“Surely, we, like John, can inhabit the challenges and tensions in our world with courage, looking outward, unconfined by the structure and the scaffolding. We can and should confound expectations: in justice, in generosity and in compassion. A new kind of future is ahead,” said The Ven. Lizzie Gaitskell in her Synod 2023 sermon
“The parish office in Warwick got a call leading up to Synod about the need for a funeral to be taken at All Saints’ Anglican Church in Texas. The grieving family could only gather on the Friday of Synod. This made it difficult for our four full-time ‘local’ clergy, as they were heading east for Synod, and Texas is a 300 kilometre round-trip west from Warwick,” says The Ven. Lizzie Gaitskell
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