Aged care redevelopment a boost for Bundaberg
A major redevelopment in Bundaberg will deliver a much-needed boost to the local aged care sector, adding 36 new rooms and more employment opportunities for nursing and care staff

A major redevelopment in Bundaberg will deliver a much-needed boost to the local aged care sector, adding 36 new rooms and more employment opportunities for nursing and care staff.
Anglicare Southern Queensland has announced it will expand its Meilene Residential Aged Care home at Kalkie from 52 to 88 rooms, with construction starting this month.
Anglicare’s Group Manager for Residential Aged Care and Retirement Villages, Nick Hansen, said the redevelopment would mean more people would be able to access high-quality aged care within their local community.
“We know how important it is for people to access residential aged care in their own community, close to their family and friends, and the places that are special to them. We believe every older Australian should have that option,” Mr Hansen said.
“Anglicare is committed to supporting Bundaberg people and investing in Bundaberg. The expansion of Meilene will provide more aged care options for the community.
“The project includes landscaping, a new larger kitchen and air conditioning for every room.
“It will also provide a boost to local employment once the new rooms are operational with additional nursing, personal care and support staff to be recruited.”
Mr Hansen said the team at Meilene was working very closely with the home’s residents and their families to minimise the impact of the works.

Meilene Residential Aged Care Home at Kalkie is expanding from 52 to 88 rooms, with construction commencing in June 2021
“Our contractor, Hutchinson Builders has significant experience in the construction of aged care homes, retirement villages and hospitals and they will be tailoring their works schedule to ensure the impact on residents, visitors and staff are minimised,” Mr Hansen said.
Hutchinson Builders’ Team Leader, Cy Milburn, said the project will secure around 130 jobs throughout construction over the next several months, with opportunities for local subcontractors and suppliers to be involved.
“As Queensland’s largest builder, Hutchies is committed to generating economic and social outcomes in the communities we work in – and we will bring this to the expansion of Meilene for Bundaberg,” Mr Milburn said.