New era for the Society of the Sacred Advent
A new way of life began for the Society of the Sacred Advent recently as The Rev’d Sr Gillian Moses SSA and The Rev’d Sr Jan Crombie SSA made their Profession of Vows for SSA Vowed Membership

A new way of life began for the Society of the Sacred Advent (SSA) recently as we made our Profession of Vows for SSA Vowed Membership.
This profession was the culmination of a journey that began in 2019 when the SSA Sisters initiated dialogue around ways of revisioning the Society. With the blessing of Mother Eunice, Sister Gillian and Sister Sandra, a transitional Chapter considered how we might ensure the continuation of the SSA in the 21st Century.

“A new way of life began for the Society of the Sacred Advent (SSA) recently as we made our Profession of Vows for SSA Vowed Membership,” (The Rev’d Sr Jan Crombie SSA and The Rev’d Sr Gillian Moses SSA, pictured outside St John’s Cathedral on 2 December 2023)
A significant part of the revisioning was creating new ways of “membership” of the SSA, including Vowed Members (women only) and Companions (men and women). Professed membership is available to women (including those who are married) and who are living and working independently, that is not “in community”. Sadly, Mother Eunice died in 2021 without seeing the vision realised. However, the remaining two Sisters joined with the traditional words of reception and support in a beautiful service on 5 December in the Sisters’ Chapel in Albion for our profession as the first two Vowed Members. The service was presided over by the SSA Visitor, The Right Rev’d Dr Murray Harvey. We professed our life vows to live to God in “Simplicity of Life”, “Fidelity to Vowed Relationships” and “Obedience to Christ’s Call to Serve the World”.
With a new Constitution and governing Chapter, the SSA will continue to bring spiritual refreshment where needed. Involvement with the two SSA schools, St Margaret’s and St Aidan’s, is vital. The support of the leadership of the two schools in this time of revisioning has been wonderful. The courage and leadership of Sister Gillian, in particular, has been our guiding light.

The Rev’d Sr Gillian Moses SSA and The Rev’d Sr Jan Crombie SSA made their Profession of Vows for SSA Vowed Membership on Tuesday 5 December 2023 in the Sisters’ Chapel in Albion. Pictured (L-R) is The Rev’d Sr Jan SSA, Sr Sandra SSA, Sr Gillian SSA and The Rev’d Sr Gillian SSA
A monthly Sunday 4pm Eucharist is held in the Sisters’ Chapel on the first Sunday of the month, resuming in February 2024. All are welcome to this quiet and meaningful time. Quiet Days and a retreat will be offered next year, as well as hospitality events.
Editor’s note: For enquiries, please contact the SSA Leadership team, Sister Gillian SSA, The Rev’d Sr Gillian Moses SSA, The Rev’d Sr Jan Crombie SSA via the SSA email For more information, please visit the SSA website.