Seminar will address decolonising the Bible
The World Council of Churches, with the University of the Western Cape, will hold a joint seminar from 18-23 November, in Cape Town, South Africa

The World Council of Churches (WCC), with the University of the Western Cape, will hold a joint seminar from 18-23 November, in Cape Town, South Africa.
Titled “The word of God is living and active: Decolonising the Bible in the midst of colonial legacies and idolatrous powers,” the seminar will consider how the Bible is situated as a colonising and decolonising power.
Participants will address the ways the Bible commissions readers into certain postures, practices, and attitudes. They will also explore particular functions of Bible in relation to the key issues and powers of our time—powers present at micro and macro levels as the systemic logic of empire continues to indwell so much of human community and practice.
The seminar will explore how neocolonial power of racist white-dominated ideologies, economies, attitudes, and systems continues to enslave and ensnare the nations who were promised freedom when Independence came.
Additionally, the seminar will seek to read texts in the midst of such power in ways that alert the ecumenical, academic, and activist communities to the renewing, repairing, repenting, and re-storying opportunities offered us by the multi-versal worlds breaking out of biblical text.
Outcomes of the seminar will help the WCC develop strategies and resources for furthering the decolonial and reparative agenda of the ecumenical movement, especially in relation to mission, evangelism, anti-racism, and anti-discrimination work. It will also enable the WCC to highlight further work for mission and unity to be liberated from colonial modes and systems.
For the University of the Western Cape, the seminar will deepen ongoing research by staff on decolonial imagination and praxis; and enhance ecumenical collaboration and networking on biblical, missiological, and theological hermeneutics.
Papers will either be published in a standalone publication or through the International Review of Mission.
Learn more about the WCC work on Mission and Evangelism
Commission on World Mission and Evangelism
Learn more about the WCC work on overcoming Racism, Discrimination and Xenophobia
WCC offers new anti-racist and anti-bias material for churches and communities
WCC Faith and Order Commission
First published on the World Council of Churches website on 7 November 2024.