Find out more about the innerVIVID series from Jonathan Sargeant and Fiona Hammond and explore what your sense of spirituality is
“We spent 2024 visiting Deaneries across our Diocese to ask about current faith formation needs. Universally, people said they want to be more relaxed when talking about their faith…People asked for something to help them connect positively about spiritual things with people in the wider community without a Church background,” says Fiona Hammond from FormEDFaith, as she introduces exciting new resources ahead of the Hope25 season
“The character of Phoebe in Paul’s Letter to the Romans has always intrigued me. Paul wrote to the Church in Rome, trusting Phoebe with the delivery of that letter…So, she’s a landowner, runs a thriving business and is trusted by the Christian community far and wide. That is a life I wanted to read more about,” says Fiona Hammond from St Francis College
“In my family growing up, faith was an open topic. Books about faith were read and discussed and ideas challenged and listened to. I remember setting out to read all of CS Lewis’ books for instance, as my brother had read the entire Narnia series and I wanted to go one better! This led to a few ‘over my head’ moments, but many of Lewis’ ideas stayed with me,” says Fiona Hammond from FormEDfaith, as she invites anglican focus readers to the launch of a new faith formation resource
Members of our Diocesan community reflect on the recent Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan launch in St John’s Cathedral, sharing their highlights and learnings and how these will shape their work and ministry from here on in
“Members of the earliest Christian communities had to wrestle with their understanding of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and so do we. Modern Christians encounter challenges that would blow first century minds, and it is careful use of reason that allows us to interpret scripture and tradition in ways that continue to inform, encourage and communicate the Gospel to 21st century people,” says Fiona Hammond from St Francis College
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