Sunday devotion: 6 January 2019, The Epiphany of Our Lord
Revelation, hope and lightbulb moments
Revelation, hope and lightbulb moments
Fishing for metaphorical red herrings
They have no wine
Scripture fulfilled in Jesus
Love with flesh and bones and breath…
Christ died for our sins
The Holy Innocents are with us today
Love, bless, pray
Transfiguration and transformation
Save us from the time of trial…
A fiery warning and a humble gardener
Fake news, truth and God’s promise
The compassionate God
Love conquers embarrassment
Palm Sunday – a day to be awestruck
The last enemy
The peace of Christ
Dignity in listening
The valley of the shadow of death
Are you a Gatekeeper?
God is always with us
Praying for all who will believe
Should our life attract or scare?
Her voice from the wilderness beckons
Loss of identity
Eyes on the road
Love of power or power of love?
See how those Christians love THE other
How big is your Jesus?
Trusting God’s future or micro-managing myself?
Being rich toward God
The hour of blessing
No peace
The myth of merit
Humility and hospitality
Soccer mum
Too distracted to notice God in our midst?
The road less travelled
The Rich Man and Lazarus
Singing the song of faith
Rejoicing in being made whole
God is only a prayer away
The needle and the camel
Participating in God’s mission
God is ever present
The time is near
The crucified King of Kings
God held my hand as I hid in the bush
Being attentive to the voice of God in our wilderness
The Holy Spirit is our advocate
Welcoming all expectant mums
A family’s love spanning a century and continents
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