“Saturday was International Women’s Day. It is the day on which we acknowledge that the vision my 13-year-old self of 50 years ago thought would be achieved in a few short years is still years away from being achieved. In fact, the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report suggests that at the current rate of progress gender economic equality is still 134 years away,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt
“Monday’s event at Cherbourg had originally been organised as part of the Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry commissioned by the previous Queensland Government and cancelled by the current one. Given that the Inquiry had lined up 20 elders to tell their stories, the Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council decided to host the event so that those who had gone through the emotional process of preparing for the hearing could be honoured,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt
“We first acknowledge the resilience and wisdom of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, particularly their willingness to engage so collaboratively and constructively in treaty and truth-telling processes…Treaty and truth-telling are essential elements to ensuring healing and reconciliation and to effectively addressing the socio-economic targets in the National Agreement on Closing the Gap,” say Archbishop Jeremy, Aunty Dr Rose, The Rev’d Canon Bruce, Bishop Cam, Bishop John, Bishop Sarah, Bishop Daniel and the Cathedral Dean
“Finding ways to do meaning-making is an incredibly important and life-enhancing activity in our society which has a tendency to see things through a utilitarian lens. That is, we look at things in terms of their usefulness to we humans, rather than seeking to appreciate their deeper intrinsic value…,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt
“Many of the conflicts that arise in daily life are the result of one person thinking that they are saying/writing one thing and the listener/reader receiving something entirely different,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt from Resource Church St John’s Cathedral
“Above all my sense of being ‘at home’ in particular places reminds me of the importance of honouring the world in which we live and of the importance of caring for Country. Our connection to Country means that an injury we cause to Country will see us injuring ourselves,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt
“Yet, whilst the young woman’s friend will not be remembered at a funeral, other than through the short funeral-like service we created during our simple ceremony of lighting a candle and saying a prayer, the fact that she was able to share his story with me, and the value she placed on his friendship and love, serves as a reminder that those who the mainstream might label as hopeless are valuable contributors to the lives of those who truly know them,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt
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