anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


Reflections Man wearing purple shirt lecturing in front of a whiteboard Reflections

Two cheers for techno-optimism, but beware the dangers of techno-enthusiasm

“As well as naïve, the techno-enthusiasm I have described is inadequate because it rests on an incomplete view about the nature of humanity and our place in creation. The implicit ‘naturalist’ worldview of the techno-enthusiast is one that leaves out a transcendental framework, which undergirds our concepts of the common good and human responsibility,” says Provincial Clergy Conference speaker, The Rev’d Dr Chris Mulherin

“I recommend this book to my fellow Anglicans, whether you have an understanding of science or not…This book highlights a time of cutting edge of scientific discovery, a discovery steeped deeply in God’s loving and consistent presence,” (Lauren Martin)
Books & Guides

I want to fix ears

“Key themes of Clark’s story are his determination, persistence, underlying faith and love of family. His desire as a young boy to ‘fix ears’ was driven by observing his father and the challenges he faced, particularly working as a pharmacist,” says The Rev’d Lauren Martin