anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Yaegl people

Video Video

The Rev’d Aunty Lenore Parker: NAIDOC Week 2023

“Bishop Arthur Malcolm [the first Aboriginal Bishop] took us out to Nungalinya College for praise and worship one Saturday evening; he took us out there and we had this great time, singing and dancing. The didgeridoo was playing, the clapsticks; that was when I saw the Scriptures were danced into the church being played by the didgeridoo and the clapsticks, and I saw that for the first time. I felt good, we all felt good and proud,” says The Rev’d Aunty Lenore Parker in this special “For our Elders” NAIDOC Week interview


We'd love to have more First Nations Peoples join us!

Proud Bundjalung, Yaegl and Gumbaynggirr man and Anglicare Cultural Capability Facilitator, Howie Vandyke, encourages more First Nations Peoples to join the Anglicare Southern Queensland team: “It’s a really responsible role to have and it’s quite significant, actually. If you are looking after elders, you basically have access to hundreds of years of information…it’s a very humbling position to be in”