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The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Our next Archbishop: whom are we seeking?


“A briefing and invitation paper is currently being circulated by the Anglican Church Southern Queensland’s Archbishop Election Committee, explaining the role of the Archbishop and articulating the qualities, skills and experience sought in a candidate. The paper provides helpful information to those who would like to nominate possible candidates,” says Bishop Cam Venables as Bishop Administrator, on behalf of the Archbishop Election Committee

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A briefing and invitation paper is currently being circulated by the Anglican Church Southern Queensland’s Archbishop Election Committee, explaining the role of the Archbishop and articulating the qualities, skills and experience sought in a candidate.

The paper provides helpful information to those who would like to nominate possible candidates.

If there is someone that you think God may be calling to this role, and you would like the Committee to consider them as a potential candidate, please carefully read this briefing and invitation paper and then email their name, their current role and your thoughts about why this person is a fitting candidate in approximately 250 words by 5pm Friday 24 March 2023 to

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