anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Executive Director, Finance and Diocesan Services Commission & Chief Financial Officer

Joanne Stone

About Joanne -

Joanne Stone FCPA, GAICD has a M.Mgt (Leadership) from USQ and B.Bus (Accounting) from UNE.

Joanne writes on -

Articles by Joanne

Reflections Board members Reflections

Scholarships open for current or emerging not-for-profit directors

“There are many great opportunities to serve in governance in our Diocese, including in our parishes, Commissions, committees, ministries and Diocesan Council. AICD scholarships are currently available for current or aspiring members of some of these groups,” says Joanne Stone, ACSQ Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director of the Finance and Diocesan Services Commission

"I have served on a number of governance bodies during my 35-year career. My experience has shown me that serving on a commission, board, committee or similar governance body goes well beyond benefitting the respective organisation, building the collective teamwork skills of the whole board and enhancing an individual member’s career" (Joanne Stone)

Are you board-ready?

“When a group of people – strongly diverse in both skill sets and personal backgrounds – work collaboratively together to achieve good governance, the outcomes are more robust, innovative, effective and ethically sound,” says Joanne Stone, ACSQ Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director of the Finance and Diocesan Services Commission