International prayers for the Diocese of Brisbane
“From time to time I receive greetings, promises of prayers and good wishes from fellow Anglicans around the world, both for me personally and for our Diocesan community…More recently, I received some uplifting and encouraging email messages that I would like to share with you,” says Archbishop Phillip Aspinall

From time to time I receive greetings, promises of prayers and good wishes from fellow Anglicans around the world, both for me personally and for our Diocesan community.
When the international community is made aware that we, as a nation or as a state, are suffering after a natural disaster these uplifting messages sometimes come to me in abundance. They are always filled with love, hope, comfort and inspiration.
More recently, I received some uplifting and encouraging email messages that I would like to share with you. These emails were sent in late April following our Diocese’s inclusion in the Anglican Communion’s Anglican Cycle of Prayer.
Each day of the Cycle of Prayer is dedicated to a specific Diocese, Province or Ministry District, with this information available on the ‘Pray Daily’ page of anglican focus (see the first line of each day’s list of intercessions), as well as on the Anglican Communion website.
I hope that you are as uplifted as I was when reading these heartfelt messages, and I encourage all members of our community to join in this unifying Cycle of Prayer.
From Truro Cathedral in Cornwall:
Greetings from Truro Cathedral in the UK.
During services yesterday we prayed for you and for the Diocese of Brisbane as you were included in the Anglican Cycle of Prayer which is included in our Diocesan Prayer Diary. We gave thanks for your faith and ministry and for those who live and work within your diocese as well as for the parishes, churches, clergy and those who are involved in the life of the church in any way.
In the UK we have a successful vaccination programme which is currently underway and we are slowly emerging from our latest lockdown. There is nevertheless much anxiety and concern among many people. This situation is not unique to the UK and is of concern throughout many countries of the world, some of whom are experiencing a severe surge in infections. We therefore also prayed for you and your family at this difficult and uncertain and worrying time and this email is being sent as a sign of encouragement and mutual support.
Please be assured of our continuing thoughts and prayers.
Best wishes,
Canon Precentor
From a prayer group in St Margaret’s Anglican Church, Tokyo:
Dear Bishop Phillip John Aspinall,
“You called my name
Then I ran out of that grave
Out of the darkness
Into Your glorious day.”
We are the members of online daily morning prayers initiated by a group of St Margaret’s Anglican church in Tokyo, Japan.
We are now about 40 people mainly from several Anglican parishes, and some members of Catholic and other Protestant churches.
Yesterday morning, we prayed for you and for the Diocese of Brisbane, following the the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, especially at this time of great challenges.
May God bless you and all the members of Brisbane Diocese.
Yes, we are united in prayer.
In communion,
The members of online morning prayers in Tokyo, Japan
From Deacon Glennda Hardin, Texas:
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am praying today for health and safety for all of you, the lay people, clergy and bishop of the Diocese of Brisbane. I pray also that you will be led by the Holy Spirit and follow the way of love.
Faithfully, Glennda Hardin
Temple, Texas, USA
From a member of the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, Dallas:
Dear Bishop Phillip,
Today, I am praying for you and the Diocese of Brisbane, Australia. May God continue to abundantly bless you and grant you wisdom to lead His people according to His Will. I pray that God will give relief from COVID19 and comfort and heal those who have suffered from this and other illnesses. May a COVID19 vaccine be available for all people in your diocese. I pray for healing and reconciliation among the aboriginal people and all people who call Australia their home and that the Aboriginal people are treated with equality as children of Our Father. I thank God for you and your ministry and pray that your congregations experience great as as they serve the Lord. May the Peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ always be with you in all that you do.
Your sister in Christ,
Sherrie Abney
Member of the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration Dallas, Texas USA
From Raquel Hitchman, Executive Assistant to the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Adviser on Anglican Communion Affairs:
Your Grace
Prayers will be said for you and the Diocese of Brisbane by the Lambeth Palace community for Thursday 29 April 2021.
We remember especially all those who are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic at this time.
God of compassion,
be close to those who are ill, afraid or in isolation.
In their loneliness, be their consolation;
in their anxiety, be their hope;
in their darkness, be their light;
through him who suffered alone on the cross,
but reigns with you in glory,
Jesus Christ our Lord.
This comes with our warm greetings, and our prayers for God’s blessing on your ministry.
With best wishes,
Raquel Hitchman | Executive Assistant to the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Adviser on Anglican Communion Affairs
May these prayers and the assurance of my prayers bless and encourage you.
Yours in Christ,
The Most Rev’d Dr Phillip Aspinall
Archbishop of Brisbane