anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


"I have been touched by the very elderly World War II veterans who have approached me, saying they understand war’s impacts and how sorry they are for my people. Two veterans in wheelchairs spoke with me for half an hour, expressing their sadness — I could tell that they remember what it’s like all these years later," (The Rev'd Rebecca King in December 2023)
Justice & Advocacy

Light a candle for Sudan this season

“I ask anglican focus readers to light a candle for peace in Sudan as we enter into the last week of Advent, remembering the Sudanese people in their prayers during this holy time,” says The Rev’d Rebecca King


"Please pray — they will feel that prayer”

Members of our Diocesan community recently joined in a global ecumenical prayer vigil, hosted online by the World Council of Churches, which gathered clergy and lay people in solidarity, hope and lament for the people of Sudan who continue to suffer amidst the violent conflict — resources are available for online or in-person vigils