anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

General Secretary, Queensland Churches Together

The Rev'd David Baker

About The Rev'd David -

The Rev’d David Baker is the General Secretary of Queensland Churches Together and a Minister in the Uniting Church in Australia. He has a Diploma in Business Management (Lawes), a Bachelor of Theology (QCT) and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

The Rev'd David writes on -

Articles by The Rev'd David

Features Features

Seeking shalom together

“While waiting for the event to begin, a couple of women near us opened conversation. One asked, “Are you guys Christians?” I replied, cheekily, pointing to my friend, “He is and I’m not!” So began a discussion with them as to why I wasn’t and why I should be. I parried well, having been familiar with this approach, but was stumped at the woman’s last riposte,” says The Rev’d David Baker, General Secretary of Queensland Churches Together