Light another candle to remember (forgotten) Sudan this Advent
“The situation in Sudan has worsened considerably this month and yet Sudan remains largely forgotten,” says The Rev’d Rebecca
“The situation in Sudan has worsened considerably this month and yet Sudan remains largely forgotten,” says The Rev’d Rebecca
The value of human life is priceless, and decisions about life or death cannot be delegated to machines, stated a faith-based dialogue on lethal autonomous weapons at the United Nations in Geneva on 27 August
To raise awareness across the world for the plight of the Sudanese people due to a 12-month armed conflict, the World Council of Churches is organising a webinar for tomorrow Friday 17 May (11pm Brisbane time) to report on the learnings during the recent visit to Sudan.
“For the past six months I’ve had a very heavy sadness upon me as I watched the conflict in Gaza unfold…I think the cracks are beginning to appear in the edifice. And it’s because the population of the world can see what’s happening and is beginning to name it for what it is — it is genocide. That word is now being used freely…The cracks are beginning to appear here and it’s all because politicians actually do not lead…They’re followers, and our job is to point the direction to them…There is hope on Palm Sunday because people actually care…People come out and they stand up and policy does get changed…The cause is just,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt
“I remember my first Palm Sunday. It was in 1987. I was fleeing to Ethiopia from South Sudan, along with thousands of other young boys and girls, to avoid being conscripted as a child soldier. Even though I was only 11 years old at the time, I knew it was Palm Sunday. Because we were fleeing on foot through the bush, the only way we could keep track of time was by the moon. We gathered under a shady tree in prayer to commemorate the special day,” says Bishop Daniel Abot
At Saturday’s inter-faith “Praying for Gaza” ceasefire prayer vigil, Archbishop Jeremy shared a prayer from Palestinian Archbishop Hosam Naoum, Archbishop of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East
“I ask anglican focus readers to light a candle for peace in Sudan as we enter into the last week of Advent, remembering the Sudanese people in their prayers during this holy time,” says The Rev’d Rebecca
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