anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


People & History St Mary Magdalene by Piero di Cosimo People & History

Mary Magdalene: apostle to the apostles

“In celebrating her life and ministry, we give thanks for all who follow Mary Magdalene’s seminal example in contributing to the mission of the Church and in proclaiming the resurrection. In particular, we give thanks for all the women who have answered God’s call to be ministers of the Gospel,” says The Rev’d Dr Cathy Laufer, as Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day approaches on 22 July

Features Features

Mary and Martha of Bethany

“The Lucan account of Mary of Bethany listening at Jesus’ feet, rather than working to make the house ready for a guest, suggests that Jesus was, even here, subverting society’s strong norms, because it was a ‘man’s place’ to listen to and be taught by a rabbi – it was not a place for a woman,” says The Rev’d Selina McMahon