Being slavery free: tips and resources for Easter Day and World Fair Trade Day
Justice & Advocacy
Peter Branjerdporn from our Justice Unit and The Rev’d John Martin and Corinne Nash from the Fair Trade Australia Faith Groups Programme share tips and resources ahead of Easter Day and World Fair Trade Day

Peter Branjerdporn — Justice Unit coordinator, Anglican Church Southern Queensland
The task of combatting modern slavery should be taken seriously, and it is achievable, as the Cathedral Dean, The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt, reminds us in this video. By focussing on one practical area at a time and building from there, parishes, schools and agencies can make better choices about the products and services they use to make an immediate difference.
And, Easter is the perfect time to start getting involved — by buying ethically sourced and produced chocolate eggs, especially those that are certified fair trade. As we celebrate the hope of Christ’s resurrection, we could pray for, and commit ourselves, to working together towards a world where all people are treated with dignity and fairness. The Fairtrade Australian and New Zealand website helpfully explains the supermarkets and other retailers that sell different kinds of fair trade products.
What if we then take the next step and carry out a modern slavery audit of other common items used in your part of our faith community to ensure we are collectively making more ethical choices? Any product that features the Fair Trade mark is guaranteed to be slavery free.
The Anglican Church Southern Queensland has adopted a modern slavery statement, committing all parts of our Church to identifying and reducing modern slavery risks across our operations and supply chains. Please keep an eye out for the introductory modern slavery workshop, which is being developed for the second half of 2024.
In the meantime, here are three things you can do to educate you and your faith community about modern slavery:
- Please familiarise yourself with Anglican Church Southern Queensland’s Modern Slavery Policy and training on the ARC. If you don’t have access to the ARC and would like a copy of the current policy, please email me at
- Check out the video resources on the Be Slavery Free website.
- Check out the Fairtrade Australian and New Zealand website.
The Rev’d John Martin — Parishioner, The Parish of Robina
When confronted with global justice issues we can often feel overwhelmed. Conflict in places like Ukraine, Sudan and Israel/Palestine and global poverty are often included in our prayers and advocacy.
Beyond prayer, effecting change often seems beyond our reach.
Fair trade is an area where we have direct control. By purchasing fair trade products, we can be assured that those who grew or manufactured what we purchased were paid a fair wage and worked in a safe and healthy location with no slave or child labour and in environmentally sustainable conditions.
This year, I am suggesting “Nine ideas for faith communities to celebrate World Fair Trade Day”. Why nine ideas? The World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO) created the 10 Principles of Fair Trade that all fair trade certified businesses must adhere to.
Principle Nine is all about advocacy — about advocating for the fair trade system as a better and more equitable way to “do trade” generally.
Thus, in recognition of the importance of principle nine, we bring you nine ways to celebrate World Fair Trade Day on Saturday 11 May 2024.
Nine ideas for faith communities to celebrate World Fair Trade Day (WFTD) 2024
- Include reminders about WFTD on Sundays 4 and 11 May in your sermons, pew sheets, social media channels and notices (perhaps using the resources of the Fair Trade Association and Fairtrade Australia and NZ) encouraging community members to make a weekly difference through their purchasing decisions, as well as in your prayers, interceding for a more equitable trade system.
- Hand out fair trade chocolates to everyone at church in celebration of WFTD (for example, Aldi do a range of Moser Roth chocolates, five to a packet at $2.99, which are individually wrapped and ideal for this purpose).
- Invite a local fair trade business to come and speak at a service or Bible study group about what fair trade is (please get in touch with me via if you would like to arrange a speaker).
- Invite a local fair trade business to hold a small stall at the conclusion of a service.
- Play a short video explaining what fair trade is or highlighting how fair trade positively impacts the lives of producer communities during a service, such as What is Fairtrade? (less than two minutes) and What is Fairtrade? (less than four minutes). (There are other short videos available, so please get in touch with me via if you need some suggestions).
- Host a fair trade coffee/tea/chocolate tasting before or after the service.
- If you are not already a Fair Trade Association recognised Fair Trade Faith Community, check out the requirements and consider whether you could show your support for the movement by becoming one.
- Share WFTO Facebook and Instagram and Fair Trade Australia New Zealand Facebook and Instagram posts about WFTD on your church’s pages. Or create your own post, tagging us.
- Talk about WFTD in your church newsletter.
Editor’s note: Thanks to Peter Branjerdporn from our Justice Unit and to The Rev’d John Martin and Corinne Nash from the Fair Trade Australia Faith Groups Programme for compiling these tips and collating these resources.