Coalition of Peaks calls for braver and more impactful action
“A reconciled nation is where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have full control over our own destinies; where we live freely and equally, unencumbered by trauma and poor life outcomes; and where there is true recognition of our rights as First Peoples of this land; and, where our cultures and languages are honoured, protected and flourish,” says the Coalition of Peaks, a representative body of over 50 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled peak organisations

Reconciliation requires action from all Australians! This year’s National Reconciliation Week urges the Reconciliation movement towards braver and more impactful action.
A reconciled nation is where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have full control over our own destinies; where we live freely and equally, unencumbered by trauma and poor life outcomes; and where there is true recognition of our rights as First Peoples of this land; and, where our cultures and languages are honoured, protected and flourish.
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The historic Partnership and National Agreements on Closing the Gap provide a framework for all governments, policy makers, service delivery organisations and institutions, and all Australians, to take meaningful and impactful action towards Reconciliation. They are centred on what Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have been saying for decades is needed to achieve equality in life outcomes between our peoples and other Australians, whilst strengthening our right to self-determination and identity as First Nations peoples.
The National Agreement is built around four Priority Reforms that will support lasting change for our peoples.
They are:
- Building new partnerships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations and governments to share in decisions that impact on our lives.
- Strengthening the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisations to deliver services and programs to our peoples.
- Transforming government agencies, institutions and organisations to address systemic racism and make them more accountable to our peoples.
- Improving the sharing of data and information with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations so we can make more informed decisions about our future.
The foundations have been set to improve the life outcomes of our peoples. Governments, policy makers, service delivery providers and organisations and all Australians need to transform the way they engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples centred on the Priority Reforms.
This year’s National Reconciliation Week is a chance to take action and do your part to implement the National Agreement on Closing the Gap and the Priority Reforms and contribute to a more reconciled nation!
The Coalition of Peaks challenges every Australian on this Reconciliation journey to action:
- Becoming familiar and learning about both the Partnership and National Agreements.
- Supporting their implementation and promoting them in your own organisation or business.
- Encouraging your community to become involved.
- Talking to governments on how to apply the commitments under the Agreements to communities and organisations across the country.
- Making sure our precious Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled media sector is involved in all communications about the Agreements.
Editor’s note: The theme for this year’s National Reconciliation Week is ‘More than a word. Reconciliation takes action’. ACSQ Reconciliation Action Plan Coordinator Sandra King OAM is coordinating some exciting NRW events – find out more by visiting the anglican focus Events page. You can download a suite of NRW resources on the National Reconciliation Week resources webpage. Reconciliation Australia asks that local NRW events be registered via the NRW website.