anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


A girl in the Dereig Camp for families internally displaced by Darfur's conflict (Photo: Paul Jeffrey/Life on Earth)

Webinar will portray plight of Sudanese people caught in conflict

To raise awareness across the world for the plight of the Sudanese people due to a 12-month armed conflict, the World Council of Churches is organising a webinar for tomorrow Friday 17 May (11pm Brisbane time) to report on the learnings during the recent visit to Sudan.


Ecumenical solidarity: standing with Sudan in times of crisis

Since April 2023, Sudan has faced a harrowing humanitarian emergency due to clashes between the Sudan Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). The consequences have been dire: millions displaced, basic necessities scarce, healthcare inaccessible, and education disrupted. Over 7.4 million people are displaced, making it the largest internal displacement crisis globally


WCC condemns killing of aid workers in Gaza

World Council of Churches general secretary The Rev’d Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay condemned the killing of aid workers in Gaza, and extended condolences to the families and friends who are in shock and mourning upon hearing the news that an Israeli airstrike killed seven people working for World Central Kitchen


Easter Day

Gardens do not fight nature: they harness it. So, too, it is with God and us. Where we could go wild and choke all other growth, he checks us. Where we would shrivel and give up for lack of light and space, he gently promotes our ability to grow,” says The Rev’d Dr Cally Hammond