Sunday Devotion: 20 October 2019, Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday Devotions
God is only a prayer away

Main readings: Jeremiah 31.27-34; Psalm 119.97-104; 2 Timothy 3.10-4.5; Luke 18.1-14; [Genesis 32.22-31; Psalm 121]
Supplementary readings: Psalm 69.1-18; 2 Timothy 1.15-2.7; Jeremiah 38.1-13; Psalm 121; Luke 17.20-37
“Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart.” (Luke 18.1)
Whenever I feel discouraged in my faith, I think about Jesus encouraging his community to “pray always and not to lose heart” (Luke 18.1).
This first sentence from The Parable of the Widow and the Unjust Judge has a powerful impact on me. In this story, Jesus shows that when we choose to walk closely with him through prayer, he listens to us and grants us justice.
Prayer is important even when life is unfair, we feel discouraged and praying may seem useless. Jesus always wants us to lean on his strength and mercy, finding comfort and justice in him and becoming the best versions of ourselves.
The last verse in The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector shows us clearly how we need to be humble when we pray and not “exalt” ourselves: “for all who exalt themselves will be humbled, but all who humble themselves will be exalted.” We see people exalting themselves everywhere these days– especially internet ‘celebrities’ – but Christ is the model of humility that we should follow.
Real peace and joy come from having a personal relationship with Jesus, which is made stronger through our persistent and humble prayers and trust in his mercy.
Kelly-Ann Sparks is a Year 10 student at Cannon Hill Anglican College.