into action,” Cevrine said.
“I have people in the church who are willing to help me discover my faith and support me to achieve my goals because they simply care.”
Brett said that he loves Caboolture and looks forward to connecting with and serving the Caboolture people as a Youth Ministry Leader.
“It’s a beautiful place with a rapidly growing population, but there is a lack of hope and purpose among many here, with drug and alcohol addiction, poverty and loneliness being some of the issues widespread in this city,” he said.
“People joke about Caboolture and its reputation, but Jesus was from Galilee, which was a lower socio-economic status area of its day.”
Brett and the St Life team can be reached at stlifeyouth@outlook.com.au or via Facebook @stlifeyouthcaboolture