Anglicare Australia reaffirms its support of the Royal Commission into Aged Care
Anglicare Australia has reaffirmed its support of the Royal Commission into Aged Care this week following the release of the Terms of Reference

Anglicare Australia reaffirmed its support for the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety this week following the release of the Terms of Reference and the announcement of the Commissioners who will lead the Inquiry.
Anglicare Australia Executive Director Kasy Chambers said that the Royal Commission will enable community members to help influence how older people are cared for and protected.
“The quality of the care we provide is a reflection of how we value older people. This Royal Commission is an opportunity for the community to shape that care,” Ms Chambers said.
“Everybody has the right to dignity and quality of life as they get older. We must protect the wellbeing of older people across Australia, whether they live at home or in residential care.
The Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission follows more than 5000 submissions from a range of stakeholders, including aged care residents, family members of residents, carers and sector workers and health professionals.
Ms Chambers said that Anglicare will continue to work with the Royal Commission and older people and their families to call for a more transparent system, as well as advocate more broadly for the rights of older Australians.
“Anglicare Australia will work with the Royal Commission to ensure the wellbeing of people is placed well ahead of the wellbeing of agencies,” she said.
“We will be following the Royal Commission closely to ensure that older people and their families are heard – and that their voices shape improvements to the system.
“And we will continue to call for a transparent complaints system, with a partnership approach to working with older people and their families.
“But if we want to be a community that truly values older people we need to look at promoting wellbeing, instead of just preventing mistreatment. That means stamping out loneliness, caring for those who remain in their own homes, and ensuring that people in residential aged care can truly enjoy the benefits of home and community.
“It is clear that the community expects quality aged care. This Royal Commission is our opportunity to answer that call.”
The Royal Commission’s interim report is to be provided by 31 October 2019, and its final report no later than 30 April 2020.