Sunday Devotion: 27 September 2020, Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday Devotions
The timelessness of the Exodus experience

Written by clergy and lay people across our Diocesan community, ‘Sunday Devotions’ is a column of short reflections based on a Lectionary reading of the day, suitable for small group discussion or personal use.
Main Readings: Exodus 17.1-7; Psalm 78.1-4, 11-16; Philippians 2 or 2.1-13; Mathew 21.23-32 [Ezekiel 18.1-4, 25-32; Psalm 25.1-9]
Supplementary Readings: Psalm 96; Matthew 19.23-30; Exodus 18.5-24; Psalm 25.1-9; Romans 15.14-22 (23-29) 30-33
“I will be standing there in front of you…Strike the rock, and water will come out of it, so that the people may drink” (Exodus 17.6)
In June my husband Randal and I travelled to Darwin to support our daughter and son-in-law when their first child was born two months prematurely. We arrived knowing we would be required to isolate in a hotel for two weeks. Leaving the familiar behind in a time of uncertainty, we asked ourselves, ‘What do we bring with us?’, ‘What do we leave behind?’, ‘What is important?’ It was a brief time of wilderness for us all.
The Tribes of Israel looked to Moses for leadership and to God for provision during their uncertainties. When my grandchild was born prematurely, we also had to look to the leadership and support of the medical teams, and when overwhelmed with questions and doubts we needed to exercise restraint, instead trusting in their care.
The living waters that sustained us from the wonderful faith community at Christ Church Anglican Cathedral in Darwin, as well as from our home parish of St Matthew’s, Holland Park were an upwelling of prayer and support – as welcome as water in a desert oasis.
The time of wandering for the Tribes of Israel brought their fears and physical needs to the fore. Because of Moses’ obedience to God’s direction, their needs were met. So, may we look to God to meet our needs and quell our fears in this time of great uncertainty.