Typeface and highlighting canon
A Canon to regulate the proper use of appropriate fonts and highlighting for the public display of motions and amendments to motions during sitting days of the Synod of the Diocese of Brisbane

A Canon to regulate the proper use of appropriate fonts and highlighting for the public display of motions and amendments to motions during sitting days of the Synod of the Diocese of Brisbane.
Short Title
1.This Canon may be cited as the “Typeface and highlighting canon”.
2. In this Canon or in any Regulation or Rule made pursuant to the provisions of this Canon, unless the context or subject matter otherwise requires or indicates:
- “Font” means the typeface used in the display of text on a screen or other means of display in the course of a sitting of the Synod. It is not to be confused with “Font”, which is the article of church furniture used for baptism.
- “Prohibited font” means any font deemed to be inappropriate for display or use in serious documents, including but not limited to Comic Sans, Bradley Hand, Chiller and Harrington.
- “Highlighter” or “Highlighting” refers to the use of certain colours to draw attention to particular parts of the text. Not to be confused with an “Aspinall” (see definition below).
- “Prohibited colour” means any colour deemed inappropriate by the President of Synod, notwithstanding the President’s own colour preferences or prejudices due to colour vision deficiency or aesthetic eccentricities.
- “Amendment” means any text added to or removed from a motion, including by a pedant, filibuster or someone hoping to turn a motion into something they find more agreeable but will still vote against.
- “Aspinall” refers to a member of Synod occasionally more concerned about correct spelling, grammar or punctuation than the content of a motion or amendment. In common usage, “She’s doing an Aspinall by pointing out the missing comma” or “The motion got Aspinalled”.
- “Regulation” means a regulation made pursuant to the provisions of this Canon.
- “Taste” means appreciation of a generally pleasing aesthetic or the valuing of something for its beauty as well as its functionality. When referring to “fonts” it includes those fonts that are pleasing to the eye even if they are completely illegible.
- “Arbiter of impeccable taste” refers to a person deemed to have such good taste and such a sense of aesthetic that their opinion may be used to overrule decisions by the Committee following an appeals process. See SCHEDULE 1 for a list of such persons.
The Archbishop
- The Archbishop shall by virtue of their office and in addition to and without prejudice to all their episcopal rights or their lack of taste or colour vision deficiency or aesthetic eccentricity have ultimate control and authority over the display or other presentation of any motion, amended or otherwise, and any portions thereof that may be highlighted.
Saving of Certain Rights
- Nothing contained in this Canon shall be construed so as to affect any rights of members of Synod to use whatsoever font or highlighting for private use no matter how inappropriate or offensive to the eye the font or highlighting might be deemed by people of good taste.
Regulations May be Made
- The Archbishop-in-Council may from time to time make, amend or repeal Regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this Canon, providing for all or any of the purposes whether general or to meet particular cases, which may be convenient for the administration of this Canon or which may be necessary or expedient to carry out the objects and purposes of this Canon especially if Microsoft changes the fonts available in Office 365.
Committee to be Elected
- (1) At the first ordinary session of each term of the Synod there shall be elected a committee to be known as the “Typeface and Colour Selection Committee” and hereinafter called “the Committee” to decide which fonts and colours might be appropriate for use in any session of the Synod.
(2) The Committee shall consist of twelve people of good taste representing each Region of the Diocese with equal representation of clergy and lay people.
Submissions to be Received
- Prior to the first meeting of the Committee after the first ordinary session of each term of the Synod the General Manager shall call for submissions from across all parishes and agencies of the Diocese regarding which font and which highlighting colour might be deemed appropriate for use during the coming year.
Right of Appeal
- Should the Committee fail the good taste test and be swayed by passing fads and fashions and choose a font with a name like “Game of Thrones” or another font that might be contrary or offensive to the doctrine and good order of the Church an appeal might be made to the arbiter of good taste, hereafter referred to as “the arbiter”. The opinion and decision of the arbiter are final and no correspondence shall be entered into in any font.
Arbiters of impeccable taste:
- Anna Wintour or any current or former editor of Vogue.
- Anyone who lives in or has ever visited Paris.
- Any current or former Bishop for the Northern Region.
Archbishop Phillip Aspinall’s note 08/08/2023: I proofread the final draft of this canon and suggest that it be “Aspinalled” as follows:
In my humble opinion, the definition of “Amendment” in clause 2.5. needs some attention. I would recommend as follows.
“Amendment” means any text added to or removed [replace “removed” with “deleted”] from a [insert “substantive”] motion [insert “by resolution of the Synod”], [insert “and any text proposed by motion to be added or deleted from a substantive motion”], including by a pedant, filibuster or someone hoping to turn a motion into something they find more agreeable but will still vote against.
Has the meaning of “text” in this definition been considered? Would it be wise to make that definition explicit? Does it include punctuation marks, special characters, foreign language characters and/or emojis? Heaven forbid the latter but best to clear this up from the outset as there could be situations down the track that could become concerning. Who knows what may be attempted in this era of rapidly declining taste and standards?